Sara Dethier is a Researcher in E3G's Brussels office where her work focuses on EU sustainable finance and clean economy policy. Sara works with the finance, industry and innovation communities in Brussels and across Europe to advocate for ambitious policy reforms towards a climate-neutral and resilient economy. Her areas of expertise include sustainable finance, the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries, and climate-related research and innovation policy.
Jørgen Abild Andersen
Jørgen Abild Andersen
Since 2010 Jørgen Abild Andersen has served as chair of OECD’s Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP). In the committee he represents the Danish Ministry of Business and Growth. From 1991 to 2012 he was Director General and national telecom regulator in Denmark. He has served as chair of the EU Commission’s Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) 2003-2004 and as chair of the EU Commission’s European Regulators Group (ERG) in 2005. In 2013 he was a member of ICANN’s Accountability and Transparency Review Team 2 (ATRT 2).
Articles by Jørgen Abild Andersen
Diego Acosta
Diego Acosta
Dr Diego Acosta is Professor of European and Migration Law at the University of Bristol. He has over 50 publications and has participated in various cases on EU migration and EU citizenship law before the Court of Justice of the European Union. He has also been invited to advise international organisations, governments, parliaments, law firms, and NGOs worldwide.
Articles by Diego Acosta
Emanuel Adam
Emanuel Adam
Emanuel Adam is Executive Director and Chief Trade and Policy Officer at BritishAmerican Business where he is part of the Executive Team. Based out of Washington, D.C., Emanuel is responsible for the development and execution of the organisation’s wider policy advocacy and trade & investment portfolio in both the U.S and the UK.
Sheikh Jamal al-Dhari
Sheikh Jamal al-Dhari
Sheikh Jamal al-Dhari is one the leaders of the al-Zoba tribe in Iraq. In 2014, Jamal helped to establish the nonprofit think tank Peace Ambassadors for Iraq, whose purpose is to explain the present situation in Iraq, to determine the best policies to fully eliminate ISIS/Daesh and other terrorist forces from Iraq, and to build international support for an all-inclusive Iraq.
Articles by Sheikh Jamal al-Dhari
Natalia Alonso
Natalia Alonso
Natalia Alonso, an agricultural engineer by training, leads Oxfam’s EU Advocacy team in Brussels and coordinates the work across Oxfam’s offices in eight European countries. Her previous posts in Brussels were at Plan International, where she was head of the EU office, and at Amnesty International's EU office as Deputy Director.
Mercedes Alonso
Mercedes Alonso
Mercedes Alonso is Executive Vice President, Renewable Polymers and Chemicals business unit at Neste Corporation.
M.Sc. (Chem). Member of the Executive Committee at Neste since joining the company in September 2019. Previously served as Marketing Director Advanced Polymer Solutions Europe in LyondellBasell
(2019), Managing Director Eng. Composites Europe 2016–2019, and Global Director Corporate Marketing in A.Schulman Inc. 2013–2016, as well as Business Excellence Leader, Advanced
Materials (2010-2013), and several commercial roles in the Specialty Chemicals and Elastomer business units at Dow Chemical (Europe) 1991–2013. Member of the Board of the European Chemical
Industry Council (Cefic) since 2020.
Articles by Mercedes Alonso
Guillaume Amigues
Guillaume Amigues
Guillaume Amigues is a Senior Manager at the World Economic Forum, where he is in charge of government cooperation. He has previously worked at the French Ministry of Higher Education and at the German parliament as an advisor on European foreign policy. He is also general secretary of the think-tank ProEuropa and a member of Sandbox.
Articles by Guillaume Amigues
László Andor
László Andor
László Andor is Secretary General of FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Brussels). He served as EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion from 2010-2014. Between 2005 and 2010, he was a member of the board of directors at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, representing Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Croatia. Beforehand he taught political science and economic policy at at Corvinus University (Budapest), and advised the Prime Minister's Office. In 2015 he joined RAND Europe's Council of Advisors as well as the Board of Trustees of Friends of Europe. He is Senior Fellow at Hertie School (Berlin) and Visiting Professor at ULB (Brussels).
Veronica Anghel
Veronica Anghel
Crin Antonescu
Crin Antonescu
Crin Antonescu was elected President of the Romanian Senate on 3rd July 2012. He is the candidate of the ruling Social Liberal Union (Liberal and Socialist parties) coalition for the 2014 Presidential elections. If elected he will be the first post-Ceausescu President never to have been a member of the Communist Party. Between July-August 2012 he served as Acting President of Romania during the suspension of President Băsescu.
Articles by Crin Antonescu
James Appleyard
James Appleyard
James Appleyard is a Senior Consultant within Verisk Maplecroft’s Consulting team. He works directly with many of the company's clients, producing political, security and commercial risk analyses for companies in the oil and gas, consumer goods, mining, ICT/telecoms, and financial services sectors operating in Europe, North America and Australasia.
Solon Ardittis
Solon Ardittis
Solon Ardittis is director of Eurasylum and a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). He is also co-editor of Migration Policy Practice, a bimonthly journal published jointly with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Kenneth Armstrong
Kenneth Armstrong
Ed Arnold
Ed Arnold
Ed Arnold is a Senior Research Fellow for European Security within the International Security department at RUSI.
His experience covers defence, intelligence, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency, within the public and private sector. His primary research focus is on the transformation of European security following Russia’s war on Ukraine. Specifically, he covers the evolving Euro-Atlantic security architecture, the security of northern Europe, and the UK contribution to European security through NATO, the Joint Expeditionary Force, and other fora. Ed has a particular interest in UK National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Reviews.
Ed joined RUSI from the private sector where he was a strategy Director within the defence and security sector. His clients included multiple government departments and multi-national and SME private companies. Prior to consultancy, Ed was an infantry Officer within the British Army. His military career was primarily spent overseas, including deployments to Afghanistan and East Africa and a posting at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe during the 2014 Ukraine crisis.
Articles by Ed Arnold
Ignacio Arroniz Verasco
Ignacio Arroniz Verasco
Ignacio works as Senior Policy Advisor on EU Climate Foreign Policy within the Climate Diplomacy and Geopolitics team. He works towards shaping how the EU and its member states effectively leverage their climate action internationally to accelerate the global climate transition. This involves working across different venues and in cooperation with a broad range of communities, devising common strategies and engaging with relevant decision-makers. His area of work spans from traditional EU climate diplomacy to new forms of partnerships and cooperation that mainstream climate goals into broader foreign policy.
Articles by Ignacio Arroniz Verasco
Sue Arundale
Sue Arundale
Born in the UK, Sue also holds Belgian citizenship and has lived in Belgium for 17 years. She has worked in EU affairs for more than 25 years, 15 of these being for international member organisations. Her interest in improving services to members inspired her to undertake a Master’s Degree in Leading Innovation and Change, for which her thesis was about adding value in member organisations. She also has a Postgraduate Certificate in EU Law. Prior to her role at BritCham, Sue worked in the field of construction, as a lobbyist for the industry. As Director of Technical and Environmental Affairs at the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) and President of the European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation (ECCREDI), she has worked with both the European Commission and the European Parliament on relevant policy developments affecting contractors.
Thomas Aubrey
Thomas Aubrey
Thomas Aubrey is the founder of Credit Capital Advisory. He has written widely on political, financial and economic issues including All Roads Lead to Serfdom: Confronting liberalism’s fatal flaw (2022), Profiting from Monetary Policy (2012) and co-authored Prediction Markets: The end of the regulatory state? (2007) with Professor Frank Vibert. He has also acted as a senior policy advisor for a number of British, European and Asian public bodies on areas including capital markets, corporate governance, housing and industrial strategy.
Fatima Ayub
Fatima Ayub
Fatima Ayub is a policy analyst in the Middle East and North Africa Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations. She is the editor of "What does the Gulf think?", a new series of publications from ECFR's MENA programme. From 2009 to 2012 Fatima was an advocate at the Open Society Foundations in London and Brussels, where her work and analysis focused on rights protection and political transformation in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Previously, she worked in Afghanistan between 2006 and 2009 for the International Center for Transitional Justice, examining the legacy of impunity in fragile states, security sector fragmentation and electoral reform. She was a researcher on international humanitarian law at Amnesty International in London in 2006, and prior to that worked for Human Rights Watch's Asia advocacy program in Washington DC from 2004-2005.
Articles by Fatima Ayub
Ziv Baida
Ziv Baida
Dr. Ziv Baida is a data & technology enthusiast, a challenger of status quo in the business environment and a strong believer in the power of diverse teams, in location-independent work, and in embracing a changing business environment. His focus is Government and the Global Trade ecosystem, currently in his role at Dun & Bradstreet in the BeNeLux region, and previously within IBM, working globally. He runs a blog called Insights Unboxed about a broad variety of aspects of doing business in the data, technology and digital space, and he is the author of numerous publications in journals, books and conferences.
Articles by Ziv Baida
David Bailey
David Bailey
David Bailey is Professor of Business Economics at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK and an ESRC ‘UK in a Changing Europe Senior Fellow’. He has written extensively on industrial and regional policy, especially in relation to manufacturing and the auto industry. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Regional Studies and Chair of the RSA Europe Think-Tank and policy forum. His latest co-edited book ‘Industry 4.0 & Regional Transformations’ (with Lisa De Propris) has just been published in the RSA book series, and ‘Carmageddon? Brexit & Beyond for UK Auto’ was published earlier this year by Bite-Sized Books. David is a regular media commenter and newspaper columnist. Tweet him @dgbailey
Tim Bale
Tim Bale
Tim is Professor of Politics at Queen Mary University of London, where his research focuses on political parties in Britain and in Europe. He writes for various UK and overseas newspapers, as well as popping up on TV and radio to talk about politics and current affairs. You can follow him on twitter @ProfTimBale.
Rosa Balfour
Rosa Balfour
Rosa Balfour is director of Carnegie Europe. Her fields of expertise include European politics, institutions, and foreign and security policy. Her current research focuses on the relationship between domestic politics and Europe’s global role.
She has researched and published widely for academia, think tanks, and the international press on issues relating to European politics and international relations, especially on the Mediterranean region, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, EU enlargement, international support for civil society, and human rights and democracy. She is also a member of the steering committee of Women in International Security Brussels (WIIS-Brussels) and an associate fellow at LSE IDEAS. In 2018 and 2019, she was awarded a fellowship on the Europe’s Futures programme at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. Since 2021, she is also an honorary patron of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES). Prior to joining Carnegie Europe, Rosa Balfour was a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. She was also director of the Europe in the World programme at the European Policy Centre in Brussels and has worked as a researcher in Rome and London.
Matthias Bauer
Matthias Bauer
Matthias Bauer is Senior Economist at the European Center for International Political Economy (ECIPE). Prior to his tenure at ECIPE, he worked at Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Bundesbank Programme on the Foundations of Global Financial Markets. He began his career as a business development consultant and worked for UBS, DekaBank and Mercedes-Benz China. He writes about international economics and consults cooperative farming projects in Ghana.
Articles by Matthias Bauer
- ► A forward-thinking approach to open strategic autonomy / February 2024
- ► The impacts of EU Strategic Autonomy: How Member States should respond / January 2023
- ► The EU Digital Markets Act: Poor quality regulation? / February 2022
- ► Call on European Parliament: Stop freight cabotage restrictions and save the single market / April 2020
- ► The EU’s new digital and data strategy: condemned to fail / March 2020
- ► The challenge of IP theft in WTO law: time to restore faith in the multilateral trading system / December 2018
- ► Online platforms and the future of European integration: why they deliver on what EU governments fail to achieve / December 2018
- ► Digital taxes or fair taxation: what do policymakers really want? / March 2018
- ► Time to challenge (German-based) anti-TTIP propaganda organisations / September 2016
- ► Digital agenda remedies do not cure the EU’s single market disease / April 2016
- ► EU-US Safe Harbour and forced data localisation: lessons from Russia / October 2015
- ► How anti-TTIP groups dominate German online media / February 2015
- ► Will TTIP fall victim to (social) online media campaigns? / December 2014
Dimitar Bechev
Dimitar Bechev
Dimitar Bechev is the head of ECFR's Sofia office and a senior policy fellow in ECFR's Wider Europe programme. His special interests are the Western Balkans and the rise of Turkey. Before joining ECFR he completed his doctorate at Oxford University and then worked at a university in Japan.
Articles by Dimitar Bechev
Anna Isabel Becker
Anna Isabel Becker
Anna Isabel Becker is a public affairs consultant at Bernstein Group office in Brussels. In her free time, she engages as a steering committee member at the Brussels based NGO “The Brussels Binder” that aims to increase gender balance in policy debates via an online go-to-resource and platform. Anna Isabel tweets at @annadesperada.
Articles by Anna Isabel Becker
Iain Begg
Iain Begg
Iain Begg is Professor at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science. His main research work is on the political economy of European economic integration, and his recent and current research includes a series of analytic studies for the European Parliament’s Budg Committee on the EU’s finances.
Jacopo Bellasio
Jacopo Bellasio
Jacopo Bellasio is an analyst at RAND Europe where he focuses on defence and security issues. He currently manages a three-year pan-European counter-radicalisation research effort for the European Commission and a cyber security capacity development project for the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Articles by Jacopo Bellasio
Michele Bellini
Michele Bellini
Michele Bellini is Executive Officer at Sciences Po's Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) and Director of the Budapest European Agora. Michele graduated with summa cum laude from the Master in International Public Management at Sciences Po Paris, focussing on European studies and diplomacy. He holds two undergraduate degrees in international business: in Italy from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and in the USA from Northeastern University of Boston.
Articles by Michele Bellini
Ghazi Ben Ahmed
Ghazi Ben Ahmed
Ghazi Ben Ahmed is the Founder of the Mediterranean Development Initiative (MDI), a Tunisia based independent Think Tank born in 2013. He is now running the Brussels Office of MDI. Its mission is to undertake policy-oriented research and to produce analyses and proposals targeting regional decision-makers and a wider audience, and to contribute to the debate on the Euro/Med/Africa and other regional challenges. Ghazi Ben Ahmed is advising the EU and the Tunisian government on trade issues in the context of the ongoing negotiations between the EU and Tunisia for a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. He also set up the first Office of the US German Marshall Fund in Tunisia, and led the US Initiative “MENA Partnership for Democracy and Development”. He is also the founder and was the Secretary General of the Club de Tunis, a Tunisian based foundation aiming to help policymakers and deputies of the Tunisian National Constitutive Assembly learn from Eastern and Central European countries experience and bridge their political divide. He was also the national coordinator for the US led Initiative LEND – Leaders Engaged in New Democracies.
Previously he was the Lead Trade Expert in the African Development Bank (AfDB) in charge of the Bank response to the financial crisis in coordination with the G20, the WTO and the World Bank. He set up and managed the $1 billion Trade Finance Initiative of the Bank. Before joining the AfDB, he was employed at the UNCTAD, the United Nation agency for trade and development, in the Africa and LDC Division, as Senior Advisor, providing support to African trade negotiators in multilateral trade negotiations and regional trading arrangements. He provided economic studies and reports; elaborated (or evaluated) the Diagnostic Trade Integration Studies and assisted the countries in mainstreaming trade into the national development plans under the Integrated Framework.
He has also worked for several years in the European Commission in Brussels, in several Directorates-Generals: Trade, EuropeAid and External Relations, responsible for trade issues, EU trade and development policy, textile negotiations, macroeconomic analysis, structural adjustment and institutional building in the Mediterranean countries. He was also responsible for the task force on market access and non tariff barriers and the High Level Dialogue between the EU and China.
Chiara Benassi
Chiara Benassi
Chiara Benassi is Senior Lecturer in HRM at King’s Business School. Chiara’s research is in the areas of comparative employment relations and comparative political economy. Her work has been published in international academic journals such as the British Journal of Industrial Relations, Socio-Economic Review and Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Her research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Hans Boeckler Foundation, and she currently is Co-PI of the Leverhulme Trust research project “The political economy of growth models in the age of global stagnation”.
Articles by Chiara Benassi
Roberta Benedetti del Rio
Roberta Benedetti del Rio
Roberta Benedetti del Rio is a co-founder of Finance Matters, a London-based organization that helps finance professionals create greater positive impact with their financial skills and capital, supporting the finance industry as a driver of social change. Roberta works as an associate at Generation Investment Management, in the Global Credit Fund.
Articles by Roberta Benedetti del Rio
Jake Benford
Jake Benford
Jake Benford is a member of Bertelsmann Stiftung's Europe Programme, focusing on EU foreign and security policy, EU-UK relations and UK politics. Before joining Bertelsmann Stiftung in 2010, Jake Benford lived and worked in the UK where he gained professional experience with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Chatham House and the UK Civil Service (Education). He holds degrees in European Social and Political Studies as well as in International Relations from University College London (UCL), Sciences Po Paris and the University of Cambridge.
Articles by Jake Benford
Richard Bentall
Richard Bentall
Richard Bentall is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sheffield and has previously held chairs at Liverpool University, Manchester University and Bangor University. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the British Academy.
He graduated with a BSc and then a PhD in experimental psychology at the University College of North Wales (now Bangor University) and then completed his clinical training at Liverpool University. He also holds an MA in philosophy applied to health care awarded by University College Swansea (now Swansea University). His research interests have mainly focused on psychosis.
He has studied the cognitive and emotional mechanisms involved in psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoid delusions and manic states, using methods ranging from psychological experiments, and experience sampling to functional magnetic resonance imaging. These studies have also examined why social risk factors (for example childhood adversities such as poverty, abuse, and bullying) provoke the cognitive and emotional changes that lead to these symptoms. In collaboration with colleagues at Manchester and elsewhere he has also conducted large scale randomized controlled trials of psychological interventions for people diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and prodromal psychosis. During 2020-22, he led a project measuring the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK population.
He has published approximately 350 peer-review papers and a number of books, including Madness explained: Psychosis and human nature (Penguin, 2003) and Doctoring the mind: Why psychiatric treatments fail (Penguin, 2009). He is currently working on a book on extreme beliefs, including delusions, provisionally titled Delusions, democracy and the madness of crowds.
Articles by Richard Bentall
Meghan Benton
Meghan Benton
Meghan Benton is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, DC; and a Nonresident Fellow with MPI Europe. Her research focuses on free movement and immigrant integration (focusing on social innovation and communities). She was previously a Senior Researcher at Nesta, the United Kingdom’s innovation body, where she led projects on digital government and the future of local public services. She holds a PhD in political science (specialising in citizenship policy) from University College London.
Articles by Meghan Benton
Sophia Besch
Sophia Besch
Sophia Besch is a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform Berlin office. She works on European defence issues, with a focus on EU Common Defence and Security Policy, European defence industry co-operation, NATO and German defence policy.
Articles by Sophia Besch
- ► On defence, the ball is in Europe’s court / October 2021
- ► Strategic autonomy and the next four years of EU-US relations / December 2020
- ► Developing a home-grown European defence equipment market / December 2019
- ► NATO’s cyber pledge / November 2018
- ► Merkel and Salvini’s migration crisis: Much ado about nothing? / July 2018
Matt Bevington
Matt Bevington
Matt Bevington is a Senior Associate at Global Counsel, where he provides political and policy advice to investors. He has experience working across a wide range of policy fields, including the EU institutions and EU policy. He previously worked at the UK in a Changing Europe think tank and the Economist Intelligence Unit.
Articles by Matt Bevington
- ► The UK risks losing its institutional memory of the EU / March 2021
- ► A quiet revolution in EU own resources? / November 2020
- ► Criticisms of poor EU coordination on coronavirus are overblown / May 2020
- ► The future of the EU / February 2020
- ► The Commission’s long term EU budget proposal makes grim reading for central and eastern member states / October 2019
- ► Seven scenarios for the Brexit endgame / January 2019
- ► The real Brexit deadline is not when you think / September 2018
- ► The white paper is a vision of Brexit in the government’s own image / July 2018
- ► UK citizens will find out the hard way the value of the EU Charter / May 2018
Markus Beyrer
Markus Beyrer
Markus J. Beyrer has been Director General of BUSINESSEUROPE since late 2012. Prior to this he held the positions of CEO of the Austrian Industry Holding ÖIAG, Director General of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) and Director for Economic Affairs of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Before this Mr Beyrer served as Chief Economic Advisor to the Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel.
Articles by Markus Beyrer
Alice Billon-Galland
Alice Billon-Galland
Alice Billon-Galland joined Chatham House in October 2019 as Research Associate in the Europe Programme, working mainly on issues related to European security and defence. Prior to that, she led the European defence programme at the European Leadership Network (ELN) in London. Alice’s research focuses on European defence cooperation, French foreign and defence policy, transatlantic burden-sharing, and developments in the EU and NATO.
Articles by Alice Billon-Galland
Federiga Bindi
Federiga Bindi
Senior Fellow & Director, Foreign Policy Initiative, Institute for Women’s Policy Research &Jean Monnet Chair, University of Roma Tor Vergata.
Articles by Federiga Bindi
Sven Biscop
Sven Biscop
Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, an Honorary Fellow of the European Security and Defence College, is the director of the Europe in the World programme at the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations and lectures at Ghent University. His latest book is Grand Strategy in 10 Words - A Guide to Great Power Politics in the 21st Century.
Articles by Sven Biscop
- ► Urgent, important, and our EU responsibility: military support for Ukraine / February 2023
- ► A European army for NATO? / September 2022
- ► World politics in 2021: Infected by rivalry / June 2021
- ► Biden’s visit: five must-do’s in Brussels / June 2021
- ► An Alliance of Democracies: with the US or for the US? / July 2020
- ► Give us the real PESCO, please! / May 2020
- ► Take me to your leader! Or how the EU could emerge stronger from the Corona crisis / April 2020
- ► A political diagnosis of the Coronavirus / February 2020
- ► NATO: Life after (Brain) Death / November 2019
- ► Turkey and Syria: absent a European strategy, blame Trump / October 2019
- ► Connectivity with consent: The EU in Eurasia / October 2019
- ► A geopolitical Commission: a powerful strategy? / September 2019
- ► The puzzle of the EU’s China strategy is falling into place / July 2019
- ► The EU, the US and China: a middle way to approach the Middle Kingdom / March 2019
- ► European strategic autonomy: the right level of ambition / September 2016
- ► Europe and the Arab Spring: four seasons in one day / July 2012
Graham Bishop
Graham Bishop
Graham Bishop is an Independent Consultant appraising the financial, budgetary, economic and political ramifications of EU integration. As well as being on the European Commission’s Maas Committee in 1994/5, its Financial Services Strategy Group in 1998/9 and its Giovannini Group, he is currently a member of the Commission’s Expert Group on debt redemption fund and eurobills.
Articles by Graham Bishop
- ► Difficulty of dealing with an age-old problem / December 2014
- ► The UK and its cases against the European Central Bank / October 2014
- ► Prepare to be MiFID / July 2014
- ► A change is gonna come / June 2014
- ► Security in numbers / May 2014
- ► Single resolution mechanism deal cobbled together / April 2014
- ► Too little, too late, too light / March 2014
- ► All change in 2014 / February 2014
- ► Day of the MiFIDs / December 2013
- ► Step up and be counted / November 2013
- ► Keeping the funds flowing / October 2013
- ► 'Weekend' crises / September 2013
- ► Brrrr for the BRRD / July 2013
- ► Moment of truth looms for the ‘euro outs’ / June 2013
- ► Oh, island under the gun / May 2013
- ► Incredible shrinking banks / April 2013
- ► 2013: a bumpy year for finance in the EU / February 2013
- ► The road to a genuine economic and monetary union / December 2012
- ► Time for citizens to curb their government's deficits? / January 2012
James Black
James Black
James Black is assistant director of the Defence and Security research group at RAND Europe, where he leads the Defence Strategy, Policy, and Capability research portfolio. He also serves as European lead for the RAND Space Enterprise Initiative, a global hub for RAND's space-related research, and advises the Centre for Defence Economics and Acquisition. He was recently a non-resident NATO 2030 fellow.
Andrew Blick
Andrew Blick
Andrew Blick is Professor of Politics and Contemporary History and Head of Department of Political Economy, King’s College London. He is the author of numerous books on constitutional matters, including, most recently, with Peter Hennessy, The Bonfire of the Decencies: Repairing and Restoring the British Constitution. He is a Senior Adviser to the Constitution Society, which commissioned this work. See: for more on this work, go to:
Articles by Andrew Blick
Steven Blockmans
Steven Blockmans
Steven Blockmans is a Senior Research Fellow at CEPS.
Christian Bluth
Christian Bluth
Christian Bluth joined the Bertelsmann Stiftung in 2016, where he works as a trade expert in the Global Economic Dynamics team. He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge and a Master’s from Sciences Po.
Articles by Christian Bluth
Arjen Boin
Arjen Boin
Articles by Arjen Boin
Gábor Bojár
Gábor Bojár
Gábor Bojár is one of the few entrepreneurs of Central-Eastern Europe to succeed in global business already in the years of state-socialism. With a degree in physics he founded his own software development firm in 1982. Graphisoft today is a leading BIM software vendor globally with its ArchiCAD®, used by hundreds of thousands of architects all over the world. In 1996, Gábor Bojár founded a science park by re-cultivating a run down industrial site on the bank of the river Danube, accommodating the research units of corporations including Graphisoft, Microsoft, SAP, Servier and others. In 2007 he established a highly competitive school of information technology for an international student body.
Articles by Gábor Bojár
Patrick Bolton
Patrick Bolton
Patrick Bolton is the Professor of Finance and Economics at the Imperial College London. Previously, he was the David Zalaznick Professor of Business at the Columbia Business School.
He began his career as an assistant professor at the University of California at Berkeley and then moved to Harvard University, joining their economics department from 1987-1989. He was Chargé de Recherche at the C.N.R.S. Laboratoire d’ Econométrie de L’ Ecole Polytechnique from 1989-1991, Cassel Professor of Money and Banking at the London School of Economics from 1991-1994, Chargé de cours associé at the Institut d'Etudes Europénnes de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles from 1994-1998, and John H. Scully ’66 Professor of Finance and Economics at Princeton University from 1998-2005.
His research and areas of interest are in contract theory and contracting issues in corporate finance and industrial organization. A central focus of his work is on the allocation of control and decision rights to contracting parties when long-term contracts are incomplete. This issue is relevant in many different contracting areas including: the firm’s choice of optimal debt structure, corporate governance and the firm’s optimal ownership structure, vertical integration, and constitution design. His work in industrial organization focuses on antitrust economics and the potential anticompetitive effects of various contracting practices. He recently published his first book, Contract Theory, with Mathias Dewatripont and has co-edited a second book with Howard Rosenthal, Credit Markets for the Poor.
Articles by Patrick Bolton
Martyn Bond
Martyn Bond
Martyn Bond was trained in the BBC as a radio and TV producer before moving to academia to teach European studies, and later to a career as a European civil servant, first in the Council of Ministers and later in the European Parliament. In the early 1980s he was Berlin correspondent for the BBC, and until recently was Director of a UK think tank. His latest publication is Hitler’s Cosmopolitan Bastard: Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and his Vision of Europe.
Articles by Martyn Bond
Ian Bond
Ian Bond
Ian Bond is the Deputy Director at the independent think-tank, the Centre for European Reform, and a former British diplomat who served in Washington. He joined the Centre for European Reform as director of foreign policy in April 2013. Prior to that, he was a member of the British diplomatic service for 28 years. His most recent appointment was as political counsellor and joint head of the foreign and security policy group in the British Embassy, Washington (2007-12), where he focused on US foreign policy towards Europe, the former Soviet Union, Asia and Africa. He was British Ambassador to Latvia from 2005-07, receiving a CVO (Commander of the Royal Victorian Order) for his work on the Queen’s state visit in 2006.
Articles by Ian Bond
- ► The road to Europe for Georgia and Moldova: No diversion via Moscow / October 2024
- ► Trump may be President again in a year. Europe must be ready / January 2024
- ► Stop treating Ukraine like a chemistry experiment / July 2023
- ► Giving Ukraine NATO membership is the best way to prevent World War III in Europe / June 2023
- ► After a year of Russia’s war on Ukraine, has the West learned the right lessons? / February 2023
- ► Feel free to talk to China about Ukraine, but don’t expect miracles / December 2022
- ► Sanctioning Russia: A co-operative endeavour, not a competitive sport / March 2022
- ► Franco-British relations shouldn’t be a circus / December 2021
- ► The West must mitigate the fallout from Afghanistan / August 2021
- ► Russia, Ukraine and the West: Déjà vu all over again / April 2021
- ► President Biden: Good for Europe, but not a miracle-worker / November 2020
- ► Europe, the US and Huawei: Do hang up! / July 2020
- ► No triumph for Putin on Victory Day / May 2020
- ► Don't be a stranger! EU-UK foreign policy cooperation after Brexit / April 2018
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl is Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE, the leading digital technology industry association representing over 35,000 digital companies in Europe. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Gaia-X, of the European Commission’s Industrial Forum.
Articles by Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl
Ricardo Borges de Castro
Ricardo Borges de Castro
Ricardo Borges de Castro is Associate Director and Head of Europe in the World Programme at the European Policy Centre, an independent, not-for-profit, Brussels-based think tank dedicated to fostering European integration through analysis and debate. Previously he served as Adviser for Foreign Affairs and Adviser on Strategic Foresight to the European Political Strategy Centre, the European Commission’s in-house think tank, reporting directly to President Jean-Claude Juncker. Ricardo led the EPSC’s work on strategic foresight, spearheading efforts to mainstream anticipation and foresight across commission services and beyond. Before joining the EPSC, Ricardo served as Member of Cabinet and Personal Assistant to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, as well as spokesperson for ‘Europe and the World’ at the Commission’s Spokespersons’ Planning and Coordination Unit. In Portugal, Ricardo served in the Prime Minister’s Office as political adviser to the Prime Minister after spending four years in the Portuguese Parliament as policy advisor for foreign affairs, national defence and East Timor.
Christian Borggreen
Christian Borggreen
Christian Borggreen is Director of International Policy in the Brussels office of the Computer & Communications Industry Association. He leads CCIA’s work on digital trade, privacy and Internet governance and engagement with international institutions.
Articles by Christian Borggreen
Camilla Born
Camilla Born
Camilla Born is a Policy Advisor in E3G’s Climate Diplomacy team based at our London office. E3G’s Climate Diplomacy programme focuses on how to construct high leverage political interventions which can shape transformational international outcomes. Camilla’s particular specialism centres on improving climate risk management in the face of escalating climate impacts and accelerating low carbon transition.
Articles by Camilla Born
Nicolas Botton
Nicolas Botton
Nicolas Botton is a Research Assistant at ECIPE, who has previously worked at the United Nations and is a Master's graduate from King's College London. His main areas of focus include the digital economy, EU trade agreements, regulation, and macro-economics.
Articles by Nicolas Botton
Catherine Boyer
Catherine Boyer
Catherine Boyer is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) – a sustainability think tank based in Brussels and London.
Articles by Catherine Boyer
Gijs Jan Brandsma
Gijs Jan Brandsma
Articles by Gijs Jan Brandsma
Erik Brattberg
Erik Brattberg
Erik Brattberg is the Director of the Europe Program and a Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.
Holger Breinlich
Holger Breinlich
Holger Breinlich is a Professor of International Economics at the University of Nottingham. He is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) and a Research Investigator for The UK in a Changing Europe. His research interests are in the fields of international trade, economic geography and applied econometrics.
Articles by Holger Breinlich
Jeffries Briginshaw
Jeffries Briginshaw
Jeffries Briginshaw was appointed CEO of the British-American Business Council (BABC) in March 2015. The BABC is the largest transatlantic business network, with 22 chapters, and over 2,000 member companies based in major business centers throughout North America and the United Kingdom. Alongside his role at the BABC, from 2015 – 2017, Jeffries held the position of CEO at BritishAmerican Business.
Articles by Jeffries Briginshaw
Alex Britten
Alex Britten
Alex Britten is Project and Operations Manager at Common Vision UK, and runs Brexit Watch. She previously worked in international development, focusing on youth engagement and campaigning.
Articles by Alex Britten
Elda Brogi
Elda Brogi
Elda Brogi is the Scientific Coordinator of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, based at the European University Institute. She is a member of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), where she coordinates policy analysis and research.
Elda has extensive experience in media policy, legislation, and regulation. She has been actively involved with the Council of Europe, currently serving on the Committee of Experts on Increasing Resilience of the Media (MSI-RES). She has also been a member of several expert committees, including the Committee on Media Environment and Reform (MSI-REF), Media Pluralism and Transparency (MSI-MED), and Journalism Protection and Safety (MSI-JO). Furthermore, she contributed to the UNESCO "World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development" Report and the Steering Committee of the Medialaws review. In 2022, she joined the Research Policy Network on Media Plurality of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Her academic interests include Constitutional Law, European Law, Media Law, and Internet Law.
Articles by Elda Brogi
Thom Brooks
Thom Brooks
Thom Brooks is Head of Durham Law School and Professor of Law and Government at Durham University. His new book is Becoming British: UK Citizenship Examined (Biteback 2016) @thom_brooks
Articles by Thom Brooks
Michaela Bruckmayer
Michaela Bruckmayer
Michaela Bruckmayer is an analyst at RAND Europe in the area of home affairs and social policy. She has a PhD in politics from the University of Sheffield. Previously, Bruckmayer worked as an evidence adviser for Macmillan Cancer Support and as a research consultant for the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
Articles by Michaela Bruckmayer
Martin Brudermüller
Martin Brudermüller
Martin Brudermüller is Chair of the Competitiveness and Innovation Working Group of the European Roundtable of Industrialists. He is also Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE, and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of BASF SE. He is responsible for the divisions Legal, Taxes, Insurance & Intellectual Property, Corporate Development, Corporate Communications & Government Relations, Senior Executive Human Resources, Investor Relations, Compliance, Corporate Technology & Operational Excellence and Innovation Management.
Articles by Martin Brudermüller
Kinga Brudzinska
Kinga Brudzinska
Kinga Brudzinska works as Research Associate at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) in Vienna. Her main research interests lie in the fields of democracy support, EU foreign and defence policy and EU institutional architecture. She works chiefly on Visegrad countries, and Spanish speaking world. Prior to joining IDM, she worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland (Permanent Secretariat of Community of Democracies; Permanent Representation of Poland to the OECD), think tanks such as Polish Institute of International Affairs and GLOBSEC in Slovakia. Kinga holds Ph.D. in Arts of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism from the University of Warsaw.
Articles by Kinga Brudzinska
David Buchan
David Buchan
After a long journalism career with the Economist and Fiinancial Times, including postings in Brussels, Paris, Washington and also serving at various times as energy, defence and diplomatic editor based in London, David Buchan has been since 2007 a senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies specialising in EU energy and climate policy. He has written six books - three on the EU, one on energy and two on both topics combined.
Articles by David Buchan
Colin Budd
Colin Budd
Sir Colin Budd is a former British Ambassador to the Netherlands and Deputy Under-Secretary of State at the FCO (European Union and Economic Director). He was Chef de Cabinet to the Vice President of the European Commission, Sir Leon Brittan and was also Deputy Secretary at the Cabinet Office (Chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee, and Head of the Overseas and Defence Secretariat).
Articles by Colin Budd
Goran Buldioski
Goran Buldioski
Goran Buldioski is the programme director of the Open Society Think Tank Fund and co-director of the Open Society Initiative for Europe. He focuses on democratic transition in Eastern Europe, development of policy research on social and political affairs, and the role of civil society. Before joining the Open Society Foundations, Buldioski worked for the Council of Europe, the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, and the National Youth Council of Macedonia.
Articles by Goran Buldioski
Paola Buonadonna
Paola Buonadonna
Italian-born Paola Buonadonna has lived in the UK since 1989. In the mid-90s she was Brussels correspondent for The European Newspaper and subsequently a political reporter on BBC programmes including The E-Files, On The Record, and the Politics Show. More recently she was head of press for the European Parliament Office in the UK and since then has worked as a media consultant for a variety of organizations and campaigns including British Influence and the Centre for European Reform. Paola joined The Wake Up Foundation in September 2015.
Articles by Paola Buonadonna
Fran Burwell
Fran Burwell
Fran Burwell is a Distinguished Fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington and a senior director at McLarty Associates.
Articles by Fran Burwell
Milda Butkute
Milda Butkute
Milda Butkute is a Junior Consultant for Policy and Research Team at Ecorys Brussels. She specialises in migration, family and children policies, social inclusion and employment. Previously she worked on the European Platform for Investing in Children and the High Quality Job Creation projects at RAND Europe.
Articles by Milda Butkute
Israel Butler
Israel Butler
Dr. Israel Butler is advocacy consultant to the European Liberties Platform, a network of European human rights watchdog non–governmental organisations. From 2012-2015 he was senior policy analyst on fundamental rights, justice and home affairs at the Open Society European Policy Institute in Brussels. Prior to this, he worked for three years at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna as a legal researcher and speechwriter. He holds a doctorate in International Law and Human Rights and began his career in academia as a lecturer at Lancaster University covering EU Law and Human Rights Law.
Articles by Israel Butler
Fredrik Bynander
Fredrik Bynander
Fredrik Bynander is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Centre for Societal Security at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm. His recent research includes crisis management studies, security studies and leadership succession. Fredrik is an elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences and the Swedish Society for International Affairs.
Articles by Fredrik Bynander
Lydie Cabane
Lydie Cabane
Lydie Cabane is a research officer at the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics. She works on disaster and crisis management with a particular focus on the European Union. Broader interests includes multi-level governance, public policy and administration, as well as state reforms. She holds a PhD in sociology from Sciences Po Paris (on disaster management).
Articles by Lydie Cabane
Nigel Cameron
Nigel Cameron
Nigel Cameron, former president of the Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies in Washington, DC, and founding tech editor of the London-based website, writes on technology, policy and values and lives in Brussels. His most recent book was Will Robots Take Your Job? A Plea for Consensus
Articles by Nigel Cameron
Neil Campbell
Neil Campbell
Neil Campbell is acting director of the Open Society European Policy Institute. He is responsible for developing the positions and profile of the Open Society Foundations on cross-cutting EU policy issues. He undertakes analysis and advocacy in the thematic areas of governance and accountability and in other areas relevant to the European Union and the Open Society Foundations. He joined the Foundations in April 2010. Before that he was EU advocacy manager and senior research analyst (2003–2010) at the International Crisis Group, dealing with EU policies on conflict prevention and crisis management, and managing Crisis Group’s targeted advocacy in Brussels.
Articles by Neil Campbell
Giovanni Campi
Giovanni Campi
Giovanni Campi is Policy Director in the Brussels office of global law firm K&L Gates and the Europe-Director of the Trans-Atlantic Business Council.. Prior to joining K&L Gates, Mr. Campi served as Advocacy Director at AFME (Association for Financial Markets in Europe), an association that advocates for global capital markets participants active in European markets, as well as senior policy advisor at EUROCHAMBRES, the trade body representing the interests of European Chambers of Commerce and an Economist at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.
Articles by Giovanni Campi
Carlos Campillos
Carlos Campillos
Carlos Campillos Martinez is a Researcher at E3G Brussels, working across all Energy Union areas. His work mainly focuses on how EU public finances and investment policy can become a better instrument for financing the low-carbon transition. Prior to joining E3G, Carlos has worked in international relations and communications in the Cabinet of Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, and the Embassy of Canada in Spain.
Articles by Carlos Campillos
Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé
Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé
Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé is Professor of Strategic and Entrepreneurial Management at SDA Bocconi. He teaches Strategic Management within the Department of Management as well as Management Consulting for the Master in Business Administration and the Master in Fashion, Experience and Design. Maffé is also a lecturer for the Media MBA at Steinbeis University in Berlin and the Master in Intelligence at the University of Malta. He has also lectured at the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University, Stern School of Business in New York University, and at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna in Pisa, Italy. He is a member of the “E-business Policies” Steering Committee at the European Commission DG Enterprise - ICT industries and services.
Articles by Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé
David Caro
David Caro
David Caro has been the President of the European Small Business Alliance (ESBA) since June 2012. His Birmingham based business Qualplast Ltd, founded in 1977, currently employs 25 people and is the UK's premier supplier of flock finishes to the automotive industry.
Articles by David Caro
Andrew Caruana Galizia
Andrew Caruana Galizia
Andrew Caruana Galizia is one of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s three sons, the Maltese journalist assassinated in a targeted car bomb attack on 16 October 2017 a few metres from her home in Bidnija, Malta. He and his family have since been advocating for an independent and effective investigation into the commissioners of his mother’s assassination, into whether her death could have been prevented, and into the evidence of high-level corruption she had uncovered. He had earlier served as a Maltese diplomat in Valletta, Berlin and New Delhi.
Articles by Andrew Caruana Galizia
Tom Carver
Tom Carver
Tom Carver is a former BBC Africa correspondent and is currently running a programme to strengthen African policy expertise.
Articles by Tom Carver
Anthony Cary
Anthony Cary
Anthony Cary is Chairman of the Canada-UK Council. His career was in the FCO, where he was British Ambassador to Sweden (2003-2006) and High Commissioner to Canada (2007-2010). Other postings included Berlin, Kuala Lumpur and Washington DC. He served twice on secondment to the European Commission, latterly as Chris Patten’s chef de cabinet.
Articles by Anthony Cary
Louisa Casson
Louisa Casson
Louisa Casson works at E3G, an environmental NGO in London, to support civil society engagement with European climate and energy politics. She engages with environmental and development NGOs, progressive businesses, cities and campaigners to build national pressure for strong climate leadership from the EU. Louisa tweets at @LouisaCasson.
Stephen Castle
Stephen Castle
Stephen Castle is London correspondent of the New York Times, and previously was Brussels bureau chief of the International Herald Tribune, Europe correspondent of the Independent, and political editor of the Independent on Sunday.
Lucian Cernat
Lucian Cernat
Dr. Lucian Cernat is the Chief Trade Economist of the European Commission. He is a former trade diplomat and worked for almost a decade as a United Nations official in charge of trade and development projects. He expresses his personal views in this article.
Articles by Lucian Cernat
Céline Charveriat
Céline Charveriat
Céline Charveriat is Executive Director of the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) – a sustainability think tank based in Brussels and London.
Articles by Céline Charveriat
Peter Chase
Peter Chase
Peter Chase is a former U.S. diplomat, a non-resident fellow of the German Marshall Fund, and currently Vice President, Europe for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Articles by Peter Chase
Stephen Cheney
Stephen Cheney
BGen Stephen Cheney is the Chief Executive Officer of the American Security Project (ASP). He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and has over 30 years experience as a Marine. His career included a wide variety of command and staff positions with the operating forces and the supporting establishment. His primary specialty was artillery, but he focused extensively on entry-level training, commanding at every echelon at both Marine Corps Recruit Depots, to include being the Commanding General at Parris Island. He served several years in Japan and has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East and Asia.
Articles by Stephen Cheney
Edward Hunter Christie
Edward Hunter Christie
Edward Hunter CHRISTIE is Defence Economist at NATO. In this capacity he is responsible for the production of assessments and briefings on defence economics, and on the relationship between economic developments and international security, for both the Office of the Secretary General and for Allied Delegations. Before joining NATO, Edward started his career in applied research, with a focus on Eastern Europe. He then worked, as senior economic adviser and then chief economist, for a major industry association in Brussels.
Articles by Edward Hunter Christie
Poul Skytte Christoffersen
Poul Skytte Christoffersen
Poul Skytte Christoffersen is Danish nationality. Master of Economics from Copenhagen University. Diploma of Higher European Studies, College of Europe, Bruges. External lecturer and professor on international economics at University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Business school. Long career in Diplomatic service, including as Danish ambassador to the EU for 9 years. Has also served in various capacities in European Institutions (Head of Cabinet in the Council and in the Commission, Special Advisor to EU High Representative on setting up the European External Action Service). Ambassador to Italy and to Belgium. Retired from public Service in 2014. Presently living in Brussels and active as Senior Advisor in TENEO-Brussels as well as in think tanks works on European Affairs in Copenhagen and Brussels. Frequent public Speaker and commentator on Europe.
Articles by Poul Skytte Christoffersen
Federico Cilauro
Federico Cilauro
Federico Cilauro is a manager in Frontier Economics’ public policy practice. Federico has 10 years’ experience in assessing the economic value of digital technology, evaluating public interventions to support and regulate the digital economy, and supporting the design of data policies.
Articles by Federico Cilauro
Nigel Clarke
Nigel Clarke
Nigel Clarke is a British composer who studied composition at the Royal Academy of Music and was awarded the Academy’s highest distinction, the Queen’s Commendation for Excellence. Later he gained a Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of Salford. In 1997 the U.S. Ambassador to the UK (William J. Crowe, Jr.) invited Clarke to join the U.S. Embassy’s flagship exchange programme, ‘The United States International Visitor Leadership Programme’ and as alumnus of this programme, he is a member of the John Adams Society. Clarke has written for symphony orchestra, brass band, and many chamber music combinations, as well as collaborating on several major film scores. His compositions are recorded on the prestigious labels: Naxos, Toccata Classics, Metier, Universal Music, Varese Sarabande, Alhambra Records and Colosseum. Clarke has also received regular performances worldwide including in Argentina, Australia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, China, Croatia, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Turkey, New Zealand, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of America, as well as throughout the European Union. Nigel is currently putting the final touches to a large-scale Symphony for Violin and Orchestra entitled the `Prophecies of Merlin’, to be recorded in 2022.
Articles by Nigel Clarke
Stephen Clarke
Stephen Clarke
Stephen is a Research & Policy Analyst at the Resolution Foundation. He previously worked at the Legatum Institute and Civitas. His work has concentrated mainly on issues of economic policy, financial sector reform and international development. Stephen's work at the Foundation focuses on city economies.
Articles by Stephen Clarke
Noel Clehane
Noel Clehane
Noel Clehane is the Global Head of Regulatory & Public Policy Affairs for the BDO professional services network and is based at its Global Office in Brussels. He is also an elected board member of the European Movement International and chairman of the Brussels branch of the European Movement Ireland. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Ireland and also a Fellow and Council Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW).
Articles by Noel Clehane
Pieter Cleppe
Pieter Cleppe
Pieter Cleppe is the Head of the Brussels office of Open Europe (Open Europe Brussels VZW). He is a frequent contributor to the broadcast and print media across Europe, frequently discussing EU reform, the refugee crisis and the eurocrisis. A trained lawyer, Pieter previously practiced law in Belgium, and has worked as a cabinet advisor and speechwriter to the Belgian State Secretary for Administrative Reform. Pieter also previously worked as an analyst at the Belgium’s Itinera Institute, which he helped to found.
Articles by Pieter Cleppe
Ade Clewlow
Ade Clewlow
Ade Clewlow spent the majority of his career in the British Army, less a 16 month sabbatical during which time he was a journalist with the BBC and was Janes Defence Weekly's correspondent in Lisbon, Portugal. His last role in the military was as the senior advisor on Somalia in the UK MoD where he was also a member of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Somalia Unit. Spending his time on both sides of Whitehall, he led the MoD's contribution to the Somalia conference in 2012 and he authored two military operations, one of which is still running in Somalia. He retired from the military in July 2012 as a Lieutenant Colonel, established Setima Consulting, and worked in a strategic communications role in Somalia. He is currently involved in overseas defence education.
Articles by Ade Clewlow
Jim Cloos
Jim Cloos
Jim Cloos is presently Secretary general of TEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association) and a Senior Associate Fellow at the Egmont Institute. He is also a Board member of the EPC. He retired from his job as DG for General and Institutional Policy at the General Secretariat of the Council at the end of January 2021. In the nineties he was Head of Cabinet to the President of the European Commission and the EU Sherpa within the G7/G8.
In 1983, he published, with Renate Fritsch-Bournazel et André Brigot, 'Les Allemands au coeur de l'Europe' (Fondation pour les Études de Défense Nationale, Paris). He is one of the authors of 'Le traité de Maastricht: genèse, analyse, commentaires' (Cloos, Reinesch, Vignes, Weyland; Bruylant 1993). He is a co-author of 'National Leaders and the Making of Europe - key episodes in the life of the European Council' published by John Harper Publishing in 2015. He has published numerous articles on European issues.
Articles by Jim Cloos
Jo Coelmont
Jo Coelmont
Brigadier-General (Ret.) Jo Coelmont, former Military Representative of Belgium to the EU Military Committee, is a Senior Research Fellow at Egmont and a Senior Fellow of the Royal Higher Institute for Defence in Brussels.
David Coen
David Coen
David Coen is Professor of Public Policy at the Department of Political Science, and founding Director of the Global Governance Institute at University College London. He currently holds a European Union H20/20 on Global Governance. He has published extensively in leading journals such as Journal of European Public Policy, Business & Society, Governance, and West European Politics. Recent books include the Handbook on Business and Government (2010) OUP, Global Climate Governance (2020) CUP, and Business Lobbying in the EU (2021), OUP.
Articles by David Coen
Annabella Coldrick
Annabella Coldrick
Annabella Coldrick is head of public affairs at the UK consumer organisation Which?
Articles by Annabella Coldrick
Elizabeth Collett
Elizabeth Collett
Elizabeth Collett is the Founding Director of the Brussels-based think tank the Migration Policy Institute Europe. Her work focuses in particular on European migration and immigrant integration policy. She convenes MPI Europe’s working group on the future of the Common European Asylum System (EU Asylum: Towards 2020), bringing together senior policymakers from more than a dozen European countries to discuss future asylum policy reform.
Articles by Elizabeth Collett
Francesca Colli
Francesca Colli
Francesca Colli is a Research Fellow in the European Affairs programme at the Egmont Institute for International Relations and a substitute lecturer at the Leuven Institute for International and European Studies (LINES), KU Leuven. Originally from Australia, she holds a PhD in Social Sciences and an MA in European Studies from KU Leuven, and a BA in International Studies from Macquarie University, Sydney. She is a former visiting scholar at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) in Florence.
Articles by Francesca Colli
Nick Collier
Nick Collier
Nick Collier joined the City of London Corporation as its new Managing Director of the Brussels office in March 2019. He was previously Global Head of Government Relations at Refinitiv (Thomson Reuters) and before that worked at a range of organisations in the financial services sector, including Morgan Stanley and the Bank of England and, until recently, served as Chair of TheCityUK’s Public Affairs Group as well as Deputy Chair of the International Regulatory Strategy Group. Nick is chair of diplomatic engagement at the International Business and Diplomatic Exchange.
Michael Collins
Michael Collins
Michael Collins represents Europe’s private equity, venture capital and infrastructure sectors, as well as their investors, across the EU institutions. He joined the EVCA (as Invest Europe was named at that time) in 2013 from Citigroup, where he was Managing Director for European Government Affairs. Prior to Citigroup, Michael spent four years with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Brussels, as Financial Counsellor at the UK Permanent Representation to the EU (UK Rep).
Tony Connelly
Tony Connelly
Tony Connelly is Europe Editor of RTE, Ireland’s national broadcaster. His book Don’t Mention the Wars: a Journey Through European Stereotypes is published by New Island Books and is available on Amazon.
Articles by Tony Connelly
Richard Corbett
Richard Corbett
Richard Corbett CBE was a member of the European Parliament from 1996-2009 and 2014-2020. He was at various times the Parliament’s rapporteur on the Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties, coordinator of the Socialist Group on constitutional questions and leader of the UK Labour Party MEPs. From 2010-2014 he was senior advisor to the President of the European Council. He has written widely on EU affairs, including co-editing The European Union: how does it work? (O.U.P., 6th edition 2022) and The European Parliament (10th edition, 2024)..
Elisabetta Cornago
Elisabetta Cornago
Elisabetta Cornago is a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, focusing on EU energy and climate policy from an economics perspective. Before joining the CER, Elisabetta worked as environmental economist at the OECD, and as energy policy analyst at the International Energy Agency.
Articles by Elisabetta Cornago
Patrick Costello
Patrick Costello
Patrick Costello served as an EU official for 27 years working in the European Parliament, European Commission and EEAS and has served in a number of private offices including those of Chris Patten, Vice-President Margot Wallström (as deputy Head of Cabinet), EP President Josep Borrell (as diplomatic adviser) and Karmenu Vella (as Head of Cabinet). Other jobs have included EEAS head of division for democracy and electoral observation, head of division for the Middle East and deputy to the Chair of the Political and Security Committee. Prior to joining the European Institutions, he worked for the UN in Haiti (MICIVIH) and as an electoral observer in South Africa (UNOMSA). He started his career as a human rights campaigner. He has recently joined the advisory board of the European Partnership for Democracy.
Articles by Patrick Costello
John Cotter
John Cotter
Dr John Cotter is a lecturer in law at Keele University, United Kingdom. He specialises in EU institutional and procedural law. Prior to joining Keele University, he was a lecturer at the Department of International and European Law at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, and at Hasselt University, Belgium. He holds BCL (Law and German) and LLB degrees from University College Cork, Ireland, and a PhD in law from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is qualified as a barrister in Ireland and in England & Wales, and practised at the Irish bar from 2007-2011.
Articles by John Cotter
Beatriz Cózar-Murillo
Beatriz Cózar-Murillo
Beatriz Cózar-Murillo is a Joint Ph.D. researcher at the Institute for International and European Studies (GIES) of Ghent University and at Pablo de Olavide University (Spain). She holds a Master in European Studies from the University of Salamanca and a bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Seville. Her research focuses on the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union and, in particular, on the study of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). Latest publication: PESCO as a Game-Changer for Differentiated Integration in CSDP after Brexit, European Papers, Vol. 7, 2022, No 3, pp. 1303-1324.
Articles by Beatriz Cózar-Murillo
Stefan Crets
Stefan Crets
Stefan Crets is the Executive Director of CSR Europe, the European platform for companies and stakeholders to exchange and cooperate to become European leaders in sustainable competitiveness and societal well-being.
Articles by Stefan Crets
Damon Culbert
Damon Culbert
Damon Culbert is a Content Writer and political commentator from the Immigration Advice Service, leading immigration lawyers in London and across the UK.
Articles by Damon Culbert
Nick Cunningham
Nick Cunningham
Nicholas Cunningham is a policy analyst at the American Security Project focusing on climate change and next generation energy issues. Before joining ASP, he worked for Global Policy Group, a Washington DC-based consulting company, working on energy and environmental policy and regulation.
Articles by Nick Cunningham
Maurizio Cuttin
Maurizio Cuttin
Maurizio Cuttin is advisor to the rapporteur of the EESC's EU-UK Follow-up Committee - the youngest in the EESC's history. He is also the British Youth Council's elected UK Young Ambassador to the European Youth Forum.
Articles by Maurizio Cuttin
Srdjan Cvijic
Srdjan Cvijic
Srdjan Cvijic is a senior policy analyst on EU external relations at the Open Society Foundations. He is responsible for advocacy in the field of rights, values, and international law in EU external policies, particularly in relation to the use of armed drones, as well as broader topics under the EU Strategic Framework for Human Rights and Democracy. Additionally, he undertakes analysis and EU advocacy concerning Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey, Southwest Asia, and the Western Balkans.
Articles by Srdjan Cvijic
Andy Davey
Andy Davey
Andy Davey was born in London. His dark years as a research chemist remain obscure, but after a rebirth in 1993, he emerged into the sunlit world of cartoons. Since then he has had cartoons and caricatures published in various UK and European newspapers and magazines such as The Guardian, The Times, The Sun, The Independent, The Independent on Sunday, The Scotsman, Private Eye, Punch (in its death throes), The Spectator, Prospect, Squib, E! Sharp, and the New Statesman. He drew a weekly “profile” caricature for The Sunday Telegraph and has also worked on the satirical TV cartoon series 2DTV and covered political events for Channel 5 and Sky TV News. Davey’s specialities are editorial/political cartoons and caricatures, extracting humour from the blackest of world news scenarios. He was also forced, kicking and screaming to hold the chairmanship of the UK Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation from 2006-2012. - See more at:
Articles by Andy Davey
Lynn Davies
Lynn Davies
Lynn M. Davies is a co-director at Requat Advisory Ltd., where she provides research services to RAND Europe, the University of Oxford, and the University of Birmingham in the fields of health communication, child and family welfare, and evidence-based behaviour change. In collaboration with RAND Europe, she is currently contributing to research activities for the European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC).
Articles by Lynn Davies
Cleo Davies
Cleo Davies
Dr Cleo Davies is Senior Research Fellow at the University of Warwick on the project 'Living with the Neighbours’. She has expertise on the EU institutions and decision-making, and the EU-UK relationship. Cleo obtained a PhD at the University of Edinburgh on the European Commission's response to the Global Financial Crisis in 2008-2010. Prior to academia, Cleo worked over five years in Brussels as a Political and Policy Advisory at European level. (@CleoDavies2)
Mark Dayan
Mark Dayan
Mark Dayan is Brexit and Trade Programme Lead at the Nuffield Trust, working on the implications of leaving the European Union and of trade agreements for the NHS, life sciences and social care. His publications include How will Brexit affect the UK's response to coronavirus? and Getting a Brexit deal that works for the NHS. Mark has also published work on healthcare in Scotland and Northern Ireland; integrated care across the UK; health inequalities; and on legislation. He leads the Nuffield Trust's engagement with Ministers, civil servants and parliamentarians as Head of Public Affairs, and analyses and responds to legislation affecting health and social care.
Articles by Mark Dayan
Gael de Boissard
Gael de Boissard
Gael de Boissard is Chairman of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe. This article is taken from Investing in Change – the Reform of Europe’s Financial Markets (AFME and Profile Books, February 2012)
Articles by Gael de Boissard
Karel De Gucht
Karel De Gucht
Karel De Gucht is the European Commissioner for Trade
Articles by Karel De Gucht
Emmanuel de Guzman
Emmanuel de Guzman
Emmanuel M. de Guzman is the secretary and vice chairperson of the Philippine Climate Change Commission. He was previously a senior advisor on disaster risk reduction with the World Meteorological Organization, the United Nations' agency for weather, climate and water concerns. Before that, he was a consultant for the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) on mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in national policies and plans. He has provided technical advice to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council on implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, an international blueprint for reducing disaster risk and building resilience. He had served as a senior regional expert on disaster risk management for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat. He joined the Philippine Climate Change Commission in September 2015 and led the negotiations by the Philippines on the Paris Agreement at COP21.
Articles by Emmanuel de Guzman
Moniek de Jong
Moniek de Jong
Moniek de Jong is a post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University. She is currently working on the CIREC project on the geopolitics of natural gas supply, which is an energy transition fund (ETF) project, sponsored by the Belgian Federal Public Service Economy.
Articles by Moniek de Jong
Luis Pablo de la Horra
Luis Pablo de la Horra
Luis Pablo de la Horra is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the University of Valladolid. His research interests include macroeconomics, monetary theory, economic history, and finance. He has been published by several online media outlets, including the Foundation for Economic Education, The Intellectual Takeout and The American Conservative, among others.
Articles by Luis Pablo de la Horra
Pieter de Pous
Pieter de Pous
Pieter de Pous joined E3G’s Berlin Office as a Senior Policy Advisor in April 2018. As an expert in EU environmental policies, politics and strategies, he is now supporting E3G’s work on Just Transition in Germany and CEE Countries, Coal Diplomacy as well as developing’s E3G’s Strategy for the EU. Prior to joining E3G, after a short period at NABU, BirdLife’s partner in Germany, he worked at the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Europe’s largest environmental umbrella organisation. Since 2010 he worked as the EEB's Policy Director in Brussels, providing strategic guidance and leadership to their policy work.
Jean De Ruyt
Jean De Ruyt
Jean De Ruyt is a senior career diplomat, latterly Ambassador of Belgium to the EU, UN and NATO. Known for his insightful and clear thinking of complex issues, Jean De Ruyt is currently a Senior Policy Advisor for Covington & Burling in Brussels and on the Board of McLarty Associates, Washington. He is also a visiting Professor at both Louvain University and the Natolin College of Europe.
Articles by Jean De Ruyt
Franziska Deeg
Franziska Deeg
Franziska Deeg is from Germany and for her Master thesis, she is conducting a programme evaluation in Chiapas, Mexico, which will support an NGO in evidence-based action taking.
Articles by Franziska Deeg
Damien Degeorges
Damien Degeorges
Dr Damien Degeorges is a member of the Danish security study network CHINA-SEC, and a former guest lecturer in international politics at the University of Greenland. He used to be a freelance foreign correspondent for the Greenlandic newspaper ‘AG/Grønlandsposten’. He is the author of The Role of Greenland in the Arctic.
Articles by Damien Degeorges
Claudia Delpero
Claudia Delpero
Claudia Delpero is the founder and editor of Europe Street News, an online magazine on citizens’ rights in the European Union and the UK. An Italian journalist based in London, Claudia has worked in media and public affairs across Europe, China and Africa. After starting as a journalist in Italy, Claudia worked as a press officer at the European Parliament and as head of communications at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Brussels and Beijing. In addition to Europe Street News, she regularly writes for specialist publications on EU and international affairs.
Articles by Claudia Delpero
Mustafa Demir
Mustafa Demir
Dr. Mustafa Demir is a Research Fellow specializing in International Politics. His research primarily explores foreign policy-making, with a keen focus on geopolitics and energy security; populist politics, religion and international relations. Currently, his work is centered on examining the dynamics of EU-UK relations, particularly in the context of energy security.
Articles by Mustafa Demir
Susi Dennison
Susi Dennison
Susi Dennison is a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and director of ECFR’s European Power programme. In this role, she explores issues relating to strategy, cohesion, and politics to achieve a collective EU foreign and security policy. She led ECFR’s European Foreign Policy Scorecard project for five years and, since the beginning of 2019, she has overseen research for ECFR’s Unlock project. Her most recent publications include “Give the people what they want: popular demand for a strong EU foreign policy”, and “What Europeans really want: Five myths debunked”, with Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard, ahead of the 2019 European Parliament election.
Articles by Susi Dennison
Sara Dethier
Sara Dethier
Articles by Sara Dethier
Axelle Devaux
Axelle Devaux
Axelle Devaux is a research leader at RAND Europe and deputy head of the RAND Europe Brussels office. Her research focuses on education, democratic participation and social exclusion.
Patrick Diamond
Patrick Diamond
Patrick Diamond is co-chair of Policy Network and is lecturer in Public Policy at Queen Mary, University of London, Gwilym Gibbon fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, and a visiting fellow in the Department of Politics at the University of Oxford. He is the former head of policy planning in 10 Downing Street and senior policy adviser to the prime minister. His recent publications include: His recent publications include: Can Labour Win? The Hard Road to Power (with Giles Radice, 2015); The Predistribution Agenda: Tackling Inequality and Supporting Sustainable Growth (with Claudia Chwalisz, 2015); Governing Britain: Power, Politics and the Prime Minister (2013);
After the Third Way (with Olaf Cramme, 2012); Beyond New Labour (with Roger Liddle, 2009); Social Justice in the Global Age (with Olaf Cramme, 2009); and Global Europe, Social Europe (with Anthony Giddens, 2006).
Articles by Patrick Diamond
Maria Didukh
Maria Didukh
Articles by Maria Didukh
Sebastian Diessner
Sebastian Diessner
Sebastian Diessner is a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research focuses on the political economy of macroeconomic policy and is funded by a research grant from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. He tweets @SebDiessner.
Articles by Sebastian Diessner
Andeas Dimmelmeier
Andeas Dimmelmeier
Andreas Dimmelmeier works as a Policy Analyst on Climate and Environment at FEPS. He holds a PhD in Political Science and Political Economy from Copenhagen Business School and the University of Warwick. His doctoral research focused on the expert networks in the emergence of sustainable finance, the role that economic ideas played in this process, and how socio-technical tools such as standards, metrics, and scenarios have made sustainable finance governable. Andreas has published on the interactions between finance and financial regulation and the transition towards a sustainable economy in international peer-reviewed academic journals and edited volumes. In addition, he has contributed to policy reports and policy briefs on these topics.
Articles by Andeas Dimmelmeier
Emma Disley
Emma Disley
Emma Disley is an associate research group director at RAND Europe, working primarily on research related to communities, safety and justice. Her research interests span a variety of topics relating to crime and criminal justice, including policing, international law enforcement cooperation, offender management and interventions, imprisonment, drug policy and serious and organised crime.
Articles by Emma Disley
Dante Disparte
Dante Disparte
Dante A. Disparte is the founder and CEO of Risk Cooperative, a D.C.-based risk and insurance advisory firm and a board member of the American Security Project, where he founded and chairs the Business Council. He is the co-author of Global Risk Agility and Decision Making (Macmillan, 2016) and is a regulator contributor to Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, International Policy Digest, among others.
Articles by Dante Disparte
Hugo Dixon
Hugo Dixon
Hugo Dixon is a journalist, entrepreneur and campaigner. He is chairman and editor-in-chief of InFacts and co-founder of CommonGround. He founded Breakingviews. He writes for The Guardian, The FT, Reuters and other publications. He is author of The In/Out Question: Why Britain should stay in the EU and fight to make it better.
Sandrine Dixson-Decleve
Sandrine Dixson-Decleve
Sandrine Dixson-Declève is a senior associate at E3G. She is also currently the co-president of the Club of Rome, an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference.
Articles by Sandrine Dixson-Decleve
Carl Dolan
Carl Dolan
Carl Dolan has worked at Transparency International EU since 2011 and became its director in 2013. He has previously worked in UK Research Councils, the European Commission and the European Foundation Centre. He holds degrees in economics and philosophy from University College Dublin (1991-97) and studied and taught political philosophy at the University of Bristol (1999-2002).
Articles by Carl Dolan
Rafiq Dossani
Rafiq Dossani
Rafiq Dossani is director of the RAND Center for Asia Pacific Policy, a senior economist at the RAND Corporation, and a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He works on education, finance, regional development, security, trade, and technology issues. Previously, Dossani was director of Stanford University's Center for South Asia and a senior research scholar at Stanford University's Institute for International Studies. He holds a Ph.D. in finance from Northwestern University, an M.B.A. from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, and a B.A. in economics from St. Stephen's College, Delhi.
Articles by Rafiq Dossani
Eoin Drea
Eoin Drea
Dr. Eoin Drea is Senior Researcher at the centre-right Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies think tank in Brussels. His work focusses on Anglo-Irish economic relations and on the future relationship between London and Brussels. He is a regular media commentator on Irish and British affairs whose opinions can be found in Politico, The Irish Times and The Guardian amongst others. He also writes a contrarian view of European affairs at
Articles by Eoin Drea
Oscar du Roy
Oscar du Roy
Oscar du Roy is a Research Assistant at ECIPE and is from Belgium. He holds a MSc in economics from Barcelona School of Economics (2022) and a MSc in economic analysis and European policy from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (2020) with honours. Between his two masters he was an assistant in the macroeconomic forecasting unit at the Belgian Federal Planning Bureau and subsequently held a position of research assistant for Dr. Mirabelle Muuls at Imperial College London. His research interests lie in digital trade, energy economics, and competition policy.
Articles by Oscar du Roy
Andrew Duff
Andrew Duff
Andrew Duff is a Senior Fellow of the European Policy Centre. He represented the European Parliament at the drafting of the Treaty of Lisbon. @AndrewDuffEU.
Bobby Duffy
Bobby Duffy
Bobby Duffy is Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Policy Institute at King's. Prior to joining King's, Bobby was Managing Director of the Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute, which is a team of around 230 researchers in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Brussels, and Global Director of the Ipsos Social Research Institute, across around 30 countries. Bobby also sits on several advisory boards for think tanks and universities, as well as the Campaign for Social Science.
His book, 'The Perils of Perception – why we’re wrong about nearly everything', was published by Atlantic books in September, drawing on a unique set of global studies on how people misperceive things like immigration levels, crime rates, obesity levels and many more key social realities.
Articles by Bobby Duffy
Manon Dufour
Manon Dufour
Manon Dufour is Head of E3G’s Brussels office, working on accelerating Europe’s low carbon transition. Her areas of focus range from political discussions on the future of Europe to energy infrastructure, energy market reform or the role of state aid in the low carbon transition. Prior to joining E3G, Manon worked for Bloomberg New Energy Finance in London and New York, where she helped conceive the company’s service offering on the global carbon and European power markets, and participated in their ongoing analysis.
Articles by Manon Dufour
Kerstin Duhme
Kerstin Duhme
Kerstin Duhme is Managing Director at FTI Consulting where she heads various programmes for clients in the energy and environment sectors, including the shale gas sector. Before that she was an election campaigner for the Greens and worked for German MEP Elisabeth Schroedter inside both the German Bundestag and European Parliament focusing on all facets of sustainable development.
Articles by Kerstin Duhme
Roch Dunin-Wasowicz
Roch Dunin-Wasowicz
Dr Roch Dunin-Wąsowicz is a sociologist. He graduated from the New School for Social Research in New York City and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Currently, he lectures sociology at the UCL Social Research Institute and researches European civil society at LSE IDEAS. He is the author of numerous reports and articles on the social organization and civic identity of Polish migrants in the UK, on the social repercussions of Brexit, and on European democracy.
Tim Durrant
Tim Durrant
Tim Durrant joined the Institute for Government (IfG) in November 2017 as a senior researcher on the IfG’s Brexit programme. Prior to joining the Institute, he worked at HM Treasury on the Government’s Brexit strategy. During his time in the civil service Tim also worked on the UK’s relationships with EU member states, spending on energy and climate change policies, and the UK’s co-operation on international development with members of the Gulf Co-operation Council.
Articles by Tim Durrant
Catherine E de Vries
Catherine E de Vries
Catherine E. de Vries is Professor of Politics at Bocconi University in Milan and the cofounder of eupinions, a EU-wide regular survey on European public opinion. She has a strong commitment to and interest in unravelling some of the most important societal and political problems facing Europe today, such as Euroscepticism and the EU’s future, the rise of parties challenging the political mainstream and the electoral and political consequences of corruption and malfeasance. She has published extensively in academic journals and the popular press. Over the years, she has received widespread recognition for her work, such as the Emerging Scholar Award for contribution to the field of elections, public opinion and voting behaviour from the American Political Science Association in 2014 and election as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum in 2013.
Elizabeth E. de Vries
Elizabeth E. de Vries
Catherine E. de Vries is a Westerdijk Chair and Professor of Political Behaviour in Europe at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She has a strong commitment to and interest in unravelling some of the most important societal and political problems facing Europe today, such as Euroscepticism and the EU’s future, the rise of parties challenging the political mainstream and the electoral and political consequences of corruption and malfeasance. She has published extensively in academic journals and the popular press. Over the years, she has received widespread recognition for her work, such as the Emerging Scholar Award for contribution to the field of elections, public opinion and voting behaviour from the American Political Science Association in 2014 and election as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum in 2013.
Articles by Elizabeth E. de Vries
John Edward
John Edward
John Edward is the first Head of Operations since the launch of the Scottish Council on Global Affairs. His most recent role was as the Chief Executive of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools, covering all aspects of school-age education, regulation and participation. Prior to that, John was Head of the European Parliament’s Office in Scotland, covering the European elections of 2004 and 2009. A graduate of St Andrews and Glasgow universities, John worked for 9 years in Brussels firstly in the then-new European Policy Centre, as personal assistant to Max Kohnstamm. He was subsequently EU Policy Manager for Scotland Europa, Brussels. A trustee of the Scottish European Educational Trust, and member of the Scottish Parliament’s Commission on Parliamentary Reform, John was also Chief Spokesman for the non-party political Scotland Stronger in Europe campaign for the 2016 EU referendum.
Articles by John Edward
Guy Edwards
Guy Edwards
Guy Edwards is a Research Fellow at the Center for Environmental Studies and co-director of the Climate and Development Lab at Brown University.
Articles by Guy Edwards
Charlie Edwards
Charlie Edwards
Charlie Edwards is a Senior Research Fellow and Director of National Security and Resilience Studies at the Royal United Services Institute. Prior to RUSI he was a Research Leader at the RAND Corporation focusing on Defence and Security where he conducted research and analysis on a broad range of subject areas including: the evaluation and implementation of counter-violent extremism programmes in Europe and Africa, UK cyber strategy, European emergency management, and the role of the internet in the process of radicalisation. He has undertaken fieldwork in Iraq, Somalia, and the wider Horn of Africa region.
Articles by Charlie Edwards
Jan Eichhorn
Jan Eichhorn
Dr Jan Eichhorn is a Chancellor’s Fellow in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh. His research focuses on public attitudes on political events and political engagement of publics in democratic processes.
Articles by Jan Eichhorn
Till Eichler
Till Eichler
Till Eichler is a researcher in E3G’s Political Economy and Governance team in Brussels, working on climate governance and EU politics.
Articles by Till Eichler
Uffe Elbæk
Uffe Elbæk
Uffe Elbæk is the Danish Minister of Culture
Articles by Uffe Elbæk
Niklas Elert
Niklas Elert
Niklas Elert has a Ph.D. in economics and is a Research Fellow at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) in Stockholm, Sweden. He defended his Ph.D thesis Economic Dynamism: Essays on Firm Entry and Firm Growth in 2014 at Örebro University, Sweden. His research focuses on economic dynamism, the relationship between entrepreneurship and institutions, and the effects of entrepreneurship education and training efforts. His book The Challenge of the Human Ape (Timbro, 2014; in Swedish) deals with the relationship between economic growth an the environment. He is the coauthor of the book Institutional Reform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: An Agenda for Europe (Springer, 2017). He has also worked as an editorial writer at the Swedish newspaper Expressen.
Articles by Niklas Elert
Milan Elkerbout
Milan Elkerbout
Milan Elkerbout is a Research Fellow and Head of the climate policy programme at CEPS. He has been working in the climate and energy unit of CEPS since late 2014. In 2019 and 2020, Milan was a Mistra visiting fellow at the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute in Stockholm, as part of the ongoing Mistra Carbon Exit research programme.
Milan’s research focuses on EU climate policy, in particular the EU emissions trading system (ETS) and industrial decarbonisation policies. He has written extensively for CEPS and externally on the policy mix to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the steel sector and other energy-intensive industries. He also focuses on the role of negative emissions and carbon capture and storage (CCS) in EU climate policy. Other topics of interest include state aid control, industrial policy, and trade-climate policy interactions.
Articles by Milan Elkerbout
James Elles
James Elles
James Elles was a British Conservative Member of the European Parliament from 1984 to 2014. He is the Co-founder of the European Internet Forum; the Founder and Chairman of the Transatlantic Policy Network; and the Honorary President of the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System.
Articles by James Elles
Fadi Elsalameen
Fadi Elsalameen
Fadi Elsalameen is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the American Security Project and a Principal of YCF Group LLC, a private international investment firm. The firm owns and operates a variety of companies across the shipping, agriculture, telecommuncations, education and man power development sectors.
Articles by Fadi Elsalameen
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson is Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, since 1998. A graduate of Balliol College, Oxford, he first worked as an economist at OECD, Paris (1966-1973). He then moved to the European Commission (1973-1996), with positions including economic adviser to the President (Roy Jenkins), and EU ambassador to Moscow (1991-1996). He was then Senior Research Fellow at the London School of Economics (1996-1998). Numerous publications on EU economic and foreign policies.
Articles by Michael Emerson
Bill Emmott
Bill Emmott
Bill Emmott was editor-in-chief of The Economist in 1993-2006, since when he has been writing books on global affairs as well as columns for La Stampa, the Financial Times and Nikkei Business, and has collaborated with the Italian journalist Annalisa Piras on two documentaries, "Girlfriend in a Coma" (2013) and "The Great European Disaster Movie" (2015). They are co-founders of The Wake Up Foundation.
Articles by Bill Emmott
Charles Enoch
Charles Enoch
Charles Enoch is Deputy Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington D.C., USA. He was the Mission Chief for the recent IMF European Union financial sector assessment program (FSAP). He led technical assistance and surveillance missions to major countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, has published extensively in monetary and financial sector issues in IMF Working Papers and the IMF's Occasional Papers (monograph) series, and has edited several books, including Statistical Implications of Inflation Targeting, Building Strong Banks, and Financial Risks, Stability, and Globalization. He also held positions in the Bank of England (1976-87), and served as the IMF's UK Alternate Executive Director (1987-90).
Articles by Charles Enoch
Fredrik Erixon
Fredrik Erixon
Fredrik Erixon is the founding director of he European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and its Five Freedoms Project. He is the author of several books and studies in the fields of international economics and trade policy.
Articles by Fredrik Erixon
- ► The fundamental conflict in the debate on platform content / April 2021
- ► Speeding the pace of digital change in Europe / October 2017
- ► Innovation and capitalism / February 2016
- ► States, investors, disputes / September 2014
- ► Money mischief in the eurozone / July 2013
- ► Micro managing is not the solution / July 2012
Pepe Escrig
Pepe Escrig
Pepe Escrig is a researcher in E3G’s Political Economy and Governance team in Brussels, working on EU politics and climate governance.
Articles by Pepe Escrig
Tom Evans
Tom Evans
Tom Evans is a Researcher at E3G in London working in the Climate Diplomacy team. He is currently supporting E3G’s work on COP26 strategy and engagement.
Articles by Tom Evans
Rupert Evenett
Rupert Evenett
Dr Rupert Evenett is chief executive of Engaged Capital, a social investment broker and investor. He is author, with Karl Richter, of “Making Good in Social Impact Investment” published in Autumn 2011 and is a non-executive director of The Social Investment Business, with many years experience of equity market investment and fundraising.
Articles by Rupert Evenett
Steven Everts
Steven Everts
Dr Steven Everts is the Director of the EU Institute for Security Studies. Before heading the Institute, he was at the European External Action Service where he served as Senior Advisor to Josep Borrell on Strategy and Communications. Previously, he was a Senior Advisor in the Asia-Pacific Department of the EEAS. He was also a Member of the Cabinet of Catherine Ashton and Javier Solana. Before his time at the EU, Dr Everts was a Senior Research Fellow at the London-based Centre for European Reform and Director of the CER's transatlantic programme, which covered the full range of US-European relations.
Elvire Fabry
Elvire Fabry
Dr Elvire Fabry is Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute. She is a member of the editorial board of the international forecasting journal Futuribles and of the policy advisory committee of the European Movement, France. Some of her most recent publications include:
Transition: The Hitchhicker’s guide to the Brexit Galaxy
Nick Fahy
Nick Fahy
Nick Fahy is Director of the Health and Wellbeing Research Group at RAND Europe, where he leads a team of researchers work on areas including public health, health systems and policy, technology and innovation, and workplace health and wellbeing. He has wide-ranging policy and research experience, having worked for the United Kingdom Department of Health and a range of jobs in the European Commission (most recently as head of unit for health information), with particular interests in innovation, implementation and evidence for policy. Nick Fahy joined RAND Europe from the University of Oxford, where he was a senior researcher in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences and where he remains a fellow at Green Templeton College. Nick is also a senior external expert on health systems innovation for the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, and Professor of Policy Analysis at the Pardee RAND Graduate School.
Articles by Nick Fahy
Claire Falconer
Claire Falconer
Claire Falconer joined the Freedom Fund in May 2019 as Senior Programme Officer for the Freedom Rising initiative, working to empower and connect anti-slavery leaders around the world. Claire has over ten years’ experience conducting research, advocacy and capacity building activities on slavery issues in South East Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Europe. Prior to joining the Freedom Fund, Claire was the Legal Director and co-founder of Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX), a London based NGO that advocates to prevent trafficking for labour exploitation.
Articles by Claire Falconer
Giovanni Faleg
Giovanni Faleg
Giovanni Faleg (PhD) is a Consultant at the World Bank Group in advisory services and learning. He is also Associate Researcher at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), focusing on EU foreign and security policy. He has been rapporteur of the CEPS Task Force Report "More Union in European Defence" (2015):
Karl Falkenberg
Karl Falkenberg
Karl Falkenberg is a Senior Advisor at Shearwater and a former senior trade official in the European Commission.
Articles by Karl Falkenberg
Petros Fassoulas
Petros Fassoulas
Petros has been the Secretary General of the European Movement International since July 2015. Previously Petros was Chair of the European Movement UK. He also worked as ACCA’s Head of Public Affairs, Europe and as EU Affairs Adviser at the UK’s Financial Services Authority. Before that he was EU Affairs Adviser at the UK Parliament. Petros also spent 5 years in Brussels, working for the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions as well as in advocacy and lobbying.
Articles by Petros Fassoulas
Jonathan Faull
Jonathan Faull
Sir Jonathan Faull is Chair, European Public Affairs, at the Brunswick Group. He was formerly Chief Spokesman and Director General Press and Communication, Justice and Home Affairs, Internal Market and Services, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, Task Force on Relations with the UK at the European Commission.
Richard Feasey
Richard Feasey
Richard Feasey is a Senior Adviser to the Centre on Regulation in Europe and the UK Payment Systems Regulator and a Member of the UK Competition and Markets Authority and the National Infrastructure Commission of Wales. He has been involved in regulation of the telecommunications sector in Europe since the 1990s, including over 10 years as Policy Director for Vodafone plc.
Articles by Richard Feasey
Katja Fedina
Katja Fedina
Katya Fedina is a senior analyst at RAND, working primarily for RAND Europe in the areas of defence and security. Research interests include the future of NATO, Nordic and Baltic defence; strategy and geopolitics; force and capability development, mostly focused on the application of multidisciplinary approaches to improve decision-making with a policy/strategy context.
Articles by Katja Fedina
Gabriel Felbermayr
Gabriel Felbermayr
Prof. Gabriel Felbermayr, Ifo Institute and LMU, Munich. Gabriel is an economics professor at the university of Munich and is director of Ifo’s Center for International Economics. His research and policy consulting focuses on the quantitative effects of trade policy, international migration, and climate policies.
Articles by Gabriel Felbermayr
Ricardo Filipe
Ricardo Filipe
Articles by Ricardo Filipe
Daniel Fiott
Daniel Fiott
Daniel Fiott is an FWO Researcher at the Institute for European Studies - Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a Senior Editor of European Geostrategy. His research mainly focuses on Europe's defence industry. Previously, he was an Associate Analyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies.
Articles by Daniel Fiott
Lisa Fischer
Lisa Fischer
Lisa Fischer works as a Senior Policy Advisor in E3G’s London office. Lisa’s work concentrates on EU energy, infrastructure and climate change policy. A key element to her work is increasing alignment between EU member states’ and EU policy with regards to the clean economy transition.
Articles by Lisa Fischer
Hal Fish
Hal Fish
Hal Fish is a content writer and correspondent for the UK's leading Immigration Advice Service.
Articles by Hal Fish
Rory Fitzgerald
Rory Fitzgerald
Professor Rory Fitzgerald is the Director of the European Social Survey based at City, University of London. Rory is an Associate Editor of the Survey Research Methods Journal.
Articles by Rory Fitzgerald
- ► Political trust in the European Social Survey / December 2024
- ► The hierarchy of trust / November 2023
- ► Clear support for EU membership for most European countries but emotional attachment to the nation state endures / April 2023
- ► Support for further EU integration and continued membership seen in most European Social Survey countries / October 2022
Lisandra Flach
Lisandra Flach
Lisandra Flach is the director of the Center for International Economics at the ifo Institute in Munich and Professor of Economics at the LMU Munich. Her main area of research is international economics, with a focus on empirical analysis of international trade flows and the international activity of firms. She leads policy consultancy projects for organisations including the German Ministry of Economics and Energy and the Chamber of Commerce, and is associate editor of International Economics (Elsevier Journal).
Articles by Lisandra Flach
Stephen Flanagan
Stephen Flanagan
Stephen J. Flanagan is a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation. He served in several senior positions in government, most recently as special assistant to the president and senior director for defense policy and strategy at the National Security Council (NSC) Staff from 2013 to 2015. He has published six books and more than 60 reports and journal articles on transatlantic, international security and defense issues, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He earned an A.B. in political science from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in international relations from the Fletcher School, Tufts University.
Articles by Stephen Flanagan
Lillian Flemons
Lillian Flemons
Lillian Flemons is a research assistant at RAND Europe in the area of home affairs and social policy. She has a B.A. (Hons.) in modern and medieval languages from the University of Cambridge, with a focus on French, Spanish, Polish and Greek language, history and literature. Her M.Phil. in multi-disciplinary gender studies is also from the University of Cambridge, and her mixed methods dissertation focused on analysing the relationship between language policy and gender equality in Algeria.
Articles by Lillian Flemons
Greg Ford
Greg Ford
Greg Ford is head of communications for Finance Watch, a public interest advocacy group specialising in financial regulation. A former financial journalist, Greg previously worked at the Financial Times Group’s online service, dealReporter, and at PricewaterhouseCoopers in London.
Articles by Greg Ford
Mark Foster
Mark Foster
Mark Foster is Managing Director of SAM, a Director-led, bespoke firm specialising in EU and international advisory services. With two decades experience working in public and private sectors roles, Mark has worked in the European Parliament, the UK Permanent Representation, in consultancy as Partner of a financial services practice and in-house as a government relations expert for a globally active bank. He has advised on UK and EU policy in the fields of financial services, digital & innovation and ESG/circular economy to some of the largest multi-nationals across the globe. Linkedin: Twitter: @markbxl
Doru Frantescu
Doru Frantescu
Doru Peter Frantescu is director of VoteWatch Europe, a small think tank he co-founded in 2009. An EU politics and digital communications expert, he authored numerous reports on decision-making dynamics in the EU institutions, being quoted by the media in over 35 countries.
Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni is an Italian politician and was a Member of the European Parliament from 1999 to 2009 and Co-President of the Green Group from 2002 to 2009. She has been President of the European Alliance to Save Energy since 2010. and is currently serving also as Co-President of the European Green Party.
Articles by Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni is an Italian politician and was a Member of the European Parliament from 1999 to 2009 and Co-President of the Green Group in the EP from 2002 and 2009. She took up the role of President of the European Alliance to Save Energy, a business organization dedicated to promoting energy efficiency across Europe, in late 2010.
Articles by Monica Frassoni
Joris Frese
Joris Frese
Joris Frese is a Doctoral Researcher at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.
Articles by Joris Frese
Paal Frisvold
Paal Frisvold
Paal Frisvold is Partner and Managing Director of the Scandinavian Public Affairs company, Geelmuyden Kiese Brussels. Previously, Frisvold was chair of Bellona Europa, a Norwegian environment NGO and worked as secretary to the Standing Committee of the EFTA States at the EFTA Secretariat in Brussels.
Articles by Paal Frisvold
Christopher Furlow
Christopher Furlow
Christopher Furlow is president of the US cyber consultancy Ridge Global and is a member of US Chamber of Commerce Cyber Leadership Council.
Articles by Christopher Furlow
Liz Gallagher
Liz Gallagher
Liz Gallagher is a Programme Leader at E3G. Liz lead’s E3G’s Climate Diplomacy programme. E3G’s Climate Diplomacy programme focuses on how to construct high leverage political interventions which can shape an ambitious outcome in 2015 and beyond.
Articles by Liz Gallagher
Anthony L Gardner
Anthony L Gardner
Anthony L. Gardner was sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union on February 18, 2014. Prior to assuming his current position, Ambassador Gardner was Managing Director for six years at Palamon Capital Partners, a private equity firm based in London and before that served as an Executive Director in the leveraged finance departments of Bank of America and GE Capital and as a Director in the international acquisitions group of GE International. He served as Director for European Affairs on the National Security Council in 1994-95. During that period, he worked closely with the U.S. Mission to the European Union to launch the New Transatlantic Agenda.
Articles by Anthony L Gardner
Mikaela Gavas
Mikaela Gavas
Mikaela Gavas is an ODI Research Associate. She has worked in the EU institutions – Commission and Parliament – as well as the UK’s Department for International Development.
Articles by Mikaela Gavas
Jonathan Gaventa
Jonathan Gaventa
Jonathan Gaventa is a Director of E3G, leading its work on European energy policy. Current areas of focus include the politics of electricity and gas infrastructure, energy market reform, the governance of energy transitions and the EU Energy Union. He has contributed a number of major research projects including on offshore grids renewables in the North Seas region, European electricity highways and the European Climate Foundation’s Roadmap 2050 project. He also led E3G’s successful efforts to establish interconnection targets in the EU as part of the 2030 climate and energy framework.
Michael Geary
Michael Geary
Dr Michael J. Geary is a Global Europe Fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. and Assistant Professor of Modern Europe and the European Union at Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Articles by Michael Geary
Gustaaf Geeraerts
Gustaaf Geeraerts
Gustaaf GEERAERTS, Ph.D. in Political Science, is currently Distinguished Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Administration (SIRPA), Fudan University, Shanghai. He is Emeritus Professor of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and founding director of the late Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies (BICCS), which under his directorship developed into one of the major research institutes on contemporary China in Europe.
Articles by Gustaaf Geeraerts
Pelle Christy Geertsen
Pelle Christy Geertsen
Pelle Christy Geertsen is currently Head of Press and Communications and Head of office for a Danish MEP of the Left Group. Throughout the years, however, he has worked, in different roles for four different Members of the European Parliament from as many different political group, representing cross-party views, Right and Left of the political spectrum. In between periods in the European Parliament he also for several years worked in strategic consulting in Brussels, and he has previous done various media work on EU-topic. Having entered Danish EU-politics in 1997, the first EU-campaign he worked on was the 1998 referendum on the Treaty of Amsterdam, and he has followed EU developments closely ever since.
Articles by Pelle Christy Geertsen
Tobias Gehrke
Tobias Gehrke
Tobias Gehrke is a Research Fellow in the Europe in the World programme at the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels. He works on geoeconomics, the trade-security-nexus, economic statecraft, and EU triangular relations with China and the United States.
Daniel Gehrt
Daniel Gehrt
Daniel Gehrt is a research leader at RAND Europe focusing on innovation, health and science. His research interests are broad, but he has a specific interest in the analysis of policies and dynamics related to eco-innovation. Daniel holds degrees in European studies (B.A. Honours, Trinity College Dublin) and international relations (M.A., King’s College London). Furthermore, he holds a Certificat d’Études Politiques à Titre Étranger from Sciences Po Bordeaux and has done extensive postgraduate coursework on evaluation of public policies at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research and Université Catholique de Louvain.
Articles by Daniel Gehrt
Quentin Genard
Quentin Genard
Quentin Genard leads E3G's work on the EU Climate Law and politics. Since joining E3G in 2014, he has worked on adaptation to climate change and the role of cities and regions in the fight against climate change before focusing on the governance of European energy and climate policies. Prior to joining E3G, Quentin was policy advisor for European and International affairs to a Belgian Energy minister. He focused on the launch of the 2014 - 2020 EU structural funds program, EU energy issues, the revision of the trade regime for sensitive goods, public procurements and institutional reforms.
Articles by Quentin Genard
Petar Georgiev
Petar Georgiev
Petar Georgiev is a research assistant at Transport&Environment, currently working in the areas of clean vehicles, electro-mobility, freight and climate. He was previously a trainee at the Unit for Energy Strategies and Policies for Sustainable Energy Development at the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy with a focus on renewable energy sources.
Articles by Petar Georgiev
Vlad Gheorghe
Vlad Gheorghe
Vlad Gheorghe, a lawyer by profession, is a Romanian USR MEP (NOV 2020). Prior to this, he was a member of the USR legal team in the Romanian Parliament, where he opposed the EU blamed amendments to the Criminal and Procedure Code and he also drafted legislative initiatives to stop illegal logging. Vlad is the initiator of the European Green Prosecutor and is also working towards supporting a unified definition of corruption at Union level and other instruments to support the work of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, Europol, Eurojust etc.
Articles by Vlad Gheorghe
Elisa Giannelli
Elisa Giannelli
Elisa Giannelli is a Senior Policy Advisor on Climate Governance and EU Politics in the Political Economy and Governance team. Elisa contributes to shaping the E3G’s political strategy and engagement process in Europe to deliver transformational political outcomes.
Articles by Elisa Giannelli
Gabrielle Ginér
Gabrielle Ginér
Gabrielle Ginér joined BT in 1997 and in May 2009 joined the corporate responsibility team where she is now responsible for developing and managing various programmes on environmental sustainability. Gabrielle led the BT team that developed a pioneering methodology to estimate the carbon footprint of the communications services that BT is providing to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Articles by Gabrielle Ginér
Alessandro Giovannini
Alessandro Giovannini
Alessandro Giovannini has been Associate Research Assistant at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) since April 2011, where he works in the Economic Policy Unit. He holds a BSc in European Economics (2010) from Roma Tor Vergata University and he is currently enrolled in the Double Degree Programme in “International Economic Policy” of Sciences Po and the London School of Economics
Articles by Alessandro Giovannini
Andrea Giuricin
Andrea Giuricin
Andrea Giuricin is adjunct professor in Public Finance and Mobility Management at University Milano Bicocca. He is also a Fellow at the Italian liberal think tank Istituto Bruno Leoni. He has given lectures at the University of Northampton, UK and IBMEC University in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is a regular commentator for several newspapers and TV on Transport and Telecom/Media.
Articles by Andrea Giuricin
Maeve Glavey
Maeve Glavey
Maeve Glavey is a Researcher at Policy Network. She coordinates a comparative research project on migration, supported by the Barrow Cadbury Fund, exploring the reaction of mainstream political parties, governments in Western Europe and populist movements to current migration trends. Prior to joining Policy Network Maeve worked on a range of migration and human rights issues in the US, Europe and Africa.
Articles by Maeve Glavey
Alex Glennie
Alex Glennie
Alex Glennie is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research, where her work focuses on migration, integration and the politics of European reform. Alex rejoined IPPR in August 2013, following a year as Programme Manager at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. At ISD she was responsible for leading a number of projects across the areas of security, integration and diversity, including management of the European Policy Planners’ Network on Countering Polarisation and Radicalisation. Prior to this Alex was a research fellow at IPPR, where she worked across a range of international issues between 2006 and 2012.
Articles by Alex Glennie
Katharina Gnath
Katharina Gnath
Katharina Gnath is Senior Project Manager at the Bertelsmann Stiftung in Germany. She focuses on European and international economic governance and is currently conducting research on the governance of the euro zone and the political economy of economic reforms in Europe. Katharina Gnath holds a PhD from the Free University and the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. She studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford and European Politics and Governance at the London School of Economics.
Articles by Katharina Gnath
Madeleine Goerg
Madeleine Goerg
Madeleine Goerg is a programme officer for GMF’s Wider Atlantic Program where she contributes to research and programming on North-South and South-South relations. She leads GMF’s work on West and Southern Africa as well as the Emerging Leaders component of the Atlantic Dialogues. Her research focuses on development cooperation, South-South relations, African regional integration, and emerging powers in Africa.
Articles by Madeleine Goerg
Gabriel Goodliffe
Gabriel Goodliffe
Gabriel Goodliffe teaches International Relations and International Political Economy at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México in Mexico City. A student of French and European politics, he is the author of the Resurgence of the Radical Right in France: From Boulangisme to the Front National (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and co-editor (with Riccardo Brizzi) of France after 2012 (Berghahn Books, 2015.) He is currently at work on a book which explores the political ramifications of the European debt crisis in France and Germany.
Articles by Gabriel Goodliffe
Matthew Goodwin
Matthew Goodwin
Matthew J. Goodwin is an academic, writer and speaker known mainly for his work on British and European politics, extremism, immigration and Euroscepticism. He is currently Professor of Politics at Rutherford College, University of Kent, and Senior Visiting Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House.
Articles by Matthew Goodwin
Alexandra Goritz
Alexandra Goritz
Alexandra Goritz is a Policy Advisor at Germanwatch, an independent environment and development organisation. She works in the International Climate Policy Division and focuses on German and European climate foreign policy.
Articles by Alexandra Goritz
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska is a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. Agata works on the EU institutional architecture, EU decision making process, differentiated integration, on Polish European policy and the UK's relationship with the EU. She has participated in numerous collaborative projects funded by i.a. International Visegrad Fund, the European Commission, as well as by Norway grants. Agata is also a core member of the Reshaping European Democracy project – an initiative of Carnegie’s Democracy and Rule of Law Program and Carnegie Europe. Before joining the CER, Agata worked as a senior research fellow at the Polish Institute of International Affairs in Warsaw where she dealt with EU institutional affairs
Articles by Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
Monique Goyens
Monique Goyens
As Director General of BEUC, Monique Goyens represents 40 independent national consumer associations in 31 European countries, acting as a strong consumer voice in Brussels, ensuring that consumer’ interests are given weight in the development of policies and raising the visibility and effectiveness of the consumer movement through lobbying EU institutions and media contacts. She sits on the Advisory Group of the European Commission on the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP). Monique is currently EU co-chair of the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) a network of EU and US consumer organisations (, and Chair of Finance-Watch (, a public interest association dedicated to making finance work for the good of society. She also represents BEUC at Consumers International, the international consumer organisation (
Articles by Monique Goyens
Jonathan Grant
Jonathan Grant
Jonathan Grant is founding Director of Different Angles Ltd, a consultancy that focuses on the social impact of universities and research. His main interests are in biomedical and health R&D policy, research impact assessment, the use of research and evidence in policy and decision-taking, and the social purpose of universities in the 21st century. Jonathan has significant international experience, having helped formulate and implement R&D and other strategies in, for example, the UK, Greece, Norway, Qatar, Oman, Abu Dhabi, Australia, Canada and the USA. He is also a Trustee of the Association of Medical Research Charities.
Jonathan used to be as professor of public policy at King’s College London, which he joined in 2014 to set up the Policy Institute at King’s and was its Director until 2017. He stepped down to “hold the pen” on developing King’s strategic vision 2029 and was subsequently appointed Vice President & Vice Principal (Service). Service is King’s award-winning and unique commitment to social responsibility and covers a range of activities including social reform, research impact, service-led learning, volunteering, and environment sustainability. It is one of King’s five strategic priorities and encapsulates King’s commitment to society beyond education and research. Jonathan decided to leave King’s in 2021 to focus his efforts on Different Angles.
Prior to joining King’s, Jonathan was President of RAND Europe between June 2006 and October 2012, where he oversaw the doubling of the organisation’s activity in Europe and the establishment of the Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research, a joint venture with the University of Cambridge. Before joining RAND in 2002, he was Head of Policy at the Wellcome Trust.
Jonathan’s book, The New Power University. The social purpose of higher education in the 21st century, was published by Pearson in March 2021.
Articles by Jonathan Grant
- ► Remainer, remoaner and returner / May 2022
- ► Parliament’s indecision on Brexit reflects the will of the people / May 2019
- ► May's deal v Norway / January 2019
- ► Can politicians get their act together to give the British public what they really really want on Brexit? / October 2018
- ► “So tell me what you want, what you really really want” / July 2017
- ► I am an expert, and I care / June 2016
John Grant
John Grant
Sir John Grant is Executive Vice President of BG Group, a UK-based world leader in natural gas with experience throughout the entire gas chain. He joined BG Group in September 2009, having been president of BHP Billiton Europe since 2007. Before then, he was a member of the UK’s Diplomatic Service, holding posts in Stockholm, Moscow and Brussels, where he was the UK’s Permanent Representative to the European Union from 2003 to 2007.
Articles by John Grant
Brigid Grauman
Brigid Grauman
Brussels-based writer Brigid Grauman edited an English-language newsweekly magazine for 17 years (the Brussels-based The Bulletin) and Sabena’s inflight magazine. She has written regularly for the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and websites including Bloomberg and Global News, reporting on subjects as diverse as the Roma, cyber-security, social policy and urban projects, as well as films, architecture, books and the visual arts. After her historical memoir set in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Uncle Otto’s Puppet Theatre, she is concentrating on a book about the Belgian Congo.
Articles by Brigid Grauman
Noah Greene
Noah Greene
Noah Greene currently serves as the Research Assistant at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) for the center’s cross-program initiative on artificial intelligence safety and stability. In this role, Noah works with four programs, along with the vice president and director of studies to ensure that all lines of effort run smoothly. His research agenda includes investigating the military applications of AI in the U.S., Europe, Russia, and China, along with the role of international institutions in emerging technology.
Articles by Noah Greene
Sally Greengross
Sally Greengross
Baroness Sally Greengross OBE is President / Chief Executive of the International Longevity Centre – UK. She has been a crossbench (independent) member of the House of Lords since 2000 and co-chairs five All-Party Parliamentary Groups: Dementia, Corporate Social Responsibility, Intergenerational Futures, Continence Care and Ageing and Older People. She was Director General of Age Concern England from 1987 until 2000.
Articles by Sally Greengross
Justin Greenwood
Justin Greenwood
Justin Greenwood is a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, where he teaches courses on 'Interest Representation in the EU' and 'Business Politics in the EU'. The 5th edition of his book 'Interest Representation in the EU' will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2021. He is a Senior Adviser at Dober Associates. He was an Expert Evaluator for the EU Horizon 2020 research programme, and has undertaken training for the European Commission and the International Labour Organisation. He is currently undertaking a strategic survey of external stakeholders for a major EU business association, and will chair a major practitioner/academic webinar in November 2020 on the reform of the Transparency Register.
Articles by Justin Greenwood
Andrew Grice
Andrew Grice
Andrew Grice was Political Editor of The Independent for 17 years until 2015. He is now the paper's political commentator. He was previously Political Editor at The Sunday Times, where he worked for 10 years. He has covered EU summits since 1987.
Articles by Andrew Grice
- ► How tenable is Labour's approach to UK-EU relations? / January 2023
- ► In search of a deal on the Northern Ireland Protocol / January 2022
- ► Brexit is alive and kicking - and bad news for the Labour Party / May 2021
- ► Brexit's 'final' deadline looms / November 2020
- ► Talking up the prospects of a Brexit deal / July 2020
- ► One more staging post on the long Brexit road / November 2019
- ► Brussels should prepare for Boris / July 2019
- ► Brexit's parliamentary battles / June 2018
- ► May's looming Brexit crunch time / January 2018
- ► The British General Election's silence on Brexit / June 2017
- ► Theresa May's not so audacious gamble / April 2017
- ► Theresa May's opening gambit / January 2017
- ► Some clarity after 100 days of fog / October 2016
- ► Theresa May and Brexit / July 2016
- ► Playing the immigration card / May 2016
- ► The knife-edge referendum / March 2016
- ► David Cameron's building blocks / January 2016
- ► Cameron's tough negotiations / December 2015
- ► "The Battle for Britain" / October 2015
- ► Cameron's juggling act / September 2015
Hugo Grondel
Hugo Grondel
Hugo Grondel researches ‘American Competitiveness’ for the American Security Project, a Washington D.C. based think tank. Previously, he worked for the Economic Department of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington D.C., focusing on TTIP and trade policy issues.
Articles by Hugo Grondel
Nick Grono
Nick Grono
Nick Grono is CEO of Walk Free, an organisation dedicated to ending modern slavery. Prior to taking that position he was Deputy President and COO of the International Crisis Group; and before that Chief of Staff to the Australian Attorney-General. He has been widely published in the Guardian, International Herald Tribune, Foreign Policy and elsewhere.
Articles by Nick Grono
Claus Grube
Claus Grube
Claus Grube is a senior adviser at Flint Global. A former Danish diplomat he has served as Permanent Representative to the EU, Under-Secretary for European Affairs, Permanent-Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to the UK.
Articles by Claus Grube
Simona Guagliardo
Simona Guagliardo
Enrique Guerrero
Enrique Guerrero
Enrique Guerrero was elected a Member of the European Parliament for Spain in 2009 and he became vice-president of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Group in January 2012, after being Secretary-General of the Spanish Socialist Delegation. He is a member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Development and he is also the Standing Rapporteur for Humanitarian Aid. Enrique is also a substitute member in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Committee on Human Rights. Among other positions, he became Secretary-General for relations with the Parliament (1993-1996) and Deputy Director of the Prime Minister's Office (2004-2008).
Articles by Enrique Guerrero
Peter Guilford
Peter Guilford
Peter is co-founder of political advisory agency Shearwater Global, and has worked at the epicentre of European politics and regulation for thirty-six years. He previously set up EU consulting firm GPLUS which merged with Portland in 2019. Prior to this, he worked in the European Commission as Spokesman for Competition Policy and Financial Services, then Trade Policy. He spent four years as an EU negotiator on China’s entry into the World Trade Organisation before becoming Deputy Spokesman of the Commission under ex-President Romano Prodi. He began his career as a journalist for The Times of London.
Articles by Peter Guilford
Oscar Guinea
Oscar Guinea
Oscar Guinea is a Senior Economist at ECIPE. Previously, he worked as an Economic Adviser at the Scottish Government in the Office of the Chief Economic Adviser, and as a national expert in the field of energy for the European Commission.
Articles by Oscar Guinea
- ► Navigating Europe’s digital challenge: what the Competitiveness Compass overlooks / February 2025
- ► International trade offers you help, take it! / May 2024
- ► Two birds, one stone: The transatlantic market for green goods and technologies / March 2024
- ► Are Europeans getting (relatively) poorer? / July 2023
- ► From market access to defensive trade: the changing shape of EU trade policy / June 2022
- ► Trade dependency and geopolitics / April 2022
- ► EU industrial policy and where to find it / May 2021
- ► What's the deal with No Deal? The EU and UK trade dependency / September 2020
- ► A pie in the sky / June 2020
- ► A European industrial policy for services: the Single Market / March 2020
Peter Gumbel
Peter Gumbel
Peter Gumbel is a Paris-based author and journalist. His book Citizens of Everywhere is published November 2020 by Haus Publishing.
Articles by Peter Gumbel
Tamira Gunzburg
Tamira Gunzburg
Tamira Gunzburg is the Director of ONE's Brussels Office. She has been with the ONE Campaign since 2011, and works on a range of policy issues including transparency and accountability, development assistance, agriculture, and health. Before joining ONE, Tamira worked as an advocacy officer for a Belgian development NGO, on natural resource management in Central Africa.
Articles by Tamira Gunzburg
Kathrin Gutmann
Kathrin Gutmann
Kathrin Gutmann is Coal Policy Coordinator at Climate Action Network Europe, the coalition of NGOs working on climate and energy issues.
Articles by Kathrin Gutmann
Jörg Haas
Jörg Haas
Jörg Haas is a research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin. His work focuses on the EU budget and economic imbalances in the EU, with a special emphasis on the crisis management capabilities of Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union. Prior to his current position, he analysed political risk for an international wind power developer and worked for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in Geneva.
Articles by Jörg Haas
Amelia Hadfield
Amelia Hadfield
Professor Amelia Hadfield joined the University of Surrey in January 2019 as Head of the Department of Politics, and Director of the new Centre for Britain and Europe (CBE), a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. In 2021, Amelia was appointed Dean International of the University of Surrey, leading the International Engagement Office in supporting the strategic goals of the university on partnership with other universities and networks world-wide, enhanced cutting-edge research cooperation, as well as staff/student mobility. Previously, Amelia worked as Director of the Centre for European Studies (CEFEUS), a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Canterbury Christ Church Uni (2013-2018), after positions in Brussels at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), the Institute for European Studies, and the Unviersity of Kent. Her various blogs on a range of British and European topics are googleable, and also available on the SurreyBlog page:, the CBE blog page:, the Surrey International Forum, and on The Conversation.
Articles by Amelia Hadfield
- ► EU’s plans for 2024: aspiration or perspiration? / January 2024
- ► From Chişinău with love / July 2023
- ► UK-France post-summit review: Burying the hatchet and brave new bilateral? / March 2023
- ► The EU’s ‘To Do’ List For 2023 : Policy, Principle and Possibility? / January 2023
- ► The 2021 Integrated Review and British post-Brexit diplomacy: Opportunities, tools and techniques / January 2022
- ► Biden’s foreign policy: American renaissance or creative diplomacy? / November 2020
- ► NATO’s COVID-19 moment? / April 2020
- ► Dogwhistle or Dialogue? The role of academic centres in explaining Britain’s European relations / November 2019
Marco Hafner
Marco Hafner
Marco Hafner is an Economist at RAND Europe. Marco has particular expertise in Econometrics and since joining RAND he has been working on a range of studies in Employment and Social Policy. Before joining RAND he held research economist positions at the UCL Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Nuremberg, the research think tank of the German Federal Agency of Labour.
Sara Hagemann
Sara Hagemann
Dr Sara Hagemann is Assistant Professor in European Politics, London School of Economics and Political Science. She specialises in questions of transparency and accountability in political systems, policy processes and representation in the European Union, and the link between the EU and national political systems. Follow Sara on Twitter at: @sarahagemann.
Articles by Sara Hagemann
Chris Halburd
Chris Halburd
Christopher Halburd is a Solicitor and Company Director. He is a member of the advisory board of B Lab Europe and the advisory group of The Purpose of the Corporation Project. He is a former Visiting Lecturer in Corporate Governance at the Brussels School of International Studies and sometimes subject facilitator on the La Trobe University MBA programme. He is the author of the chapter “The Need for a New Paradigm for Corporate Governance” in the book “Transforming Governance: New Values, New Systems in the New Business Environment”.
Articles by Chris Halburd
Tom Hale
Tom Hale
Thomas Hale is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University. His research explores how we can manage transnational problems effectively and fairly. He holds a PhD in Politics from Princeton University.
Articles by Tom Hale
Jacqueline Hale
Jacqueline Hale
Jacqueline Hale is Head of EU Advocacy for Save the Children, leading a team working on protecting children in conflict, child survival and child rights. Prior to joining Save the Children Jacqui worked as an analyst on human rights advocacy and civil society development. She is involved in initiatives to promote women’s leadership and empowerment and has also been active in UK politics. Jacqui is a graduate of Cambridge University where she studied languages and holds an MA with distinction in international relations from Sussex University.
Articles by Jacqueline Hale
Sarah Hall
Sarah Hall
Sarah Hall is 1931 Chair in Geography, College Lecturer in Geography at St John's College, University of Cambridge. She is also Deputy Director of UK in a Changing Europe.
Professor Hall is a public economic geographer whose work focuses on the uneven spatial implications of profound macro economic change including Brexit, the changing economic position of China internationally and the rise of finance led capitalism. She uses her research findings to contribute to academic, public and policy debate.
Supported by funding from the ESRC, the British Academy, The Leverhulme Trust and the Nuffield Foundation, the majority of Professor Hall's research centres on the impacts of financial services in the UK, London's international financial district and its relations with Europe, China and North America. Her research has been covered my leading media outlets including The Financial Times, the BBC, The New York Times, The Daily Telegraph and Wired magazine.
Articles by Sarah Hall
- ► The UK’s ambitions to provide global leadership in green finance face uncertainty / October 2023
- ► Post Brexit regulatory reform plans increase for UK financial services, but delivery questions remain / June 2022
- ► Clearing and the challenge of ‘taking back control’ in financial services / October 2021
- ► Financial services and the Brexit trade agreement / February 2021
- ► Life beyond passporting for post Brexit financial services / October 2020
- ► Services and the UK-EU trade negotiations / June 2020
Paul Hamill
Paul Hamill
Paul Hamill is a leading political & national security policy and communications strategist and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the non-partisan American Security Project. He is also the Principal at Logan International Relations a bespoke public policy and public affairs organization based in Washington DC.
David Hannay
David Hannay
David Hannay, Lord Hannay of Chiswick, was Permanent Representative to the European Communities from 1985 to 1990 and Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 1990 to 1995.
Articles by David Hannay
Juho Härkönen
Juho Härkönen
Juho Härkönen is Professor of Sociology, Dean of Postdoctoral Studies and Director of the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.
Articles by Juho Härkönen
Pierre Haroche
Pierre Haroche
Pierre Haroche is Lecturer in International Relations and International Security at Queen Mary University of London and Associate Research Fellow in Defence at the Jacques Delors Institue (Paris). Previously, he worked at the French Ministry of Armed Forces' Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM), and at King’s College London. His research focuses on European integration and European security.
Articles by Pierre Haroche
Pierre Haroche
Pierre Haroche
Pierre Haroche is Lecturer in International Relations and International Security at Queen Mary University of London and Associate Research Fellow in Defence at the Jacques Delors Institue (Paris). Previously, he worked at the French Ministry of Armed Forces' Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM), and at King’s College London. His research focuses on European integration and European security.
Articles by Pierre Haroche
David Harrison
David Harrison
David Harrison is a lawyer, former diplomat and speechwriter and author of The Organisation of Europe: The Development of a Continental Market Order (Routledge, 1995); Competition Law and Financial Services (Routledge, 2014); Price and Financial Stability (Routledge, 2018); and Capitalism and the Dark Forces of Time and Ignorance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)).
Articles by David Harrison
Emma Harte
Emma Harte
Emma Harte is an associate analyst at RAND Europe. She has been involved in a number of studies focused on higher education, migration and innovation since joining RAND Europe. Harte holds a M.Sc. in comparative European politics with a focus on EU policy-making and pre-election pledges.
Katy Hayward
Katy Hayward
Dr Katy Hayward is a Senior Fellow in ‘The UK in a Changing Europe’ [], leading a project on the future of Northern Ireland after Brexit, and Professor of Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast.
Articles by Katy Hayward
- ► Why did the Windsor Framework fail to restore government in Northern Ireland? / November 2023
- ► Must all hope of a UK-EU deal end with Northern Ireland (again)? / September 2020
- ► Brexit and Northern Ireland / July 2020
- ► Implementing the Northern Ireland Protocol requires principles more than politics / May 2020
Joop Hazenberg
Joop Hazenberg
Joop Hazenberg is a freelance EU correspondent and through keeps a close eye on European developments. He is also the founder of The Next Generation for Europe (NGE), a new think-tank in Brussels aiming to connect young Europeans with the EU institutions. NGE will use tools like crowdsourcing, co-creation and datamining to formulate a strategic agenda on the future of Europe – from the perspective of the ‘network generation’.
John Healey
John Healey
John Healey is a Labour Party politician and Member of Parliament for Wentworth and Dearne since 1997. He held the position of Campaigns Director for the TUC from 1994-1997and then a number of cabinet positions such as Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Shadow Health Secretary and Shadow Minister for Housing and Planning.
Articles by John Healey
Frank Heemskerk
Frank Heemskerk
Frank Heemskerk has been Secretary General of the European Round Table for Industry (ERT) since 1 January 2019. The ERT is a forum of around 60 Chief Executives and Chairs of multinational companies with their roots in Europe. They are united by a vision for a strong, open and competitive Europe, as a driver for inclusive growth and sustainable prosperity.
Between 2003 and 2006, he was a Member of Parliament for the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA). Between 2007 and 2010 Frank Heemskerk was Minister for Foreign Trade, also responsible for Telecoms & IT, SMEs, and the better regulations agenda. Since retiring from national politics, he has held various professional positions. Between 2013 and 2018, he was an Executive Director of the World Bank, where he also chaired the World Bank Group Audit Committee. He was a member of the Executive Board of Royal HaskoningDHV from 2011 until 2013.
Since November 2018 he is a visiting lecturer in Geo-Economics at Leiden University. In June 2020 Frank Heemskerk was elected as Chair of the Board of Amnesty International in the Netherlands.
Articles by Frank Heemskerk
Deirdre Heenan
Deirdre Heenan
Deirdre Heenan is a Professor of Social Policy at Ulster University and a senior associate at Nuffield Trust London. She has written extensively about devolution and health policy. She is a former member of the Irish Council of State and a political commentator.
Articles by Deirdre Heenan
Friedrich Heinemann
Friedrich Heinemann
Friedrich Heinemann is head of the public finance department at the
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim as well as
professor of economics at the University of Heidelberg. His research
interests are empirical public finance with a special focus on issues of
European integration and taxation.
Articles by Friedrich Heinemann
David Held
David Held
David Held is Master of University College, Durham and Professor of Politics and International Relations at Durham University. He is also a Director of Polity Press, and General Editor of Global Policy.
Articles by David Held
David Henig
David Henig
David Henig is Director of the UK Trade Policy Project at the think-tank European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) writing extensively on the trade implications of Brexit and what comes next for UK trade policy. For ECIPE he has also written a series of short papers on globalisation and modern trade, and also regularly discusses broader trade issues such as sustainable trade, the future of the WTO, and EU trade agreements. David serves as Expert Adviser to the UK Trade and Business Commission and House of Lords International Agreements Committee, as well as speaking widely on trade and economic issues in the media and at conferences. Prior to joining ECIPE in March 2018 he worked for the UK Government including on Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks between US and EU, in establishing the Department for International Trade after the referendum, and on issues around inward investments from China.
Articles by David Henig
- ► Time and small steps needed to heal UK-EU scars / February 2025
- ► Why the EU should embrace a UK relationship reset / September 2024
- ► UK Election campaign shows need for another reset in handling EU relations / July 2024
- ► Rethinking UK government management of EU relations / November 2023
- ► Future UK-EU trade deals are inevitable, the real focus should be on their impact / October 2023
- ► A blueprint for improving UK trade policy / June 2023
- ► Why a Northern Ireland solution is crucial for Sunak’s hopes / February 2023
- ► A new dawn for UK-EU relations? / November 2022
- ► Going back to basics on trade / July 2020
- ► Finding the right trade and regulatory framework (or learning lessons from TTIP, Brexit, and EU-US trade) / January 2020
- ► The UK’s post-Brexit plans are already unravelling / November 2019
- ► Trade policy and democracy – why the UK needs to learn from the EU / October 2018
Matt Henn
Matt Henn
Professor Matt Henn is based within the School of Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University, where he is the Research Coordinator for Politics and International Studies, and academic coordinator for the School’s doctoral programme. He has gained significant experience of researching for over 15 years in the area of youth studies, focussing in particular on young people's engagement with the political process, and considering such wider issues as generational social and political inequalities. He teaches in the areas of citizenship and political participation.
Articles by Matt Henn
Magnus Henrekson
Magnus Henrekson
Magnus Henrekson is a professor and president of the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) in Stockholm, Sweden. Until 2009, he held the Jacob Wallenberg Research Chair in the Department of Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics. He received his Ph.D. in 1990 from Gothenburg University with his dissertation An Economic Analysis of Swedish Government Expenditure. He has published extensively in scientific journals and contributed several research surveys to Handbooks in the entrepreneurship field.
Articles by Magnus Henrekson
Costanza Hermanin
Costanza Hermanin
Costanza Hermanin is a research fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (European University Institute, Florence), and a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. Her research and teaching focus on the politics and policy of the European Union, especially in the areas of decision-making, equality budgeting, migration, justice and non-discrimination. She has worked in the cabinet of Italy’s Minister of Justice, and held positions within the European Commission, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Open Society Foundations in Brussels. She is a political activist and media commentator as well as the President of EquALL, an NGO promoting inclusiveness and parity in politics.
Articles by Costanza Hermanin
Heiko Hesse
Heiko Hesse
Heiko Hesse is an Economist in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department at the IMF where he works on financial crisis issues and most recently on the European Union financial sector assessment and recently on the Turkish financial sector. He also covers the banking sector in the Romania program. Previous IMF assignments include a number of Middle East countries as well as the Global Financial Stability Report. Prior to the IMF, he worked for the World Bank on the Commission on Growth and Development and also for McKinsey, NERA Economic Consulting as well as PwC. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Oxford and was a Visiting Scholar at Yale University during 2005-2006.
Articles by Heiko Hesse
Holger Hestermeyer
Holger Hestermeyer
Dr. Holger Hestermeyer is a Professor of International and EU Law at King's College London. He has served as specialist adviser to the House of Lords EU Select Commitee and the House of Lords EU External Affairs Sub-Committee and is a former Co-Executive Vice President of the Society of International Economic Law. Before joining King's College London he was a Référendaire at the Court of Justice of the EU.
Annette Heuser
Annette Heuser
Annette Heuser established the Washington DC office of the Bertelsmann Foundation, a private, non-partisan operational foundation that promotes and strengthens trans-Atlantic cooperation, in 2008, and has led it since. She established the Foundation’s Brussels office and served as its executive director from 2000 to 2006. From 1995 to 2000, she was Director Europe/USA at the Bertelsmann Stiftung in Gütersloh, Germany. In this function, she managed European and trans-Atlantic projects, and developed European networking activities.
In the corporate sector, she served as vice president of international relations from 2006-2008 at Bertelsmann AG, Europe’s largest media company. She was editor of the Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration, an annual publication that covers the year’s institutional and political developments in European integration.
Articles by Annette Heuser
Kirstie Hewlett
Kirstie Hewlett
Dr Kirstie Hewlett is a Research Associate at the Policy Institute, King’s College London. She works across a wide range of social policy areas, with interests in inequalities, social division and equality of opportunity, and the role of values, emotion and identity in policy making and trustworthy governance
Articles by Kirstie Hewlett
John Higgins
John Higgins
John Higgins was appointed Director General of DIGITALEUROPE, the association for the digital technology industry in Europe, in November 2011 following nine years leading its UK member association, Intellect. In 1995 he was appointed CEO of the Rocket Networks, a California based that provided the world’s first online recording studios. He returned to the UK in 1998 and became Director General of the Computing Services and Software Association, one of Intellect’s predecessors.
Articles by John Higgins
Michael Hindley
Michael Hindley
Michael Hindley was a Labour Member of the European Parliament from 1984 to 1999 where he was Vice-President of the Trade Committee. Since 1999 he acted as a consultant on Europe’s External Relations for the EU Commission and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. From 2008 to 2020 he acted as trade policy adviser to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). He has been an Associate Professor at Georgetown University, Washington DC on Globalisation and lectures widely on International Affairs, most recently at Mangalore and Manipal Universities, India and by “zoom” with Gottingen University, Germany and York University, Toronto. He tweets @HindleyLancs
Articles by Michael Hindley
Simon Hix
Simon Hix
Simon Hix is the Stein Rokkan Chair in Comparative Politics at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.
Articles by Simon Hix
Andrew Hobbs
Andrew Hobbs
Andrew leads EY's Public Policy team for EMEIA whose role is to help protect EY's reputation and licence to operate while at the same time enabling their client teams. He focuses on public policy and practice in talent, technology, corporate governance and reporting. @AndrewHobbsEY
Articles by Andrew Hobbs
Nicholas Hodac
Nicholas Hodac
Nicholas Hodac is the Director General of UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe since October 2019, leading the Brussels-based association representing the European soft drinks industry with 25 national members and 10 corporate members. The areas of priority for Mr. Hodac are environmental sustainability (eg. packaging, water, climate action), food safety, health & nutrition, andcompetitiveness (e.g. taxation), which form the core of UNESDA’s aspirations for 2024-2029.
Articles by Nicholas Hodac
Dermot Hodson
Dermot Hodson
Dermot Hodson is a professor at Loughborough University London. He is author of Circle of Stars: A History of the EU and the People Who Made It, which is published by Yale University Press.
Articles by Dermot Hodson
James Hoefnagels
James Hoefnagels
James Hoefnagels is from Canada. During his master programme he is specialising in International Affairs and International Political Economy. He will be writing his thesis on improving foresight implementation in the public sector.
Articles by James Hoefnagels
Corinna Hoerst
Corinna Hoerst
Dr. Corinna Hoerst is Deputy Director at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and President of the Women in International Security, Brussels chapter (WIIS).
Articles by Corinna Hoerst
Isabell Hoffmann
Isabell Hoffmann
Isabell Hoffmann founded eupinions in 2015 as a project of Bertelsmann Stiftung in cooperation with Catherine E. de Vries of Essex University and Nico Jaspers of Dalia Research. As an expert researcher on democracy and legitimacy in the European Union, she has managed research projects on the role of national parliaments in the EU as well as the origins and impact of populism, nationalism and authoritarianism in Europe. Isabell studied political science and economics at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). Before joining Bertelsmann Stiftung in 2008, she worked as a political editor for the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit.
Pär Holmberg
Pär Holmberg
Pär Holmberg is Associate Professor in Economics and has a Ph.D. in Electric Power Engineering. He is a Senior Research Fellow of IFN and an associate of Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG), University of Cambridge, and Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD), Stanford University. Pär Holmberg’s research focuses on electricity markets, especially strategic bidding behaviour in electricity auctions, including arbitrage strategies.
Articles by Pär Holmberg
Ingrid Holmes
Ingrid Holmes
Ingrid Holmes has led E3G’s programme of work on Low Carbon Finance since January 2010 and is interested in the interface between policy, finance and economics. She led E3G’s highly successful work on the making the case for, and advising on the design and set up, of the UK’s Green Investment Bank. Ingrid’s current work involves leveraging this knowledge into new venues of debate in Europe. This includes making the case for reform of the European Investment Bank and making the case for energy efficiency to form part of a European growth pact.
Articles by Ingrid Holmes
Stijn Hoorens
Stijn Hoorens
Stijn Hoorens is an associate director at RAND Europe and the head of RAND Europe's Brussels Office. Most of his research work has revolved around issues related to illicit markets, security, demographic issues, emerging technologies, employment and skills.
David Howarth
David Howarth
David Howarth is Professor of Law and Public Policy at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. He served as a member of the UK House of Commons from 2005-10, speaking for the Liberal Democrats on justice issues.
Adam Hug
Adam Hug
Adam Hug is Director of the London-based international affairs think tank The Foreign Policy Centre.
Articles by Adam Hug
Shann Hulme
Shann Hulme
Shann Hulme is a research leader at RAND Europe whose research interests include drug policy, illicit markets, pharmaceutical diversion and non-medical use, family and domestic violence, and crime prevention. Before working at RAND Europe, she worked in several research and evaluation roles with the Australian government at a federal and state level. She holds a Ph.D. in criminology and public health from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales and a first class Honours degree in criminology and criminal justice, also from the University of New South Wales.
Stephen Hunsaker
Stephen Hunsaker
Stephen Hunsaker is an economic policy researcher at UK in a Changing Europe, with a focus on trade, investment, and foreign policy. His academic and professional background also includes data analysis, social policy, and inequality.
Articles by Stephen Hunsaker
Adela Iacobov
Adela Iacobov
Adela Iacobov is a researcher on the Brexit team at the Institute for Government. She has a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of York, and a MA in European Studies from King’s College London. Adela worked as a research assistant at King’s College London and was an intern at the European Commission’s London Representation (2017) and the Romanian Embassy in London (2016).
Articles by Adela Iacobov
Damien Ientile
Damien Ientile
Articles by Damien Ientile
Oliver Ilott
Oliver Ilott
Oliver Ilott is a senior researcher at the Institute for Government.
Articles by Oliver Ilott
Luukas Ilves
Luukas Ilves
Luukas Ilves is deputy director and senior fellow at the Lisbon Council, a think-tank based in Brussels. He has previously worked as a diplomat and a civil servant for the Estonian government.
Articles by Luukas Ilves
Nick Inman
Nick Inman
Nick Inman is a British writer, journalist and photographer who lives and works in southwest France. He is the author of many travel guides to France and Spain, but also of Politipedia (2007), a sideways look at British politics. He has also written about the impact of a Brexit on British expats living in the EU for The Connexion ( His most recent book is A Guide to Mystical France: Secrets, Mysteries, Sacred Sites
Articles by Nick Inman
Shada Islam
Shada Islam
Shada Islam is responsible for policy oversight of Friends of Europe’s initiatives, activities and publications. She has special responsibility for issues related to the Future of Europe, Migration, the Asia Programme and the Development Policy Forum. Shada is Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Natolin) where she teaches Asia-Europe relations and has been selected as a fellow by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). She has been named as one of twenty most influential women in Brussels by Politico.
Articles by Shada Islam
Anton Jaekel
Anton Jaekel
Anton Jaekel is a researcher at E3G and is based in Berlin. As part of E3Gs climate diplomacy & geopolitics team, he works on climate foreign policy with a focus on Germany and the EU.
Articles by Anton Jaekel
Gulnaza Janibekova
Gulnaza Janibekova
Gulnaza Janibekova comes from Turkmenistan. She is currently pursuing her Master of Public Policy with a specialisation in Political Economy. She previously studied Political Science and Human Rights. Having worked with the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin and at the US Embassy in Turkmenistan.
Articles by Gulnaza Janibekova
Ajit Jaokar
Ajit Jaokar
Ajit Jaokar ‘s work is based on identifying and researching cross-domain technology trends in Telecoms, Mobile and the Internet. Spanning academia and industry – his current research interests is include Policy research, Big Data, Telecoms, Smart Cities, Big Data Analytics and IOT. Ajit conducts a course at Oxford University on Big Data and Telecoms and also teaches at City Sciences(Technical University of Madrid) on Big Data Algorithms for future Cities / Internet of Things. In 2009, Ajit was nominated to the World Economic Forum’s ‘Future of the Internet’ council. In 2011, he was nominated to the World Smart Capital program (Amsterdam). Ajit moderates/chairs Oxford University’s Next generation mobile applications panel and has also been an advisor to the European Internet Foundation on Technology and Policy issues since 2009 and is the co-author of ‘The Digital World in 2030′.
Nadege Jassaud
Nadege Jassaud
Nadege Jassaud is an Economist in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department (Financial Crisis Division) at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). She was recently involved in the bank restructuring of the Greek program, as part of the Troika in 2011-2012. She has also co-authored an IMF Staff Discussion Note on bail-in and contributed to an IMF board paper on macroprudential policies. Prior to the IMF, she was Deputy Head of the Financial Stability Division at Bank of France. Nadege obtained her master in political finance from Sciences Politics, and in Financial markets from Louvain La Neuve. She is a lecturer at the University Paris Dauphine.
Articles by Nadege Jassaud
Tom Jess
Tom Jess
Tom Jess is a policy advisor at E3G working on the sustainable finance programme with a focus on energy efficiency and the Capital Markets Union initiative. His research concentrates on how public and private finance sectors can work to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy in Europe.
Articles by Tom Jess
Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson has worked with the Aviation Environment Federation for over twenty years and became Director in 1997. Tim provides the AEF’s representation at the International Civil Aviation Organisation as well as on the UK Department for Transport’s External Advisory Group, and other stakeholder advisory roles associated with NATS, the Sustainable Aviation Initiative, the European Commission, and the academic partnership, OMEGA.
Articles by Tim Johnson
Erik Jones
Erik Jones
Articles by Erik Jones
- ► How Draghi and Letta may help in dealing with Trump / November 2024
- ► We need to talk about EU enlargement / April 2024
- ► Prigozhin, Putin, and the fragile claims of the Weberian state / June 2023
- ► The war in Ukraine: democratic realism / August 2022
- ► The Italian presidential elections and the politics of trust / January 2022
- ► Choice and division in Joe Biden’s America / November 2020
- ► Next Generation EU: Now for the vision part / July 2020
- ► Can Europeans afford to be optimistic? / June 2020
- ► Now it is the turn of leaders to do ‘whatever it takes’ to save Europe / April 2020
- ► Why choose to mutualise risk across countries through the ECB? / April 2020
- ► Paolo Gentiloni: Macroeconomic governance in the crosshairs / December 2019
- ► European macroeconomic governance reform: engineering or ethics / February 2018
- ► Europe is an unsafe haven after Trump's victory / November 2016
- ► Britain’s new relationship with Europe / February 2016
- ► We don't give up / January 2016
- ► The power of language / December 2015
- ► Continuing European economic vulnerability / November 2015
- ► Efficient...but resilient? / October 2015
- ► What's wrong with European economic performance? / September 2015
Jonathan Jones
Jonathan Jones
Sir Jonathan Jones is a senior consultant in public and constitutional law at Linklaters LLP. He is also a visiting professor at Durham Law School and a bencher of Middle Temple. He was previously a government lawyer for over 30 years, holding senior legal posts in HM Treasury, the Attorney General’s Office and the Home Office. From 2014-2020 Jonathan was Treasury Solicitor, HM Procurator General and Permanent Secretary of the Government Legal Department – the most senior official in the UK government. He was appointed honorary Queen’s (now King’s) Counsel in 2019 and knighted (KCB) for public service in 2020.
Articles by Jonathan Jones
Raquel Jorge
Raquel Jorge
Raquel Jorge works as Policy Analyst at Elcano Royal Institute think tank and is responsible for the international affairs and technology policy agenda. She has worked as an independent expert consultant for the European Commission, has led the Working Group on EU’s tech foreign policy at the European Cyber Agora, and supported digital public policy projects at the Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. She also worked on a technical assistance contract in the planning of the National Strategic on Technology and Global Order at Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and at a UK-based consultancy firm working in projects for governments and international institutions.
As a former Fulbright Fellow granted by the United States-Spain Fulbright Commission, she holds a Master’s in Security Policy, specialized in technology policy, from the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University (Washington, DC).
She is part of the Younger Generation Leaders Network at the European Leadership Network, whose main members include former Prime Ministers, Ministers, and representatives from the EU. She has been named as one of Emerging Young Leaders across Europe in the “35 Under 35” List from Santander Bank-CIDOB.
Monika Jung-Mounib
Monika Jung-Mounib
Monika Jung-Mounib is a German writer and journalist, a former foreign correspondent in Ukraine for Neue Zürcher Zeitung and a former news editor for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Her areas of expertise are Russian-Ukrainian relations, European security and German memory culture. She is based in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Articles by Monika Jung-Mounib
Piotr Maciej Kaczynski
Piotr Maciej Kaczynski
Piotr Maciej Kaczynski is a research fellow at the Centre for European Studies (CEPS) in Brussels
Articles by Piotr Maciej Kaczynski
John Kampfner
John Kampfner
John Kampfner launched the Creative Industries Federation in 2014. He is also Chair of the Clore Social Leadership Programme and was the founding Chair of Turner Contemporary, one of the UK's most successful cultural institutions. As editor of the New Statesman from 2005-2008, he took the magazine to a 30-year circulation high. In 2002, he won two Foreign Press Association awards for a two-part BBC film on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He has been named one of the 1,000 most influential Londoners by the London Evening Standard.
Hussein Kassim
Hussein Kassim
Hussein Kassim is Professor of Politics at the University of East Anglia, Principal Investigator on the project 'Living with the Neighbours: the UK, the EU and wider Europe' and Senior Fellow at UK in a Changing Europe. He has published widely on the EU institutions and policy, the interaction between the EU and its member states, and UK-EU relations. He was a ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ Senior Fellow 2016-17, and 2019-22, and ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ grant holder on ‘Negotiating Brexit’ 2017-19 with Professor Simon Usherwood. (@HusseinHKassim)
Articles by Hussein Kassim
Alexander Katsaitis
Alexander Katsaitis
Alexander Katsaitis is Fellow in Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research focuses on the interaction between policymakers and organized interests. Its central aim is to improve government policy making through evidence-based recommendations in the areas of governance, transparency, and accountability. His work appears in journals such as JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Public Administration, Jounral of European Integration, Journal of Public Affairs, Politics & Governance, Journal of European Public Policy.
Articles by Alexander Katsaitis
Sunder Katwala
Sunder Katwala
Jennifer Kavanagh
Jennifer Kavanagh
Jennifer Kavanagh is a political scientist at the RAND Corporation and associate director of the Strategy, Doctrine, and Resources Programme in the RAND Arroyo Centre. Her research focuses on U.S. political institutions and public opinion and their implications for U.S. foreign and domestic policy.
Articles by Jennifer Kavanagh
R. Daniel Kelemen
R. Daniel Kelemen
R. Daniel Kelemen is Professor of Political Science and Law and Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Politics at Rutgers University. Prior to Rutgers, Kelemen was Fellow in Politics at Lincoln College, University of Oxford, and held visiting fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University, and the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels.
Articles by R. Daniel Kelemen
Vicky Kell
Vicky Kell
Dr Vicky Kell is the Trade Director at Invest Northern Ireland.
Articles by Vicky Kell
Peter Kellner
Peter Kellner
Peter Kellner is visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe. He was Chairman of the pioneering online survey research company, YouGov, from 2001-7 and President from 2007-16. He was named as Chairman of the Year in the 2006 Quoted Companies Alliance awards. He has written for a variety of newspapers and magazines, including the Times, Sunday Times, Independent, Observer, Evening Standard, New Statesman and Prospect. He has also been a regular contributor to Newsnight (BBC2), A Week in Politics (Channel Four), Analysis (Radio Four) and election night results programmes on television and radio.
Articles by Peter Kellner
- ► The unnecessary troubles of Reeves and Starmer / February 2025
- ► Exposed: the truth about Labour's Red Wall "triumph" / November 2024
- ► Boris Johnson's search for a Brexit majority / November 2019
- ► The two populist tribes of Brexit / September 2019
- ► A Brexit people's vote - with a twist / July 2018
- ► Brexit second thoughts and demography / May 2018
- ► A Brexit transition or extension of Article 50 / January 2018
- ► British public opinion is turning against Brexit / December 2017
- ► Working class opinion and Brexit / October 2017
- ► The UK-EU neck-and-neck debate / January 2016
Ronja Kempin
Ronja Kempin
Dr. Ronja Kempin is Senior Fellow of the EU/Europe Research Group at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP) in Berlin. The SWP advises the Bundestag and the German government as well as the business community on foreign policy issues. From 2010 to 2014 she was head of the EU External Relations Research Group at the SWP. In 2014 she worked as an advisor and consultant in the policy department (Division 202, CSDP) of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. Her research focuses on European security and defence policy issues, in particular the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as well as France and Franco-German relations.
Articles by Ronja Kempin
Daniel Keohane
Daniel Keohane
Daniel Keohane is head of strategic affairs at FRIDE which has recently published Challenges for European Foreign Policy in 2012: What kind of geo-economic Europe?. Previously he was senior research fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) in Paris; senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) in London; and a research associate at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), National Defense University, in Washington DC.
Articles by Daniel Keohane
Philippe Kern
Philippe Kern
Philippe Kern is founder and managing director of KEA European Affairs, a research centre specialised in advising territories and organisations on culture policy since 1999. He has authored numerous studies for European institutions on culture, copyright, culture and creative industries as well as audio-visual policies. KEA blog :
Articles by Philippe Kern
Olga Kikou
Olga Kikou
Olga Kikou is Head of Compassion in World Farming EU – a non-governmental organisation that campaigns to improve EU laws and policies for farm animals.
Julian King
Julian King
Sir Julian King is a Senior Advisor at Flint Global, Fellow of RUSI and the Oxford Internet Institute. He was the last British European Commissioner, serving as EU Commissioner for the Security Union from 2016-2019, with responsibility for counter terrorism, cyber security, tackling hybrid threats, disinformation, and securing critical digital infrastructure. He joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 1985. He has held various positions, including: UK Ambassador to France (2016); Director General Economic & Consular (2014); DG of the Northern Ireland Office London and Belfast (2011); UK Ambassador to Ireland (2009); EU Commission Chef de Cabinet to Commissioner for Trade (2008); UK Representative on EU Political and Security Committee, (2004).
Articles by Julian King
Julian King
Julian King
Julian King was the last UK EU Commissioner (2016-19), responsible for the Security Union in Jean-Claude Juncker’s Commission.
Articles by Julian King
Anna-Lena Kirch
Anna-Lena Kirch
Anna-Lena Kirch has worked as a research assistant in the Europe Program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Berlin, Brussels and Washington, D.C. She conducts research on EU governance, European Neighborhood Policy, Central Europe and German foreign policy. Next to her work at GMF she does a PhD on subregional cooperation in the EU at Justus Liebig University in Gießen. Prior to GMF, Kirch worked at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs.
Articles by Anna-Lena Kirch
Charlotte Kleberg
Charlotte Kleberg
Charlotte Kleberg is a research assistant at RAND Europe.
Articles by Charlotte Kleberg
Sean Klein
Sean Klein
Sean Klein is the former BBC Brussels Bureau Chief and a highly regarded journalist with more than 20 years experience working in Europe and around the world. He now runs SeanKlein Media Limited, providing clients across the EU and beyond with a broad range of media services. He writes blogs on European issues; and is also researching a book on the flight of ethnic Germans from the Balkans in the 1940s.
Articles by Sean Klein
Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis
Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis
Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis is a Non-resident Fellow at Bruegel. She is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University and is affiliated with the Imperial College Business School Finance Department of Imperial College London. Dr. Kleinnijenhuis is Research Associate at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) at the Oxford Martin School of the University of Oxford, a RPN Member of Sustainable Finance at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), and a Faculty Fellow of the Cornell Atkinson Centre for Sustainability. She taught the first course at Stanford University on Climate Finance. In Fall 2023 and Spring 2024, she teaches the inaugural Climate Finance course at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, at Cornell University. She founded and co-hosts a novel podcast series, VoxTalks Climate Finance, as part of the highly regarded VoxTalks of CEPR, which seeks to play a formative role in covering the debates at the frontiers of the field that will shape the future of finance when it comes to climate. Since 2024, she has been a member (part of the steering committee) of a new CEPR program area on Climate and the Environment. She co-organizes Young Scholars’ Webinar on Climate Finance and Economics (supported by the E-Axis Forum).
Articles by Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis
Angela Knight
Angela Knight
Angela Knight is currently the Chief Executive of the British Bankers Association. She is also a non-executive director on the boards of Brewin Dolphin plc, Tullett Prebon plc and a board member of the Financial Skills Partnership. From 1987 to 1992 she was Councillor and Chief Whip on Sheffield City Council. She entered Parliament in 1992 as MP for Erewash and was Economic Secretary to the Treasury between 1995 and 1997, when she lost her seat at the General Election. She was the Chief Executive of the Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers from September 1997 to December 2006.
Articles by Angela Knight
Edward Knudsen
Edward Knudsen
Edward Knudsen is a doctoral researcher in international relations at the University of Oxford and Research Associate at the Hertie School in Berlin. His academic work focuses on the political economy and economic history of the US and Europe in the 20th century. In the policy world, he researches contemporary transatlantic relations at the Jacques Delors Centre in Berlin and previously worked for the “US and the Americas Programme” at Chatham House. He holds a Master’s in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a bachelor’s degree with majors in history and economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Articles by Edward Knudsen
Svitlana Kobzar
Svitlana Kobzar
Svitlana Kobzar is a policy analyst at RAND Europe and an assistant professor at Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Since 2011, Kobzar has also served as a research fellow at the University of Cambridge. Kobzar's research has focused on governance in the post-Communist region, especially Ukraine, the Eastern Partnership as well as EU's border management, education and migration policies. At RAND, Kobzar has worked for a range of clients, including the European Commission, the Council, the Parliament, the World Bank, the UK Ministry of Justice, the UK Home Office as well as Frontex. Prior to joining RAND, Kobzar worked with think tanks in Italy, Germany and Czech Republic.
Articles by Svitlana Kobzar
Silvana Koch-Mehrin
Silvana Koch-Mehrin
Silvana Koch-Mehrin is the Founder of the Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP), the global network of female Parliamentarians. The mission of WIP is to advance society by unleashing the potential of women for leadership. Silvana has been a Member of the European Parliament 2004-2014. From 2009 to 2011 she was Vice-President of the European Parliament, and from 2004 to 2009 she was First Vice-President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE).
Articles by Silvana Koch-Mehrin
Jonny Koerner
Jonny Koerner
Jonny Koerner holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies form the University of British Columbia and a Masters in Political Science from the University of Amsterdam. Jonny has previously worked as a development officer for a Dutch NGO that strengthens healthcare systems in developing countries. He joined Transparency International in 2011 as a fundraiser and has worked for the TI EU Office in various capacities, including communications and project management.
Articles by Jonny Koerner
Manuel Kohnstamm
Manuel Kohnstamm
Manuel Kohnstamm is Senior Vice President and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer of Liberty Global. In his current position, he is an executive officer of Liberty Global and sits on the Company’s Executive Management and Regulatory Committees.. He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Unitymedia Kabel BW GmbH, a Liberty Global subsidiary in Germany. He is President of Cable Europe, the European Cable Communications Association, and a member of the Board of Directors of Liberty Global’s subsidiary Telenet Group Holding NV, a Belgian public limited liability company.
Articles by Manuel Kohnstamm
Hans Korteweg
Hans Korteweg
Hans Korteweg has been COGEN Europe’s Managing Director since May 2017. Most recently, Mr. Korteweg was Director of Communications and Government Affairs, EMEA Region, for the Westinghouse Electric Company.
Articles by Hans Korteweg
Neelie Kroes
Neelie Kroes
Neelie Kroes is a Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
Gunvor Kronman
Gunvor Kronman
Gunvor Kronman has extensive experience of leadership and international assignments. She is currently the CEO of Hanaholmen, the Swedish-Finnish cooperation center, and has held central positions nationally and internationally across all sectors; private, public and third sector alike. Gunvor is the Chair of the Board of Plan International and a member of RAND Europe Council of Advisors.
Kristy Kruithof
Kristy Kruithof
Kristy Kruithof is a former analyst at RAND Europe who focused on research related to home affairs and social policies across Europe.
Articles by Kristy Kruithof
Hugo Kruyne
Hugo Kruyne
Hugo Kruyne is the Vice-President and COO of Select Vantage Inc (SVI) and True North Vantage Inc. Before joining SVI he began his career as a day-trader, quickly moving on to management of a successful trading floor before taking on a variety of roles covering compliance surveillance, product development, quality assurance, business intelligence and operations.
Sanjeev Kumar
Sanjeev Kumar
Sanjeev Kumar is a climate and energy political thought leader, campaigner, communications expert and public speaker. He is the Head of Policy at the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC).
Hans Kundnani
Hans Kundnani
Hans Kundnani is Senior Research Fellow in the Europe Programme at Chatham House. Previously he was Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Research Director at the European Council on Foreign Relations. He is the author of The Paradox of German Power (2014), which has been translated into German, Italian, Korean and Spanish.
Articles by Hans Kundnani
Matthias Kurth
Matthias Kurth
Matthias Kurth joined Cable Europe in October 2012 as Executive Chairman and sits on its Executive Committee which has oversight of the cable industry’s main representational duties in Europe. Previously he held the position of President of the German Federal Network Agency, Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA), the authority for telecommunications, postal, energy and railway markets in Germany, including frequency management and digital signature. Matthias also served as Chairman of the European Regulators Group (ERG) in 2009 to increase regulatory cooperation at the EU level. He served as State Secretary in the Hesse Ministry of Economics, Transport, Technology and European Affairs between 1994 and 1999.
Articles by Matthias Kurth
Tsvetelina Kuzmanova
Tsvetelina Kuzmanova
Tsvetelina Kuzmanova is a Senior Project Manager at CISL Europe – Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, where she works on sustainable finance policies. Tsvetelina engages with EU institutions and stakeholders to achieve policy reforms for increased public and private sector investments for a climate-neutral and nature-positive economy.
Jacques Lafitte
Jacques Lafitte
Jacques Lafitte is the founder and CEO of Avisa Brussels, a subsidiary of the wider Avisa group which offers a range of services, including traditional PA/PR, online advocacy, cybersecurity, forensic and premium events organization such as FIC. Prior to Avisa, Jacques occupied several positions in German and French ministries, and went on to create the euro as an advisor to the responsible EU Commissioner, 1995 to 1999. He spent a couple years at Microsoft, as chief lobbyist for Europe. Off hours Jacques is a serial entrepreneur in innovation-driven businesses, especially immuno-oncology, vaccines and Blockchain. He is also a passionate kitesurfer.
Articles by Jacques Lafitte
Giulia Laganà
Giulia Laganà
Giulia Laganà is the Senior Policy Analyst on EU Migration and Asylum Policies for the Open Society European Policy Institute and leads its analysis and advocacy on EU policies on migration and asylum. Previously, she was a senior adviser on migration, asylum, EU, and international affairs to the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome. and spent four years with the United Nations, working for UNHCR and UNDP in Italy and Brussels, respectively. Her work experience also includes stints with NGOs such as SOLIDAR and with the European Commission.
Articles by Giulia Laganà
Eleftheria lakovidou
Eleftheria lakovidou
Eleftheria Iakovidou is a research assistant at RAND Europe working in the areas of education, child and family policy. She has an M.Sc. in special and inclusive education from the University of Bristol and a B.Sc. in social and education policy from the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Peloponnese in Greece. While an M.Sc. student, she conducted various quantitative and qualitative research projects in the field of inclusive education, with particular interest in the education of migrant, refugee and asylum seeking children. Her M.Sc. dissertation focused on the education of refugee children in Greece and the role of art interventions in the creation of inclusive, formal and informal educational environments.
Articles by Eleftheria lakovidou
Philipp Lamprecht
Philipp Lamprecht
Philipp Lamprecht is a Senior Economist at ECIPE. He previously worked as an External Consultant to the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate and has worked as a Consultant of the London School of Economics (LSE) on a variety of projects, including the Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment of the EU-Japan FTA negotiations for the European Commission (DG Trade) and a EuropeAid project related to the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement. Before that, he has worked on a number of consultancy projects in the field of trade for the International Trade Policy Unit of the LSE.
Karel Lannoo
Karel Lannoo
Karel Lannoo has been active in active in European public policy for over 35 years. Specialised in financial regulation, governance and single market issues, his recent publications discuss EU health care sector policy, anti-money laundering, Russia financial sanctions, crypto-currency regulation and Europe’s geopolitical ambitions.
Roslyn Layton
Roslyn Layton
Roslyn Layton, PhD Fellow, studied Internet Policy at the Center for Communication, Media and Information Technologies at Aalborg University in Copenhagen. She is the author of Next Generation Telecom Policy and the Digital Single Market.
Articles by Roslyn Layton
Bojan Lazarevski
Bojan Lazarevski
Bojan Lazarevski is a political scientist in international and intercultural studies based in North Macedonia. He is also a writing fellow with Young Voices Europe and an activist and researcher.
Articles by Bojan Lazarevski
Kevin Le Merle
Kevin Le Merle
Kevin Le Merle is a policy analyst and researcher on questions of global distributive climate justice. In his current position, he spearheads the Foundation for European Progressive Studies’ work on climate, environment, and energy. He has authored research on the European Green Deal, with a focus on its environmental and social justice dimensions.
Articles by Kevin Le Merle
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama is the director of European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and a leading author on trade diplomacy, EU-Far East relations and the digital economy. He was named “One of the 20 most influential people for open internet” by the readers of the Guardian UK in 2012. He was the first author to argue for a WTO case on internet censorship in China. Prior to joining ECIPE, he was an independent counsel on regulatory affairs, competition and communication, Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representative of Sweden and the EU member states towards the WTO and the UN, including WIPO and UNECE. Lee-Makiyama is also a Fellow at the department International Relations at the London School of Economics, and currently shares his time between LSE and ECIPE.
Articles by Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
Kevin Lees
Kevin Lees
Kevin A. Lees is an attorney in Washington, D.C. and editor of the foreign policy blog
Articles by Kevin Lees
Christian Leffler
Christian Leffler
Born in Göteborg, Sweden, in 1955, educated at LSE and the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Christian Leffler joined the Swedish Foreign Service in 1980. Participating in the Swedish accession negotiations to the EU opened the door to joining the European Commission in 1996. After various posts in Cabinets and external relations services, he joined the EEAS, EU External Action Service, at its establishment in 2011 as the Managing director for the Americas. He became Deputy Secretary General for Economic and Global Issues in 2015 and served in this position until his retirement in March 2020.
Articles by Christian Leffler
Johanna Lehne
Johanna Lehne
Johanna Lehne is a policy advisor working on the clean economy programme with a focus on competition and industrial policy. Before joining E3G in August 2019, Johanna was a research associate in the Energy, Environment and Resources Department at Chatham House. Her research, while at Chatham House, covered industrial decarbonisation, the circular economy, low-carbon innovation in the built environment, chokepoints in global food trade, natural resource governance in China and energy for displaced populations.
Michael Leigh
Michael Leigh
Sir Michael Leigh is a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and a former director-general for enlargement in the European Commission. He holds a PhD in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has published widely on current challenges facing the European Union and the United States.
Articles by Michael Leigh
Paul Leonard
Paul Leonard
Paul Leonard started his career in 1984 as an entomologist with Dow and moved to American Cyanamid in 1994 as Technical Manager for Europe Middle East and Africa. In 2000 he joined BASF´s global registration department and in 2008 joined its Government Relations organisation, where he is currently responsible for corporate innovation and technology policy. He currently serves on the boards of Rothamsted Research and the European Risk Forum (ERF). In 2013 he was also appointed to chair the ERF´s task force which promotes the Innovation Principle as a new and positive contribution to EU policy making in which capacity he has written this article.
Articles by Paul Leonard
Dick Leonard
Dick Leonard
Dick Leonard is a journalist, author and former Labour MP. He worked in Brussels for 30 years, writing, primarily, about the European Union, for leading newspapers around the world. A former Assistant Editor of The Economist, he is the author of the best-selling Economist Guide to the European Union, and is the author or part-author of over 20 other books, includingmost recently, A History of British Prime Ministers: Walpole to Cameron.
Articles by Dick Leonard
Mark Leonard
Mark Leonard
Mark Leonard is co-founder and director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, the first pan-European think tank. His topics of focus include geopolitics and geoeconomics, China, and EU institutions. He writes a syndicated column on global affairs for Project Syndicate. Previously he worked as director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform and as director of the Foreign Policy Centre, a think tank he founded at the age of 24 under the patronage of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. He was Chairman of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Geoeconomics until 2016. As well as writing and commenting frequently in the media on global affairs, Leonard is author of two best-selling books. His first book, Why Europe will run the 21st Century, was published in 2005 and translated into 19 languages. Leonard's second book, What does China think? was published in 2008 and translated into 15 languages. He has published an edited volume on Connectivity Wars and is working on a forthcoming book on the same topic.
Articles by Mark Leonard
Elsa Leromain
Elsa Leromain
Elsa Leromain is a Research Economist at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics and researcher with Th. She holds a PhD from Paris School of Economics. Her main research interests are in international trade, political economy, and economic geography.
Articles by Elsa Leromain
Ian Lesser
Ian Lesser
Ian Lesser is Senior Director for Foreign and Security Policy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, managing activity in these areas across GMF. He also serves as Executive Director of the Transatlantic Center, GMF’s Brussels Office, and leads GMF work on the Mediterranean, Turkey, and the Southern Atlantic. Prior to joining GMF, Dr. Lesser was Vice President and Director of Studies at the Pacific Council on International Policy (the western partner of the Council on Foreign Relations). He came to the Pacific Council from RAND, where he spent over a decade as a senior analyst and research manager specializing in strategic studies. From 1994-1995, he was a member of the Secretary’s Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State, responsible for Turkey, Southern Europe, North Africa, and the multilateral track of the Middle East peace process. A frequent commentator for international media, he has written extensively on international policy issues. His books and reports include Morocco’s New Geopolitics: A Wider Atlantic Perspective (2012); Beyond Suspicion: Rethinking US-Turkish Relations (2007); Security and Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean (2006); Turkish Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty (2003); Greece’s New Geopolitics (2001); and Countering the New Terrorism (1999).
Articles by Ian Lesser
Kate Levick
Kate Levick
Kate Levick leads E3G’s activities on Sustainable Finance, working with a wide range of public and private finance sector stakeholders to support ambitions finance and climate policy outcomes. Prior to joining E3G Kate was the Global Director for Policy Engagement at CDP, a not-for-profit that operates a global disclosure system for institutional investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. She previously worked for the UK government’s Office of Climate Change helping to develop international and domestic climate policy, following several years working for BP Plc in a variety of commercial and environmental roles. Kate is a member of the British Standards Institute Steering Advisory Group for Sustainable Finance, the Climate Champions’ Financial Sector Expert Group and the UK’s Green Technical Advisory Group. She represents E3G in the Innovation Working Group of the UK’s Climate Financial Risk Forum.
Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis was appointed Chief Executive of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) in October 2010 and is also Chief Executive Officer of the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA). AFME is the trade body which represents the pan-European investment banking industry. Previously Simon was Director of Communications and the Prime Minister’s Official Spokesman at 10 Downing Street. He has held a number of senior corporate roles including Director of Corporate Affairs at Vodafone, Centrica and NatWest. Simon was appointed as the first Communications Secretary to The Queen in 1998.
Articles by Simon Lewis
Catherine Lichten
Catherine Lichten
Catherine Lichten is an analyst at RAND Europe working primarily in areas related to science and health. Her RAND research projects have examined a range of topics in the area of biomedical research funding and the interface of science and society.
Articles by Catherine Lichten
Darren Litter
Darren Litter
Darren Litter is a PhD Candidate at Queen’s University Belfast studying the extent to which European integration and British-Irish intergovernmentalism are ‘inextricably intertwined’. He holds a First-Class Honours MEconSc in European Public Affairs and Law from University College Dublin. He is a Student Affiliate of UCD’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in the New Political Economy of Europe; QUB's Institute of Irish Studies; and a Washington Ireland Programme Forum Fellow.
Articles by Darren Litter
Lewis Lloyd
Lewis Lloyd
Lewis Lloyd is co-author of the Institute for Government’s recent paper Who's afraid of the ECJ? Charting the UK's relationship with the European Court
Articles by Lewis Lloyd
Tobias Lock
Tobias Lock
Dr Tobias Lock is a Senior Lecturer in EU Law at the University of Edinburgh and co-director of its Europa Institute.
Articles by Tobias Lock
Anthony Lockett
Anthony Lockett
From January - June 2013, Tony Lockett was European Union Fellow at the University of Washington, where he worked with the Jackson School of International Studies and the Department of Communication. The views expressed here are personal and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of his employer, the European Commission.
Articles by Anthony Lockett
Martin Lodge
Martin Lodge
Martin Lodge is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy and Director of the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation at the London School of Economics. His research interests are in executive politics and regulation.
Articles by Martin Lodge
Cillian Lohan
Cillian Lohan
Cillian Lohan is Chair of the EESC's EU-UK Follow-up Committee and member of the EU DAG under the TCA. He has been rapporteur for several EESC opinions, including the ongoing own-initiative opinion on EU-UK Youth Engagement.
Articles by Cillian Lohan
Nick Lokker
Nick Lokker
Nicholas Lokker is a Research Associate at the Center for a New American Security. His research focuses on European integration, EU-Russia relations, and transatlantic security policy.
Adrian Low
Adrian Low
Adrian Low is Emeritus Professor of Computer Education at Staffordshire University and is Anglican Chaplain to the Costa del Sol (West) in Spain. His ‘parish’ includes 80,000 UK expats who have lived on the Costa for years but now many who retired here, have health and frailty issues, have lost their spouse, and are unable, financially and practically, ever to be able to move back to the UK. Some, at an advanced age, fear losing all residency, medical, ownership, travelling and financial rights.
Articles by Adrian Low
Sam Lowe
Sam Lowe
Sam Lowe is a director at Flint Global, where he leads their trade policy work. He is also a visiting senior research fellow at The Policy Institute, Kings College London and the author of the weekly trade newsletter, Most Favoured Nation. He is writing in a personal capacity.
Articles by Sam Lowe
- ► Trump, tariffs and trade wars / January 2025
- ► It’s all about the vibe shift / March 2023
- ► The continued political uncertainty in Northern Ireland / June 2022
- ► Three scenarios for the Northern Ireland Protocol / February 2022
- ► Understanding trade in services / March 2021
- ► The post-Brexit trials and tribulations of the touring musical troupe / January 2021
- ► Onshoring is no panacea for EU medical supplies / June 2020
- ► The EU and UK can agree on the scope of a new trade deal, but the devil is in the detail / March 2020
- ► Freedom to diverge after Brexit will cost UK / January 2020
- ► Phil Hogan and the Greens / October 2019
- ► Immigration is key to UK’s services trade after Brexit / May 2019
- ► Brexit's impact on services / December 2018
- ► Brexit, rules of origin and barriers to trade / April 2018
- ► Follow Jersey, not Norway or Canada / February 2018
Hugo Lucas
Hugo Lucas
Hugo Lucas is Director of Strategy at Our Future, Our Choice.
Articles by Hugo Lucas
Luke Lythgoe
Luke Lythgoe
Articles by Luke Lythgoe
Nick Mabey
Nick Mabey
Nick Mabey is chief executive of the sustainable development NGO E3G (Third Generation Environmentalism). He was previously a senior adviser in the UK prime minister’s strategy unit, leading work on energy, fisheries, unstable states and organised crime, and head of economics and development at WWF-UK.
Articles by Nick Mabey
- ► There is no place for Fantasy Futures in the EU 2050 Climate Strategy / July 2018
- ► Brexit and climate change / July 2016
- ► Europe dithers while the door closes on a 2C future / January 2014
- ► European recovery: more globalised or more green? / June 2013
- ► Understanding Europe's unexpected Durban success / January 2012
- ► Europe must complete its low carbon transition / December 2011
Corrado Macchiarelli
Corrado Macchiarelli
Corrado Macchiarelli is Principal Economist at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research's Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting team, Associate Professor in Economics at Brunel University, London, and a Visiting Fellow in European Political Economy at the London School of Economics. You can follow him on Twitter: @CMacchiarelli.
Articles by Corrado Macchiarelli
Dylan Macchiarini Crosson
Dylan Macchiarini Crosson
Dylan Macchiarini Crosson is a Researcher in the EU Foreign Policy Unit at CEPS. His main expertise relates to the areas of EU foreign, security, and defence policies, transatlantic relations, and EU institutional and political dynamics in these areas.
He is specialised in matters of EU security and defence in particular, with deep expertise on the positions and policies of the EU and EU member states, EU-NATO and EU-US security and defence relations, and the EU’s security and defence institutional set-up and political dynamics, as illustrated by several publications on these subjects. He has also worked in depth on EU defence technological and industrial base dynamics including capabilities development, procurement, industrial fragmentation, funding instruments, and arms transfers.
Dylan’s research portfolio and engagement with stakeholders also focuses on the way the EU navigates the return of multipolar competition and balances against hostile actors such as China and Russia, the EU’s support for and contribution to global governance and multilateral institutions, and the EU’s approach to preventing conflict and violent extremism.
Articles by Dylan Macchiarini Crosson
Alasdair MacEwen
Alasdair MacEwen
Alasdair MacEwen is a director of the research and advisory consultancy, Culmer Raphael. After beginning his career as an economist at the UK Treasury, he moved to public affairs consultancy where he has advised companies and organisations including Microsoft, Aviva, London 2012 and Zurich Financial Services. He is a French-British national who has worked in politics and government in Scotland, Spain, France, Brussels and London.
Articles by Alasdair MacEwen
Denis MacShane
Denis MacShane
Denis MacShane was the youngest president of the National Union of Journalists in 1979. He writes on European politics and policy. He was Labour MP for Rotherham 1994-2012 and Minister for Europe 2002-05. He has written three books on Brexit and first used the word in 2012. His latest book is Must Labour Always Lose?
Articles by Denis MacShane
- ► Germany is not “Lurching to the Right” despite what the BBC says / February 2025
- ► A new European role for Britain in the Balkans / February 2025
- ► Trump's election / November 2024
- ► More than 500 MPs oppose Brexit but Starmer sticks with Boris Johnson's policy / October 2024
- ► Whitehall got Europe wrong and may do so again / August 2024
- ► Starmer’s Europe opening / July 2024
- ► No clear conclusions from the European Parliament Elections / June 2024
- ► Nationalism devours English and Scottish politics / May 2024
- ► Year of all the elections delivering surprises / April 2024
- ► The three elections that matter for Europe in 2024 / January 2024
- ► How worried should we be about the Far Right taking over Europe? / December 2023
- ► Quo vadis Europa? / November 2023
- ► Grandmothers’ footsteps on reconnecting with Europe / October 2023
- ► Small town in Germany votes Far Right but EU politics remain mosaic not monolith / July 2023
- ► Book review: Homelands. A Personal History of Europe by Timothy Garton Ash / April 2023
- ► David Lammy starts to shape Labour’s Europe Policy / January 2023
- ► Inside the Deal. How the EU Got Brexit Done, by Stefaan de Rynck: Book Review / January 2023
- ► From Enoch Powell to Suella Braverman immigrant bashing is England’s favourite sport / November 2022
- ► EU diplomacy doesn’t work because European governments don’t want it to / October 2022
- ► Meloni election highlights the new – incoherent – politics of Europe / October 2022
- ► Britain In Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Year has reduced the Brexit obsession with immigrants / May 2022
- ► Must the UK Labour Party always lose? / March 2022
- ► Shine going off Brexit faster than expected / September 2021
- ► How to deal with Russia / June 2021
- ► Josep Borrell has stripped away all illusions about the Kremlin’s contempt for Europe / February 2021
- ► What happens next in UK-EU saga? Look no further than Switzerland? / January 2021
- ► 2021 - Flashpoint for Europe's Eastern Borderlands / December 2020
- ► Could Charles usher in a new 'entente cordiale' with Europe? / November 2020
- ► Spain’s strange silence on Brexit / October 2019
- ► The five extension options for Johnson and Corbyn / September 2019
- ► King Boris takes on Parliament in a fight to the finish / September 2019
- ► Theresa May's new old proposal / May 2019
- ► Labour tells May they can’t trust her and she negotiates in bad faith / May 2019
- ► The Brexit revolution devours its children / March 2019
- ► How to cut the Brexit Gordian Knot / March 2019
- ► Kicking the can / January 2019
- ► People’s Vote Wins Backing from The Times and Guardian / December 2018
- ► The new EU-UK political declaration is no guide to the future relationship / November 2018
- ► Forget a Brexit “deal”. It’s Brexeternity that lies ahead / October 2018
- ► Labour MPs In the north call for a new People’s Vote on Europe / May 2018
- ► How to solve the free movement conundrum / September 2016
- ► The lost votes in the UK-EU referendum / January 2016
Robert Madelin
Robert Madelin
Robert Madelin is FIPRA International’s Chairman and Chief Strategist. Before joining FIPRA in 2016, Robert held a series of senior positions at the European Commission, notably as Director General for Health and Consumer Policy (SANCO) in 2004-10.
Juergen Maier
Juergen Maier
Juergen Maier was appointed Chief Executive of Siemens in the UK on 1 July 2014. He has been a member of the Siemens UK Executive Board since 2008, and held senior roles within Siemens in the UK and Germany including Managing Director of Industry for the UK and Ireland and Manufacturing Director of the award-winning Drives factory in Congleton. Born in Germany with Austrian nationality, he came to the UK as a child in the 1970s. He tweerts @Juergen_Maier.
Articles by Juergen Maier
Sébastien Maillard
Sébastien Maillard
Sébastien Maillard was a journalist at La Croix, where he covered Emmanuel Macron’s first election campaign. Previously correspondent of the daily in Brussels and then in Rome, he made numerous reportages across the whole continent. He is a specialist in European affairs that he taught at Sciences Po (Paris) and Boston College. He serves as Director of the Jacques Delors Institute since 2017. He is the author of 'What We Have made of Europe?'(edited by Salvator, 2013) and of 'Faire l’Europe dans un monde de brutes' with the Institute's president, Enrico Letta, published in 2019.
Articles by Sébastien Maillard
Erika Mann
Erika Mann
Erika Mann joined Facebook's Global Public Policy Team inOctober 2011 heading up a new office in Brussels where she is the company's lead spokesperson for EU affairs. She was the Executive Vice President for the Computer&Communications Industry Association in Brussels between December 2009 and October 2011. She was a German Member of the European Parliament between 1994 and 2009.
Articles by Erika Mann
Catriona Manville
Catriona Manville
Catriona Manville is a research leader at RAND Europe, where she works in the area of innovation, health and science. Since joining RAND, she has been involved in and managed research, policy analysis and evaluation studies across the sectors of health and higher education.
Articles by Catriona Manville
Emma Marcegaglia
Emma Marcegaglia
Emma Marcegaglia has been President of BUSINESSEUROPE since July 2013. Ms Marcegaglia is Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Marcegaglia S.p.A., a leading group in steel processing, and of its controlled companies. She has been chairman of ENI since 8 May 2014, president of Confindustria from May 2008 until May 2012 and president of Luiss Guido Carli University since July 2010.
Articles by Emma Marcegaglia
Joe Marshall
Joe Marshall
Joe Marshall is a senior researcher at the Institute for Government, working on Brexit. He has previously contributed to the Institute’s work on tax and parliament. He joined the organisation in October 2018 from HM Treasury, where he worked on EU exit legislation as policy lead on the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill and the meaningful vote.
Marta Martinelli
Marta Martinelli
Dr. Marta Martinelli heads the EU external relations team of the Open Society European Policy Institute, where she oversees policy development and EU advocacy within the institute. She is also responsible for work on gender, democratization, security governance, and development issues in Africa. She joined the Open Society Foundations in May 2010.
Articles by Marta Martinelli
Olivier Marty
Olivier Marty
Olivier Marty is a Lecturer in European economics at SciencesPo and Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS). His research interests include Brexit, Eurozone reform, investment and European economic policies. Before moving to academia, Olivier served as an economist at Société Générale and at the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB).
Heidi Maurer
Heidi Maurer
Dr Heidi Maurer is a Marie Curie Research Fellow at SPAIS of the University of Bristol, leading the project “EuroDipl: the added value of European diplomacy coordination. She is also a Research Associate at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford and a Visiting Professor in European Diplomacy at the College of Europe in Bruges.
Mario Mauro
Mario Mauro
Mario Mauro is a former Vice President of the European Parliament, having served as an MEP from 1999 to 2013. Also a former Italian senator, he served as Minister of Defence in the Letta Cabinet and previously as representative of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in (OSCE) against racism, xenophobia and discrimination, with special reference to discrimination against Christians. He has been professor of history at the European University of Rome since 2008 and is a senior adviser at Cambre Associates.
Articles by Mario Mauro
Joanna Maycock
Joanna Maycock
Joanna Maycock has been Secretary General of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) since May 2014. Founded in 1990, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest alliance of women’s non-governmental associations in the European Union, with members throughout the EU who come together around our common vision of a Feminist Europe. She led ActionAid International’s work in Europe: Developing and implementing EU campaigns on aid effectiveness, women’s rights, and policy coherence for development. Joanna is also a former President of CONCORD, the European Confederation of Development NGOs. Prior to that she worked for the International Organisation for Migration in Brussels.
Articles by Joanna Maycock
Claire McConnell
Claire McConnell
Claire McConnell joined E3G from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (formerly DFID), where she worked on land governance and tenure security, as well as on the COP26 Sustainable Agriculture Campaign and the UK’s Forest Governance, Markets and Climate programme. Prior to this she worked with the Green Group in the European Parliament and undertook a Blue Book Traineeship in DG DEVCO in the European Commission, as well as working on monitoring and evaluation of development projects with an NGO in Udaipur, India.
Articles by Claire McConnell
Bobby McDonagh
Bobby McDonagh
Bobby McDonagh, a former Irish diplomat, served as Ireland’s Permanent Representative to the EU (2005 to 2009), Ambassador to the UK (2009 to 2013), to Italy (2013 to 2017) and to Malaysia (2000-2001). He also worked on EU issues in Dublin for many years, including as EU Director General at the Department of Foreign Affairs. In addition to representing Ireland in the Council of Ministers for seven years, he worked in the cabinets of two Irish members of the European Commission and as an official of the European Parliament. He has written extensively about the European Union. He is now a media commentator, notably on Brexit and the European Union, and an Executive Coach.
Articles by Bobby McDonagh
- ► The only threat Ukraine poses to Putin is the threat of democracy / March 2022
- ► Boris Johnson, Moses and the Tablets of Stone / November 2021
- ► It hasn’t gone away: the Northern Ireland Brexit Protocol / September 2021
- ► Saint Robert Schuman? / June 2021
- ► Britain and Europe: “The Hope Still Lives” / May 2021
- ► Good Will and the Northern Ireland Brexit Protocol / March 2021
- ► The EU Commission’s Article 16 fiasco: learning the lessons / February 2021
- ► Trump’s lies and embedded health warnings / January 2021
- ► To fish or cut bait: the Brexit endgame / November 2020
- ► British sovereignty and the Brexit endgame / October 2020
- ► What did the English ever do for us? / September 2020
- ► Psychological projection and Brexit / August 2020
- ► Brexit: The hope that dares not speak its name / July 2020
Gibbs McKinley
Gibbs McKinley
Gibbs McKinley is the Executive Research Assistant at the Center for a New American Security. Her work encompasses U.S. national security and global threats to democracy.
Articles by Gibbs McKinley
Michael McTernan
Michael McTernan
Michael McTernan is acting director of Policy Network.
Articles by Michael McTernan
Simon McVicker
Simon McVicker
Simon McVicker is Director of Policy and External Affairs at IPSE, the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed. IPSE works on behalf of 4.5 million people working for themselves in the UK – the largest body of its kind in Europe – and also works closely with Brussels-based ESBA and EFIP.
Articles by Simon McVicker
Geoff Meade
Geoff Meade
Geoff Meade is a journalist with, tragically, 35 years’ experience of covering EU affairs. The former Europe Editor of the Press Association now moderates conferences and speaks at events and on EU affairs, but only if invited. He pops up on radio and television now and then, usually to be asked searching questions about what Boris Johnson, a former Brussels colleague, is really like. A few copies of Geoff’s major literary work, “All In A Day’s Shirk”, a collection of columns about family life and other oddities, are still available.
In fact, quite a lot are still available……….
Articles by Geoff Meade
- ► The alternative secret Brexit diaries of Michel Barnier / June 2021
- ► The Future of Man – and Woman / May 2021
- ► Two chairs for European solidarity / April 2021
- ► It’s just a little prick…….. / March 2021
- ► Custard creams and the British bulldog spirit / February 2021
- ► Fish, cakes and sovereignty / January 2021
- ► Make Britain grate again / December 2020
Kamel Mellahi
Kamel Mellahi
Kamel Mellahi is a Professor of Strategic Management at Warwick Business School. He has authored and co-authored six books and published more than 80 scholarly articles in various journals including the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of World Business, and the Journal of International Business Studies. He serves as a Senior Editor for the Journal of World Business and Consulting Editor for the British Journal of Management.
Articles by Kamel Mellahi
Josh Meltzer
Josh Meltzer
Dr. Joshua Meltzer is a senior fellow in the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution. He works on international economic relations with a focus on the intersection of digital technology and international trade and investment. Along with Cameron Kerry, he co-leads the Forum on Cooperation in Artificial Intelligence (FCAI)—a multistakeholder dialogue with government officials from the U.S., EU, Canada, the U.K., Singapore, Japan, and Australia, as well as AI experts from industry and academia. He also leads the USMCA initiative, which focuses on how the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) can strengthen international cooperation in North America.
Anand Menon
Anand Menon
Anand Menon is Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at Kings College London. He also directs the Economic and Social Research Council Initiative on the UK in a Changing Europe. He is co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of the European Union (2012) and author, amongst other things, of Europe: The State of the Union (2008). @anandmenon1
Giles Merritt
Giles Merritt
Giles Merritt is the author of a new book entitled People Power: Why We Need More Migrants that examines the complex economic and political issues surrounding European attitudes and policies on immigration. Giles is the Founder and Chairman of Friends of Europe, the leading Brussels think tank that since 1999 has used innovative methods to bring EU-related issues to public attention around Europe. A former Financial Times Brussels Correspondent, Giles Merritt is a journalist, author and broadcaster who has for over four decades specialised in European public policy questions.
Articles by Giles Merritt
Giles Merritt
Giles Merritt
Giles Merritt is Founder and Chairman of the prominent Brussels think-tank Friends of Europe, and Editor-in-Chief of its policy journal Europe's World. His new book Slippery Slope: Europe's Troubled Future is published by Oxford University Press.
Articles by Giles Merritt
Zach Meyers
Zach Meyers
Zach Meyers is a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. He previously practised as a competition and regulatory lawyer in Australia, the US and the UK and has expertise in economic regulation and network industries. He publishes on EU competition policy and technology issues.
Articles by Zach Meyers
- ► Draghi and Letta’s proposals to reform competition policy: a step backwards for European innovation / November 2024
- ► Can the EU hold back the great tech decoupling? / June 2024
- ► Ignore the nay-sayers: Brussels will continue to rule the tech world / December 2023
- ► The UK’s Microsoft/Activision decision shows the EU how to regulate big tech / June 2023
- ► Like it or not, the EU needs American cloud services / March 2023
- ► Can UK science and technology recover from Brexit? / January 2023
- ► Unlocking industrial data: why the EU should rethink the Data Act / July 2022
- ► Sanctioning Russia: A co-operative endeavour, not a competitive sport / March 2022
- ► Why EU-UK data flows have a dim future / December 2021
- ► Why Europe’s payments champion should innovate, not imitate / July 2021
- ► How the Digital Markets Act can tame big tech / May 2021
Jeremy Mills-Sheehy
Jeremy Mills-Sheehy
Articles by Jeremy Mills-Sheehy
Nicolas Moës
Nicolas Moës
Nicolas Moë is an economist by training focused on the impact of General-Purpose Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) on geopolitics, the economy and industry. He is the Executive Director at The Future Society, where he works on the management, strategy and stakeholder engagement for the organization. He previously studied and monitored European developments in the legislative framework surrounding AI, and was active on the EU AI Act drafting and on building its enforcement mechanisms.
Alexander Mohr
Alexander Mohr
Alexander Mohr joined APEAL in 2013 from the European container glass association FEVE, where he held the position of Senior Public Affairs Manager and Legal Counsel. Before moving to EU affairs in Brussels he worked for the German political think tank Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
Articles by Alexander Mohr
Almut Möller
Almut Möller
Almut Möller has been head of the Alfred von Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) since 2010. From 2008 to 2010 she lived and worked as a freelance political analyst in London. Between 2002 and 2008 she was a researcher at the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, where she initially worked in the European Union Reform and Enlargement Program and since 2007 as head of the Center’s Euro-Mediterranean Program.
Articles by Almut Möller
James Moran
James Moran
Marley Morris
Marley Morris
Marley Morris is Associate Director for Migration, Trade and Communities at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). He specialises in research on Brexit, trade and migration policy and has led projects on the implications of Brexit for labour and social protections, the future of US-UK trade relations, the points-based immigration system, and the EU Settlement Scheme.
Evelyn Morrison
Evelyn Morrison
Evelyn Morrison is a student at Long Road Sixth Form College in Cambridge, where she is studying for her A levels. In July 2015 she gained a week of work experience at the Policy Institute at Kings under the supervision of Jonathan Grant and Benedict Wilkinson. Evelyn is currently applying to Sheffield University to study Economics and Philosophy.
Articles by Evelyn Morrison
Paige Morrow
Paige Morrow
Paige Morrow is head of Brussels Operations at Frank Bold, a purpose-driven law firm. The firm leads the Purpose of the Corporation Project, which invites businesses, academics, policymakers, and civil society to debate the future of publicly traded companies. Paige is also a visiting lecturer on corporate governance in the Masters of Law programme at the University of Kent BSIS. She has also held positions at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the Kenya National Commission for Human Rights and the South African Legal Resources Centre.
Articles by Paige Morrow
Camino Mortera-Martinez
Camino Mortera-Martinez
Camino Mortera-Martinez is head of the Centre for European Reform's Brussels office where she is a senior research fellow working on justice and home affairs, with a particular focus on migration, internal security, criminal law and police and judicial co-operation. She is also interested in the institutional dimension of justice and home affairs and the relationship between privacy and security both at EU and national levels.
Articles by Camino Mortera-Martinez
- ► Hungary, Poland and the rule of law: Follow the money / February 2023
- ► The EU does not need to reform Schengen. It needs to build back trust / March 2022
- ► Poland’s many problems – and how to solve them / November 2021
- ► The EU needs better anti-corruption plans to defend the rule of law in Europe / June 2021
- ► Schengen will survive the pandemic - the single market may not / October 2020
- ► Merkel and Salvini’s migration crisis: Much ado about nothing? / July 2018
- ► Why Britain does not need to change the rules on free movement / December 2014
Vivienne Moxham-Hall
Vivienne Moxham-Hall
Dr Vivienne Moxham-Hall is a Research Associate at the Policy Institute, King’s College London. She majored in Immunobiology in her undergraduate degree and has a Master of Health Policy from the University of Sydney and has a PhD from the University of New South Wales for which she won the Dean’s Award for outstanding thesis. She has experience working across government, NGO and academic sectors as a Policy Officer the NSW state government health department and as a Board Director for the University of Sydney Union and Australian think tank Australia21. Since being at the Policy Institute Vivienne has been involved in the flagship COVID-19 “Life under lockdown” surveys.
Articles by Vivienne Moxham-Hall
Marin Mrčela
Marin Mrčela
Justice Mrčela is President of the Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). In this capacity, he has encouraged countering corruption through a multidisciplinary approach, calling upon Member States to set up overarching integrity policies covering all branches of government. Prior to becoming Chair of GRECO, Justice Mrčela was a longstanding member of its Bureau, where he took a decisive role in designing and pushing forward an evaluation of political financing in Europe and the USA. Within Croatia, Justice Mrčela is the vice-President of the Supreme Court and has also served as a judge in war crimes.
Articles by Marin Mrčela
Georgette Mulheir
Georgette Mulheir
Georgette Mulheir has worked for more than two decades in 23 countries around the world, leading large-scale programmes to transform (and at times save) the lives of thousands of disadvantaged children. She pioneered a model of ‘deinstitutionalisation’ now followed by many governments, preventing the separation of children from families, returning children from institutions and so-called ‘orphanages’ to families, and shifting finances from harmful institutions to community services that support children in families. She advises officials at the European Commission on using EU funds for reforming children’s services.
Articles by Georgette Mulheir
Andreas Müllerleile
Andreas Müllerleile
Andreas Müllerleile is a political analyst with an interest in digital communications. He blogs at about EU politics and the European public sphere. He also worked for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and is a co-founder of You can follow him on twitter @kosmopolit.
Articles by Andreas Müllerleile
Robyn Munro
Robyn Munro
Robyn Munro is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Government, where she manages the Institute’s work on Brexit. Her work at the Institute has also focused on intergovernmental relations in the UK and how the UK Government engages with business. Prior to joining the Institute in August 2013, she worked for a public affairs consultancy advising clients from the social housing, green energy and property development sectors.
George Murkin
George Murkin
George Murkin is Acting Head of Communications at the Policy Institute, King’s College London. He manages public engagement activities for the institute, including media, events and online, and has been involved in key studies on issues ranging from Covid-19 and Brexit to inequality and culture wars.
Articles by George Murkin
Lara Natale
Lara Natale
Lara Natale is a Brussels-based advisor and expert in tech and digital policy. Most recently, she directed the Tech, Media, Telecom and Mobility activities at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) and also co-led the Tech, Media, Telecoms practice at FTI Consulting EU, providing strategic EU public policy and regulatory counsel to global businesses and served as Attachée at the (then-named) UK Permanent Representation to the EU, negotiating digital, culture, skills and other legislation. She has also held roles across social policy areas within civil society, think tanks and research institutes in Brussels and London.
Articles by Lara Natale
Adam Nathan
Adam Nathan
Adam Nathan is Director of Our Biggest Market, the cross-party campaign for Britain to remain in a reformed Single Market and Deputy Director of British Influence, the campaign for British leadership in Europe. Between 1996-2005 he worked in the media including for BBC Television and The Sunday Times. He has gone on to manage several high-profile business campaigns through bringing together broad coalitions of banks, service providers, technology manufacturers and civil society.
Articles by Adam Nathan
Marceline Naudi
Marceline Naudi
Dr Marceline Naudi is President of GREVIO, the Council of Europe monitoring body of the Istanbul Convention, having also participated in the drafting of the Convention as a member of CAHVIO. She is a social worker by profession, a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Gender Studies, University of Malta, as well as an activist. Her specialist areas are gender issues, violence against women, LGBTIQ, as well as wider human rights. She was a board member of the WAVE network and the Scientific Coordinator of the European Observatory on Femicide. She is Regional Editor of the Journal on Gender Based Violence and has authored various publications in her areas of expertise.
Articles by Marceline Naudi
Violeta Naydenova
Violeta Naydenova
Violeta Naydenova is a Bulgarian Roma working as a senior policy analyst for the Open Society European Policy Institute. She works on tracking and analysing the development of EU policies, funding, and legislation on social inclusion, especially for Roma, and developing strategies to influence them.
Articles by Violeta Naydenova
Iva Nenadic
Iva Nenadic
Iva Nenadic is a researcher at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) of the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Her research focuses on changes in news media and journalism fostered by digital technologies.
Articles by Iva Nenadic
David Newman
David Newman
David Newman is President of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). In the past he has served in several positions, including being a Managing Director at ATIA-ISWA ITALIA, Consultant, and Managing Director at Greenpeace Italy.
Articles by David Newman
Darcy Nicolle
Darcy Nicolle
Darcy Nicolle is an independent consultant at and author of “The Secret Art of Lobbying” published 13thAugust 2019, by Biteback Publishing, London.
Articles by Darcy Nicolle
Carisa Nietsche
Carisa Nietsche
Carisa Nietsche is an Associate Fellow in the Transatlantic Security Program at the Center for a New American Security. Her research focuses on threats to democracy, China’s growing footprint in Europe, and transatlantic technology policy.
Mariyan Nikolov
Mariyan Nikolov
Mariyan Nikolov is an associate at the City of London Corporation with a focus on European policy and sustainability. His academic background is in international politics and diplomacy. He previously worked on development and emerging markets at the European Commission.
Articles by Mariyan Nikolov
Simon Nixon
Simon Nixon
Simon Nixon is an independent journalist and writes the Wealth of Nations newsletter which focuses on European political economy. He was previously chief leader writer and a columnist for The Times, chief European commentator at The Wall Street Journal and executive editor of ReutersBreakingviews. To sign up for Wealth of Nation, go to
Articles by Simon Nixon
- ► Europe's Zeitenwende / March 2025
- ► France: What happens now? / December 2024
- ► Europe’s crippling risk aversion / October 2024
- ► Make Europe grow again / September 2024
- ► Labour needs a clearer plan for Brexit / May 2024
- ► The trouble with the EU single market / February 2024
- ► How Europe should prepare for Trump 2.0 / January 2024
Anila Noor
Anila Noor
Anila Noor is a human rights activist and researcher based in the Netherlands. She holds two Masters Degrees; an M.A. in Conflict and Peace Studies from Erasmus University in the Netherlands and an MSc from Allama Iqbal Open University in Pakistan specialising in Gender and Women Studies. Currently, she works on the subject of Receiving Refugees in Urban Settings: Narratives from the Netherlands. She became involved in the subject of forced migration and identity crises after going through the same experience.
Articles by Anila Noor
Patrick Nopens
Patrick Nopens
Brigadier General (Retd) Patrick Nopens was twice Belgian defence Attaché to Moscow and the CIS (2000-2004 and 2007-2009). From 2009 to 2015 he was a senior associate fellow at the Egmont Institute, focusing on CIS affairs. Since then, he nas become involved in preventing corruption in defence and security in working for NATO, Transparency International and the Defence Academy of the UK.
Dennis Novy
Dennis Novy
Dennis Novy is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick and a Research Investigator for The UK in a Changing Europe. He is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and an Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) at the London School of Economics. Dennis has been a recent visitor at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the University of California, Davis. Dennis was the Specialist Adviser to the House of Lords for their inquiry into the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Articles by Dennis Novy
Vassilis Ntousas
Vassilis Ntousas
Vassilis Ntousas is Head of European Operations for GMF’s Alliance for Securing Democracy. His research interests lie in European foreign policy and the European Union’s global engagement. Prior to joining GMF, he was the Senior International Relations Policy Advisor at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies in Brussels, where he led the foundation’s global research, advocacy, and strategic convening work. In 2019–2020, he held the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Academy fellowship at Chatham House, where he remains an Academy Associate with the institute’s Europe program. He is the author of several policy papers and regularly comments on global affairs for international media outlets. He is also the co-editor of two books published by Routledge, The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition (2021) and EU Climate Diplomacy: Politics, Law and Negotiations (2018).
Articles by Vassilis Ntousas
- ► Stranger than fiction: Europe’s unfinished journey towards meeting the world where It is / March 2025
- ► Three key questions for Turkey after the elections / June 2023
- ► All should be quieter on the Western front / December 2022
- ► Avoiding the sirens of an ever-deepening Sino-American rivalry / February 2021
- ► So you think you can dance? The EU between the US and China in the global choreography of power / July 2020
- ► Unity, realism and partnership in EU foreign and security policy / December 2019
Jacob Öberg
Jacob Öberg
Dr Jacob Öberg is a Full Professor of European Union Law at the Law Department at the University of Southern Denmark, Visitng Professor in EU Law at Örebro University and a Visiting Fellow at Lund University, Faculty of Law. He previously held positions as Associate Professor in EU law at Örebro University (where he acted as Deputy Head of Department) and as a Postdoctoral Fellow in law at Lund University. He earned his PhD in European Law from the European University Institute in Florence. His research interests lie primarily in EU constitutional law and EU criminal law, including: multidisciplinary and contextual perspectives on EU law, theories of EU integration, the federal dimension of EU law, and the Union's criminal policy and its development under the Lisbon Treaty. His work has been cited by the European Parliament (where he also been consulted as an expert on the legislative file on violence against women) and he been involved as an expert on EU legislation in several major consulting projects with the European Commission.
Jack O'Connor
Jack O'Connor
Jack O'Connor is Chair of the EU-UK Follow-up Committee, working body of the External Relations Section at the European Economic and Social Committee. In this role, he is also rapporteur for the Information Report on the Implementation of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, including the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, adopted in January 2023. Jack is an Irish trade unionist, who served as General President of SIPTU, Ireland's largest trade union from 2003 to 2018 and President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), which also organises on an all-island basis, from 2009 to 2011. He also served as chairman of the Irish Labour Party from April 2017 to November 2021.
Articles by Jack O'Connor
Tim Oliver
Tim Oliver
Tim Oliver is a Fritz Thyssen Transatlantic Post-Doctoral Fellow for International Relations and Security (TAPIR) at the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Washington D.C. Educated at the University of Liverpool and the London School of Economics, he has worked in the European Parliament, the House of Lords, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP, Berlin), and taught at UCL, LSE and as a senior lecturer at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.
Articles by Tim Oliver
- ► Britain’s European Neverendums / April 2016
- ► If Scotland leaves the UK, will England leave the EU? / May 2014
- ► The dangers of a passive expulsion of Britain from the EU / March 2014
- ► The British questions facing the next Commission / January 2014
- ► Is the EU asleep as Britain sleepwalks out of the EU? / October 2013
Tim Oliver
Tim Oliver
Dr Tim Oliver is a Dahrendorf Fellow for Europe-North American relations at LSE IDEAS. He is also a non-resident fellow of the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Washington D.C. He spent several years as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Defence and International Affairs at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He has also taught at UCL and LSE. He has worked in the European Parliament, the House of Lords, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs and the RAND Corporation.
Articles by Tim Oliver
- ► Why it was not alright on the EU referendum night / October 2016
- ► Ideas, Interests, Institutions, International and Individuals: The five I's of Brexit. / July 2016
- ► Why it might not be all right on the Euro-referendum night / June 2015
- ► Will the ‘British Question’ go away if Labour wins? / May 2015
- ► Can an in-out referendum solve the European question in British politics? / January 2015
- ► 10 questions for the EU about a Brexit / November 2014
Jason O'Mahony
Jason O'Mahony
Jason O’Mahony is an award winning Irish political blogger. He has campaigned in numerous EU referendums in Ireland, ran as a Progressive Democrat, and has been accused of being in the pay of the Giant Shapeshifting Lizards of Davos. He blogs at
Articles by Jason O'Mahony
David Osimo
David Osimo
David Osimo is Director of Tech4i2 ltd which he co-founded in 2008 and has more than 15 years of experience as advisor on information society and innovation policies in a variety of settings, inside and outside government, at local and international level (European Commission Joint Research Centre - IPTS). As a researcher, he is mostly known for his pioneering work on web 2.0 in government and has authored articles and reports on a wider variety of technology topics, including future government, public procurement for innovation, new innovation models, research policy, ICT statistics. As a policy “hacker”, he managed several initiatives for opening up European policy-making, such as: the 2009 Open Declaration on Public Services (, the website and the digital engagement strategy for the Digital Agenda for Europe in both 2011 and 2012 (for the EC). He also designed successful inducement prizes for innovation such as the Innovative and Creative Application awards ( and (for the Emilia-Romagna region). He blogs at and tweets @osimod.
Articles by David Osimo
Ihssane Otmani
Ihssane Otmani
Ihssane Otmani worked for several years in the private and public sectors in Morocco as an HR and communications manager. She has worked with various organisations in Germany dealing with Refugees over the past year and currently is doing an internship at the British Embassy in Berlin. Her main interests are international affairs, migration and labour policy.
Articles by Ihssane Otmani
Joe Owen
Joe Owen
Joe Owen is a programme director at the Institute for Government, leading their work on Brexit.
Ismael Paez Civico
Ismael Paez Civico
Ismael Paez Civico is Executive Coordinator of the Confederation of European Senior Expert Services and Board Member at the European Youth Forum.
Articles by Ismael Paez Civico
Marie Palmer
Marie Palmer
Marie Palmer is Research Fellow at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom and coordinator of the Media Pluralism Monitor project. Marie holds a Ph.D in Communication from the University of Technology Sydney, a Master of Public Administration from Sciences-Po Paris and a Master in Journalism practices from l’Ecole de Journalisme de Paris. Her research interests include news, social media and algorithms, with a focus on how circulation algorithms carry ideologies from a social semiotics perspective. Before dedicating her time to academic research, she worked as a journalist and as a corporate communication officer.
Articles by Marie Palmer
Bojan Pancevski
Bojan Pancevski
Bojan Pancevski is The Wall Street Journal's Germany Correspondent, covering all aspects of Europe’s largest economy and its influence on the rest of the continent and beyond. Before joining the WSJ he had been covering Europe for The Sunday Times from Brussels and Vienna, focusing on subjects as diverse as the financial crisis, the war in Eastern Ukraine, the 2015 migration crisis, the rise of Islamic terror, Russian meddling in Europe and Britain’s departure from the European Union.
Articles by Bojan Pancevski
Elene Panchulidze
Elene Panchulidze
Articles by Elene Panchulidze
George Papaconstantinou
George Papaconstantinou
George Papaconstantinou is a former Greek Finance Minister and currently Professor at the School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute. His book Whatever It Takes: The Battle for Post-Crisis Europe has just been published by Agenda Publishing.
Articles by George Papaconstantinou
Noémie Papp
Noémie Papp
Since 2012 Noémie Papp has been adviser at the European Banking Federation in charge of retail and consumer affairs issues. Noémie is also coordinator of the work conducted by the EBF Strategic Issue Group on digital banking. Prior to joining the EBF, Noémie worked for almost two years in a worldwide public relations and public affairs consultancy in Brussels.
Articles by Noémie Papp
Jonas Parello-Plesner
Jonas Parello-Plesner
Jonas Parello-Plesner is Executive Director of the Copenhagen-based Alliance of Democracies Foundation chaired by former NATO-Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The Foundation seeks to advance democracy and strengthen the alliance between the world’s democracies. He is also a non-resident senior fellow with the German Marshall Fund. His research focuses on Asia and China and relations with EU and the U.S and he has provided commentaries for Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times, the American Interest and E!Sharp.
Lara Pariotto
Lara Pariotto
Lara Pariotto is the Executive Director of Migrant Democracy Project, an organisation working to support the political empowerment of migrants across the UK through voter registration, political candidacy training, and advocacy for the extension of the right to vote. Lara is from Brazil and has spent the last 10 years in the UK working on migrant justice, including support for migrants in detention and EU citizens making applications to the EU Settlement Scheme. She has led campaigns on access to British citizenship and has been working on the Our Home Our Vote campaign for voting rights for all residents.
Articles by Lara Pariotto
Tom Parker
Tom Parker
Tom Parker is President of the British Chamber of Commerce to Belgium and the EU, founder and Chairman of Cambre Associates ( & @CambreAssoc) and Deputy Chief Executive and Board Member of SECNewgate (
Articles by Tom Parker
Roderick Parkes
Roderick Parkes
Roderick Parkes is a scholar (2014-2015) at the Utrikespolitiska Institutet (UI) in Stockholm, and a senior fellow (non-resident) with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and the German Institute of International and Security Affairs (SWP).
Anthony Parry
Anthony Parry
Anthony Parry, a Cambridge graduate, former Hambros bank director, European director at BAE Systems PLC and Treasury Legal Adviser, was a consultant at Freshfield and currently a regulatory consultant.
Articles by Anthony Parry
Patryk Pawlak
Patryk Pawlak
Patryk Pawlak is Research Fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies in Paris where he deals with transatlantic relations, including US domestic and foreign policies.
Articles by Patryk Pawlak
John Peet
John Peet
John Peet has been an editor and writer at The Economist since 1986, in roles including executive editor, business affairs editor, Brexit editor and a correspondent in Brussels and Washington. Earlier, he was a civil servant at the Treasury and Foreign Office. He is the coauthor of “Unhappy Union: How the Euro Crisis—and Europe—Can Be Fixed” (Profile Books, 2014). In 2012 he won the Gerald Loeb Award for commentary.
Articles by John Peet
George Peretz
George Peretz
George Peretz KC BL practises in public law, competition law, VAT, medicines regulation and regulatory law generally. He served for many years on the Attorney General’s panels until he took silk in 2015. He is currently chairing the Bar Council working group on retained EU law. George was called to the Bar of Ireland in 2018.
Articles by George Peretz
Giacomo Persi Paoli
Giacomo Persi Paoli
Giacomo Persi Paoli is a senior analyst in RAND Europe. His areas of expertise focus on defence and security issues, particularly counter-terrorism, maritime security and border security. Currently Giacomo is leading RAND’s Mediterranean Foresight Forum (MFF), which is examining key issues that are currently affecting the region, from economic, political and social instability right through to the migrant crisis that is currently impacting mainland Europe. Prior to joining RAND Europe, he served 14 years in the Italian Navy, with experience on the frontline of the migrant crisis rescuing migrants at sea.
Articles by Giacomo Persi Paoli
Vivien Pertusot
Vivien Pertusot
Vivien Pertusot is head of office in Brussels for the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri). He is the coordinator of the EU project “Building Bridges between National Perspectives on the European Union” and of the Ifri’s research programme RESET (REcalibrating Security in Europe and in the Transatlantic area). His research focuses on the EU’s future, Europe defence policies and EU-UK relations. You can follow him at @VPertusot.
Thiess Petersen
Thiess Petersen
Dr. Thieß Petersen, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh. As a senior expert with the project Global Economic Dynamics (GED) Thieß specializes on macro-economic studies and economics. He is currently concentrating on the causes and effects of financial and economic crises, the chances and risks of globalisation and the public debt and euro crisis.
Articles by Thiess Petersen
John Peterson
John Peterson
John Peterson is Professor of International Politics at the University of Edinburgh. He has held previous posts at the Universities of Glasgow, York and elsewhere. Recent publications include Parochial Global Europe (OUP 2014), Multilateralism in the 21st Century: Europe’s Quest for Effectiveness (Routledge 2014) and The European Commission of the 21st Century (Oxford University Press 2014).
Articles by John Peterson
John Peterson
John Peterson
John Peterson is Professor of International Politics at the University of Edinburgh. He previously has held posts at the Universities of Glasgow, York, Essex, Oxford, and the University of California. John is Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Politics and International Relations. His recent works include The European Union: How Does it Work? (5th edn, 2018), The Institutions of the European Union (4th edn, 2017) and The West and the Global Power Shift (2016).
Articles by John Peterson
David Phinnemore
David Phinnemore
David Phinnemore is Professor of European Politics at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland and visiting Professor at the College of Europe. He teaches and researches the politics of the EU and has published widely on EU treaty reform, EU enlargement, EU external relations, Brexit and Northern Ireland. He is currently coordinating a three-year research project on Governance for 'a place between’: the Multilevel Dynamics of Implementing the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.
Lea Pilsner
Lea Pilsner
Lea Pilsner is a researcher at E3G
Articles by Lea Pilsner
Jean-Claude Piris
Jean-Claude Piris
Jean-Claude Piris is a consultant on EU and international law. An honorary Conseiller d'Etat, he was a diplomat at the UN, the OECD Legal Director, the Director General of the European Council/EU Council's Legal Services (1988-2010 and the Legal Counsel for negotiations of EU Treaties from Maastricht to Lisbon. Recent books:"The Lisbon Treaty",CUP,2010; "The Future of Europe:Towards a Two-Speed EU?",CUP,2012.(
Articles by Jean-Claude Piris
- ► Is it worth the risk for the UK to violate the Withdrawal Agreement as a tactic to try and get the Brexit negotiations right ? / September 2020
- ► Extending the Brexit transition period after 30 June 2020 / May 2020
- ► EU/Balkans: and what if Emmanuel Macron is right? / November 2019
- ► Why the UK will not become an EEA member after Brexit / September 2017
- ► Preventing Brexit: would the Cameron option work - if not, what else? / January 2015
Gérard Pogorel
Gérard Pogorel
Gérard Pogorel is Professor emeritus of Economics, Institut Polytechnique de Paris-Telecom Paris Graduate School of Engineering, CNRS Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation. He is an independent expert in international telecommunications, media and the digital economy. He published recently widely circulated and influential position books and papers: Decoding EU Digital Strategy Autonomy (Co-Editor), EU Strategic Autonomy, industry implications in the changing world trade order (European Liberal Forum), 5G for Industry 4.0: Actors, Challenges, and a New Start for Europe, Spectrum 5.0 Re-thinking Spectrum Awards for Optimal 5G Deployment, and a reference book The Radio Spectrum: Managing a Strategic Resource.
He co-founded the European Spectrum Management Conferences, acted as its Chair/Rapporteur. He is an expert with the European Commission, and was Chair of the European Union Framework Research & Technology Development Programme Monitoring Panel, and Chair of the Monitoring Committee of the EU Information Society and Technologies Research Programme. He co-authored a report to the Prime Minister of Italy assessing the investments by operators in Broadband networks in the European Digital Agenda perspective.
Alexandra Pollitt
Alexandra Pollitt
Alexandra Pollitt is a Research Fellow at the Policy Institute at King’s. While she works on a wide range of policy research and analysis, her focus is primarily on R&D policy and social policy evaluation. Prior to joining King’s, Alex spent six years at RAND Europe, a not-for-profit policy research institute. She has also worked in developmental psychiatry research, education assessment and impact measurement, monitoring and evaluation for an international NGO. Alex is a member of the steering committee for the International School on Research Impact Assessment and had taught research methods, communications and project management internationally.
Thomas Pope
Thomas Pope
Thomas Pope is the deputy chief economist at the Institute for Government and works across its programme areas. He leads the Institute’s work on subsidy control. Thomas has an MSc in economics from UCL and a BA in philosophy, politics and economics from the University of Oxford.
Chris Poray
Chris Poray
Chris Poray is Programme Manager and Executive Committee Member for TEAM Global, recently founding a student-led initiative called the International Perspective with TEAM’s support, in which students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to enter the international affairs sector. He is also a trainee at the European Space Agency working within the Telecommunications & Integrated Applications directorate. His interests include security and cybersecurity in relation to critical and technology infrastructure.
Jonathan Portes
Jonathan Portes
Jonathan Portes is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at King's College London, and a Senior Fellow of the ESRC's UK in a Changing Europe programme, which funds his ongoing research on this topic. More information on the programme is at
Articles by Jonathan Portes
- ► Non-EU immigration to UK confounding expectations / April 2023
- ► The economic impact of Boris Johnson's Brexit proposals / October 2019
- ► Data, statistics and immigration / April 2017
- ► Free movement: what’s in it for the EU-27? / September 2016
- ► The politics of free movement of people / February 2016
David Poyser
David Poyser
When he was responsible for a series of four BBC Open University television programmes, broadcast from 2001 to 2010, David Poyser was able to conduct interviews with many leading players in EU-UK relations including Ted Heath and Roy Jenkins. After a twenty year career in journalism and television production winning many Royal Television Society (RTS) Awards, then a period as Chair of the London RTS, he worked in various communications roles for the European Parliament, including with the Socialist Group of MEPs, the London office of the European Parliament, as a creative producer with the Parliament’s audiovisual unit and as a communications consultant to the Labour MEPs. Since returning to the UK, he has continued as a writer on European Affairs, a Blue Badge tour guide and Treasurer of the Labour Movement for Europe. He was Mayor of the London Borough of Islington from 2018-19.
Articles by David Poyser
Julian Priestley
Julian Priestley
Sir Julian Priestley was Secretary General of the European Parliament from 1997 to 2007. Since then he has been writing, commenting and speaking about European politics. He has just published his first novel, ‘Putsch’ a political thriller set in Britain just after the turn of the century marks a new departure.
Frank Pringle
Frank Pringle
Frank Pringle has recently completed an undergraduate degree in history and politics. He has a passion for European politics, international affairs, and interstate relations – in addition to a passion for youth engagement in politics and international relations.
Michael Privot
Michael Privot
Michael Privot is Director of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR). He is also an expert in Islamology and radicalisation processes within Muslim communities, and has more than a decade of experience in community building of Muslim communities in Belgium and Europe. Michael is the author of several books and has published a wide range of articles, both in mainstream media and academic journals.
Articles by Michael Privot
Kenneth Propp
Kenneth Propp
Kenneth Propp teaches European Union Law at Georgetown University Law Center, and serves as Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center in Washington, D.C. From 2011-2015, he served as Legal Counselor at the US Mission to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium, where he led U.S. government engagement with the EU on digital and privacy issues.
Articles by Kenneth Propp
George Pufan
George Pufan
George Pufan is a former Director and Secretary-General of the Romanian Court of Accounts. He became a Member of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) in July 2013 and was responsible for the audit of a number of Joint Undertakings and European Agencies. In 2014, he was appointed to Chamber II of the ECA, which deals with performance audits in the areas of Environment, Society and Welfare, Tourism and Culture. He has been Reporting Member for audit reports on a range of topics including airport infrastructure and urban waste water treatment.
Articles by George Pufan
Hans Pung
Hans Pung
Hans Pung is president of RAND Europe, a not-for-profit public policy research organisation. Since joining RAND in 2002, Pung has held a range of senior leadership positions within the organisation, including directing RAND's European defence and security research portfolio. Prior to RAND, Pung served as an engineer officer in the United States Army with responsibility for logistics, personnel, and operations and overseas service in the United Kingdom, South Korea, and Germany.
Articles by Hans Pung
Fiona Quimbre
Fiona Quimbre
Fiona Quimbre is a defence and security analyst at RAND Europe. Her work focuses on futures foresight, Chinese foreign policy, cybersecurity, defence innovation and the impact of emerging technologies. At RAND, Quimbre has delivered projects for the European Commission, the European Defence Agency, EC DG HOME, the UK Ministry of Defence, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Estonian Ministry of the Interior.
Articles by Fiona Quimbre
Joseph Quinlan
Joseph Quinlan
Joseph Quinlan is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC. In 2006, the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union awarded Mr. Quinlan the 2006 Transatlantic Business Award for his research on U.S.-Europe economic ties. In 2007, he was a recipient of the European-American Business Council Leadership award for his research on the transatlantic partnership and global economy.
Articles by Joseph Quinlan
Cristiano Radaelli
Cristiano Radaelli
Cristiano Radaelli is the Vice President of Confindustria Digitale and President of Anitec, the Italian ICT organizations, Member of the Executive Board of DigitalEurope. He began his career in General Telephone and Electronics, moving afterwards to Siemens, Italtel and Nokia Siemens Networks, having global management responsibilities in R&D, Operations, Sales and Business Administration. He has also worked for several years in the United States. He writes articles on economics, management and digital agenda.
Articles by Cristiano Radaelli
Mujtaba Rahman
Mujtaba Rahman
Mujtaba Rahman is the head of Eurasia Group's Europe Practice, where he advises a variety of investors on the politics and political economy of Europe. He previously worked at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, and at the UK Treasury. He teaches political risk to graduate students at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and at New York University's Stern Business School, where he is an Adjunct Professor.
Articles by Mujtaba Rahman
- ► Brexit could unleash another Euro crisis / June 2016
- ► The referendum campaign starts proper / April 2016
- ► Greece, Schengen and the Eurozone / March 2016
- ► Europe's migrant crisis will present big market risks in 2016 / January 2016
- ► Conservatives will not split over Europe / October 2015
- ► Corbyn and Europe / September 2015
- ► A deal remains likely despite the posturing / May 2015
- ► The UK's very risky strategy on Europe / March 2015
Ivan Rajic
Ivan Rajic
Ivan Rajic is a Research Fellow at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK, working on Brexit and Manufacturing, funded by the ESRC's UK in a Changing Europe project. His interests cover industrial and regional policy and he is an associate member of staff of the Centre for Responsible Business. He previously worked at the University of Sheffield on Industry 4.0, and holds a PhD in Development Studies form cambridge University.
Peter Rashish
Peter Rashish
Peter Rashish is Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC. He has served as Vice President for Europe & Eurasia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and as a consultant to the World Bank and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Articles by Peter Rashish
Harvey Redgrave
Harvey Redgrave
Harvey Redgrave is a senior policy fellow at the Institute for Global Change, leading on immigration and integration. In addition to his work at the Institute, Harvey is Director of Strategy at Crest Advisory, the country’s leading crime and justice consultancy. Previously, he spent four years as head of home affairs policy for the Labour Party and several years as a civil servant, including as a Deputy Director in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, where he worked under three Prime Ministers.
Alastair Reed
Alastair Reed
Alastair Reed is a researcher at Policy Network.
Articles by Alastair Reed
Alexandre Regniault
Alexandre Regniault
Alexandre Regniault is a partner at Simmons & Simmons, and head of the firm’s Healthcare & Life Sciences sector group. He specialises in strategic legal and regulatory advice, principally on behalf of pharmaceutical and biotech/medtech companies, and significant players in other highly regulated industries. He joined Simmons & Simmons in 2002, having spent four years with another international legal network.
Articles by Alexandre Regniault
Carolyn Reid
Carolyn Reid
Carolyn Reid is Programme Manager for the Interreg France (Channel) England programme where she is responsible for overseeing a 200-million-euro fund aimed at delivering economic, environmental and social development in the France / UK Channel area. She is a highly experienced Programme Manager with a history of working government administration and on European Programmes.
Articles by Carolyn Reid
Stuart Reigeluth
Stuart Reigeluth
Stuart Reigeluth is editor of Revolve Magazine and works at the Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) in Brussels. He is also a columnist at Gulf News in the United Arab Emirates and has contributed to many Arab and European newspapers and think-tanks.
Articles by Stuart Reigeluth
Joël Reland
Joël Reland
Joël Reland is a researcher at UK in a Changing Europe, with a focus on UK-EU relations, UK foreign policy, and European politics. His academic background is in international politics and the history of political thought. He previously worked on European issues at the Foreign Office.
Articles by Joël Reland
- ► Regulatory alignment: the unspoken part of the UK’s EU reset / December 2024
- ► The risks of Labour’s EU strategy / July 2024
- ► “Trivergence” could be the next big Brexit issue / December 2023
- ► Why the Windsor Framework could come back to bite Sunak / May 2023
- ► Sunak’s Protocol deal shows the Brexit tide is turning / February 2023
- ► En route for a Singapore-on-Thames? / October 2022
- ► For Brexit Britain, tracking EU rules is a job for life / April 2022
- ► What happened to Brexit? / January 2022
- ► UK divergence from EU law: an illusory project? / October 2021
Thomas Renard
Thomas Renard
Thomas Renard is a Research Fellow at Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations, in Brussels. He is also co-founder and Deputy Head of the European Strategic Partnerships Observatory (ESPO), a Senior Associate Fellow with the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation and a PhD candidate at Ghent University. In 2012, he published The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order (Farnham: Ashgate). All his publications are available at Previous contribution to E!Sharp:
Articles by Thomas Renard
Allie Renison
Allie Renison
Allie Renison is Head of EU and Trade Policy at the Institute of Directors and leads on devising recommendations and representing the voice of members on EU policy matters both to Westminster and Whitehall and with European institutions. She provides the link between business and Government on increasing international trade and has authored a number of reports on trends in both trade and trade policy, as well as running a number of trade missions for IoD members around the world every year. She also routinely provides advocacy for the IoD on a range of regulatory issues in Brussels.
Allie joined the IoD in April 2014. Prior to this, she was Research Director at Business for Britain, the campaign focused on renegotiating the UK's relationship with the EU. Allie has previously advised a number of parliamentarians in both Houses on EU legislative issues, with particular focus on trade and employment policy areas. She holds a Masters Degree in the political economy of emerging economies in the post-Soviet space.
Articles by Allie Renison
Lucia Retter
Lucia Retter
Lucia Retter is a senior analyst at RAND Europe. Since joining in 2013, she has led studies involving defence strategy, acquisition and capability, technology horizon scanning, defence and space industrial base and skills for the UK Ministry of Defence, the European Defence Agency, the European Commission and other European governments. She holds an M.A. cum laude in international relations and international economics from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), where she specialised in economic policy, and a B.A. in modern languages from Clare College, University of Cambridge.
Alicia Richart
Alicia Richart
Alicia Richart is Government Affairs Director in Cellnex Telecom, a European infrastructure telecom company. She is a former executive advisor of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, and Digital Champion in Spain. She is also in the board of PP in Cataluña as industry and new technologies secretary. Previously she worked for more than 10 years in Accenture in the management consulting area focusing on digital business.
Karl Richter
Karl Richter
Karl H Richter is a founder of the companies iSumio Ltd and EngagedX Ltd. iSumio develops software, including the novel Neoni App for carbon emissions accounting. EngagedX provides consulting services in social impact investing. He lectures part-time at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, specializing in ESG and Impact Investing as well as carbon emissions accounting; and is a member of the E-Liability Institute’s Technical Working Group, supporting the update of carbon accounting standards.
Previously he served a 12-month assignment as Head of Research and Knowledge for the UNDP SDG Impact Finance initiative (UNSIF); was a member of Groupe d'Experts de la Commission sur l'Entrepreneuriat Social (GECES) of the European Commission to advise on its Social Business Initiative; and was part of the OECD expert group on social impact investing. He is currently Senior Fellow at the Finance Innovation Lab; and Adviser to several organisations.
Articles by Karl Richter
Peter Ricketts
Peter Ricketts
Lord Peter Ricketts
Peter Ricketts joined the FCO in 1974. His early career took him to Singapore, NATO Brussels and Washington, interspersed with stints in London including as a junior Private Secretary to Geoffrey Howe in the early 1980s. In the 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, he spent a lot of time in London dealing with the crises in Kosovo, and then the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as Political Director. He was Permanent Representative in 2003, became Permanent Under Secretary at the FCO in 2006, and was appointed Britain’s first National Security Adviser in 2010. His last post was Ambassador in France. After retirement in 2016, Peter became a cross-bench member of the House of Lords, where he sits on the Justice and Home Affairs Committee, and is a Visiting Professor at King’s College London. His first book, Hard Choices: What Britain Does Next, was published by Atlantic Books in May 2021.
Articles by Peter Ricketts
Basile Ridard
Basile Ridard
Basile Ridard is Senior Research Fellow at the Egmont Institute and Assistant Professor at the University of Picardy Jules Verne. His research focuses on the Constitutional and Institutional Law of the European Union, the European decision-making process, the French and Comparative Constitutional Law. Previously, he was Lecturer in Sorbonne Law School, Vice-president of the Young Research Committee of the French Association of Constitutional Law and Fellow of the Franco-German Doctoral School College in Comparative Public Law.
Articles by Basile Ridard
Georg Riekeles
Georg Riekeles
Georg E. Riekeles is Associate Director at the Brussels-based think tank European Policy Centre (EPC). Prior to joining the EPC, he spent eleven years in the European Commission, the last five as diplomatic adviser with responsibilities for strategy in the EU-UK Brexit negotiations. He has also worked on trade, digital and single market polices, as well as security and defence issues, in the Commission’s in-house think tank and policy planning unit and as adviser to the Commission Vice-President for Internal market. He also has EU policy experience from the French Ministry of Foreign affairs and other government departments.
Charles Ries
Charles Ries
Charles P. Ries is vice president, international, at the non-profit, non-partisan RAND Corporation.
Articles by Charles Ries
Antoine Ripoll
Antoine Ripoll
Articles by Antoine Ripoll
Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Ariadna Ripoll Servent has been Assistant Professor of Political Science and European Integration at the University of Bamberg since 2013. She is currently Research Associate at the European University Institute in Florence and a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. Her latest book is ‘The European Parliament’ (published by MacMillan International Higher Education.
Articles by Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Ariadna Ripoll Servent has been Assistant Professor of Political Science and European Integration at the University of Bamberg since 2013. She is currently Research Associate at the European University Institute in Florence and a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. Her latest book is ‘The European Parliament’ (published by MacMillan International Higher Education.
Articles by Ariadna Ripoll Servent
Timmons Roberts
Timmons Roberts
J. Timmons Roberts is Ittleson Professor of Environmental Studies and Sociology at the Center for Environmental Studies and founder of the Climate and Development Lab at Brown University.
Articles by Timmons Roberts
Frances Robinson
Frances Robinson
Frances Robinson is a freelance journalist. Formerly Wall Street Journal staff, she writes for Politico, the Wall Street Journal Europe and London's Evening Standard.
Articles by Frances Robinson
Jasper Roctus
Jasper Roctus
Jasper Roctus, who is presently completing his MA in sinology at Ghent University, was a Research Assistant at the Egmont Institute in the spring of 2020. He now plans to pursue a PhD.
Articles by Jasper Roctus
Christilla Roederer-Rynning
Christilla Roederer-Rynning
Christilla Roederer-Rynning is a Professor at the Southern Denmark University.
Articles by Christilla Roederer-Rynning
James Rogers
James Rogers
James Rogers is Co-Director of the Group on Grand Strategy
Articles by James Rogers
Charlene Rohr
Charlene Rohr
Charlene Rohr is a Senior Research Leader at RAND Europe and a Senior Research Fellow at The Policy Institute at King's College London. She has over twenty five years of experience designing and analysing stated preference discrete choice experiments to quantify individuals’ responses to policy interventions and to quantify the value of non-market goods in a range of areas including transport, communications, goods and regulated services. Her other research interests are in transport and in 2015 she was lead author of a study looking at future transport scenarios for the UK in 2035. RAND Europe is a not-for-profit research organisation that helps to improve policy and decision making through research and analysis.
Iulian Romanyshyn
Iulian Romanyshyn
Dr. Iulian Romanyshyn is a Charlemagne Prize Fellow at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) at the University of Bonn and associate fellow at the Egmont-Royal Institute for International Relations. He is currently working on a project about EU strategic autonomy in security and defense supported by the Charlemagne Prize Academy. He previously held teaching and research positions at New York University, Maastricht University, Free University of Brussels and European University Institute. Iulian's research has been acknowledged with the 2018 Global Strategy PhD Prize awarded by the Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations and the European Security and Defence College.
Articles by Iulian Romanyshyn
Irene Rosales
Irene Rosales
Irene Rosales is Policy and Campaigns Officer at the European Women’s Lobby where she is responsible of developing and delivering advocacy and campaigns plans in the fields of violence against women. She leads the European Women’s Lobby Observatory on Violence Against Women. In 2013, Irene worked in the coordination of the project “Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention”, developed in cooperation with the Council of Europe. Before joining EWL, she worked in the Europe Region World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and in the Office of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator.
Articles by Irene Rosales
Jill Rutter
Jill Rutter
Jill Rutter is Senior Research Fellow at UK in a Changing Europe. Previously, Jill was programme director at the Institute for Government (IfG) directing the organisation’s work on better policy making and Brexit. She is an experienced former senior civil servant, having worked in HM Treasury, Number 10 and Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra). Jill’s writing is frequently in the media and she is a regular commentator on radio and television and tweets.
John Ryan
John Ryan
Professor John Ryan is a Network Research Fellow at CESifo, Munich, Germany and a Senior Brexit/EU adviser. He previously was a Fellow at London School of Economics and Political Science IDEAS, St Edmund's College, University of Cambridge, and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin, Germany.
Articles by John Ryan
Philip Rycroft
Philip Rycroft
Philip Rycroft worked in the Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) between March 2017 and March 2019, from October 2017 as Permanent Secretary. He was responsible for leading the department in all its work on the Government’s preparations for Brexit. From June 2015 to March 2019 he was head of the UK Governance Group in the Cabinet Office, with responsibility for advising ministers on all aspects of the constitution and devolution. From May 2012 to May 2015, he was the Director General in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg. Through his career, Philip worked in a variety of roles, in the civil service in Scotland and London, in the European Commission and in business. He is now a specialist partner at Flint Global, a non-executive director and an academic.
Laura Sabogal Reyes
Laura Sabogal Reyes
Laura Sabogal Reyes is a Senior Policy Advisor for E3G's Public Banks Team. Laura leads the work around E3G Public Bank Climate Tracker Matrix, which assesses how the most well-known public banks, including Multilateral and National Development Banks, are mainstreaming climate change into their work. Laura engages with banks, policy makers, academia and civil society actors globally to drive ambition at critical multilateral, bilateral and regional financial institutions.
Articles by Laura Sabogal Reyes
Daniel Sage
Daniel Sage
Daniel is a researcher on the Policy Network and Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) project on the Social State of Europe. He is also a doctoral researcher at the University of Stirling. His main research interests are in unemployment, wellbeing, labour market policies, social attitudes to the welfare state and the politics of welfare reform. His research has been published in a range of academic journals, including the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy and the Journal of Happiness Studies.
Articles by Daniel Sage
Mark Salter
Mark Salter
Mark Salter is a British-Swedish analyst, researcher and consultant based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. For over 25 years he has worked on issues of conflict analysis and resolution, reconciliation and democratization in a wide variety of contexts, ranging from Central-Eastern Europe and the Balkans to West Africa and the Horn, Iraq and latterly South Asia. A BBC journalist by training, he is the author of two books: Poland – The Rough Guide, researched in 1989, published in 1991 and described at the time as ‘the first independent guide to an independent Poland’; and To End A Civil War: Norway’s Peace Engagement in Sri Lanka (Hurst, 2015), which examines in depth the Norwegian government’s efforts to mediate in Sri Lanka’s 26 year-long civil war. Currently Mark is a Visiting Research Fellow at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES), Colombo, where he is working on his next book, a contemporary history of Sri Lanka.
Articles by Mark Salter
Thomas Sampson
Thomas Sampson
Thomas Sampson is an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics and an Associate of the Trade programme at the Centre for Economic Performance.
Amaia Sánchez-Cacicedo
Amaia Sánchez-Cacicedo
Amaia Sánchez-Cacicedo is Non-Resident Associate Analyst in charge of the South Asia portfolio at the EU Institute for Security Studies. She contributes to the analysis of South Asian security and foreign policy with an emphasis on geo-economic and security developments across the Indian Ocean. She further monitors EU relations with South Asian countries. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and completed her PhD at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London, which culminated in her book Building States, Building Peace: Global and Regional Involvement in Sri Lanka and Myanmar (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
Articles by Amaia Sánchez-Cacicedo
Mark Sanders
Mark Sanders
Mark Sanders is associate professor of economics of transition and sustainability at Utrecht University School of Economics. He received his Ph.D. in 2004 from Maastricht University with the dissertation Skill Biased Technical Change: Its Origins, the Interaction with the Labour Market and Policy Implications. When Mark joined the Max Planck Society Institute for Economics in Jena, Germany in 2005 he shifted his research focus to entrepreneurship economics. When he joined the Utrecht School of Economics he began to investigate the role of entrepreneurship in shaping energy transition and has bridged and combined these topics and published extensively in international peer reviewed journals. He is also a founding member of the Sustainable Finance Lab at the Utrecht School of Economics and was scientific coordinator of the FIRES-consortium 2015–2018. In addition to his academic qualifications, Mark has been an active member of the Dutch liberal-democratic party D66.
Articles by Mark Sanders
Laura Sandys
Laura Sandys
Laura Sandys is Member of Parliament for South Thanet and Chair of European Movement, the UK’s largest pro-European grassroots campaigning organisation. She is founder of the Food Foundation, co-founder of POWERful Women, Chair of the 2020 Productivity and Efficiency Commission and a Member of Imperial College’s Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage Advisory Group.
Articles by Laura Sandys
Luisa Santos
Luisa Santos
Luisa Santos is Deputy Director General at BusinessEurope, responsible for international relations. She is also Chair of the Domestic Advisory Group on the EU that monitors EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and the EU private sector representative in the G20 Empower group. She was a member of the TTIP Advisory Group and of the Expert Group on EU trade agreements of the European Commission. Her principal experience is in trade and the textiles sector, having acted first as the chief representative for the Portuguese textile industry in Brussels, later as Trade and Industry Manager for Euratex - the European Apparel and Textile Confederation. She was also the manager responsible for international partnerships – including a joint venture in India – for a leading Portuguese textile company. Her academic background is law and management.
Articles by Luisa Santos
Luigi Scazzieri
Luigi Scazzieri
Luigi Scazzieri is a senior research fellow at the CER. He works on European foreign and security policy, focusing on the EU’s neighbourhood, migration and transatlantic relations. Luigi holds a PhD in European Politics from King's College London. Before joining the CER, Luigi carried out research at the UK in a Changing Europe Initiative at King's College London, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Articles by Luigi Scazzieri
- ► Can EU defence bonds strengthen Europe’s defences? / January 2025
- ► Europe and the Gaza war / February 2024
- ► What would UK-EU defence industrial co-operation look like? / July 2023
- ► Can the European Political Community bring the UK and EU closer? / May 2023
- ► What Giorgia Meloni’s government means for Europe / October 2022
- ► Can the EU’s Strategic Compass guide EU security policy? / April 2022
- ► On defence, the ball is in Europe’s court / October 2021
- ► The West must mitigate the fallout from Afghanistan / August 2021
- ► Can the UK’s new European diplomatic strategy work? / July 2021
- ► Strategic autonomy and the next four years of EU-US relations / December 2020
- ► President Biden: Good for Europe, but not a miracle-worker / November 2020
- ► The Eastern Mediterranean heats up / August 2020
- ► The EU can emerge stronger from the coronavirus crisis / April 2020
- ► Is a European Security Council a good idea? / December 2019
- ► Transatlantic divergence in the Middle East / July 2019
- ► Merkel and Salvini’s migration crisis: Much ado about nothing? / July 2018
- ► How to think about Britain’s post Brexit foreign policy / March 2018
Stefan Scheuer
Stefan Scheuer
Stefan Scheuer is Secretary General for the Coalition for Energy Savings. He has 12 years of experience in EU environmental and energy policy making. From 2000 to 2007 he worked at the European Environmental Bureau, latterly as its Policy Director, and was chairman of the ECOS, the EU citizens’ organisation working on greening technical standardisation.
Articles by Stefan Scheuer
Daniel Schlaepfer
Daniel Schlaepfer
Daniel Schlaepfer is the President of Select Vantage Inc (SVI), and its affiliates True North Vantage Inc, Epic Vantage Inc and Elite Vantage Placement Ltd. SVI is a global leader in electronic market-making, employing over 2,700 staff in 39 countries. On any given day, the firm can trade upwards of US$3 billion on global stock markets.
Articles by Daniel Schlaepfer
Gerhard Schnyder
Gerhard Schnyder
Gerhard Schnyder is Professor of International Management & Political Economy at Loughborough University London, Project Leader of the Norface Network-funded project Populist Backlash, Democratic Backsliding, and the Crisis of the Rule of Law in the European Union (POPBACK) and a Brexit blogger.
Articles by Gerhard Schnyder
- ► The far right’s broad electoral appeal should not let bad economics off the hook / June 2024
- ► Broken Britain – Can we afford to save ourselves? / April 2024
- ► Who is to blame for Brexit (and nationalist populism)? A strange new elite theory / April 2023
- ► Post-Brexit Labour Markets: Towards a high Wages, high Skills, high Productivity Equilibrium? / July 2022
- ► Should/can we make Brexit work? / February 2022
- ► Post-Brexit trade patterns – an opportunity for Northern Ireland? / September 2021
- ► Can the UK really become an export country? / May 2021
Gabriele Schöler
Gabriele Schöler
Gabriele Schöler is senior project manager in the Future of Europe programme of the German Bertelsmann Stiftung. Her focus is on Eastern Europe and EU neighbourhood relations.
Articles by Gabriele Schöler
Ulrich Schoof
Ulrich Schoof
Dr. Ulrich Schoof, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh. As a senior project manager with the Global Economic Dynamics (GED) team Ulrich specializes on international trade and its interplay with inclusive economic growth. He has focused on the effects of free trade agreements and initiatives such as the TTIP, TPP or the EU single market.
Articles by Ulrich Schoof
Peter Schrank
Peter Schrank
Swiss-born Peter Schrank is an internationally award winning political cartoonist, was political cartoonist for The Independent on Sunday, and more occasionally the Independent, from 1995 to 2016. He continues to work for Basler Zeitung (Switzerland) and The Sunday Business Post (Ireland), and is also also a regular contributor to the Economist. His work is internationally syndicated by The New York Times Syndicate ( Currently his work can be seen in The Best of Britain’s Political Cartoons of 2016 published by Random House.
Articles by Peter Schrank
Leonard August Schuette
Leonard August Schuette
Leonard August Schuette is a PhD researcher at the University of Maastricht. He was previously Clara O’Donnell Fellow at the Centre for European Reform and graduate student at the University of Cambridge. His research focusses on NATO, EU foreign policy, and Brexit.
Articles by Leonard August Schuette
Thomas Schwab
Thomas Schwab
Thomas Schwab is Senior Expert for European Economics at the Bertelsmann Stiftung in Germany. He focuses on analysing European economic policy with a particular emphasis on territorial inequalities and co-authored several studies on economic cohesion within the context of the green and digital transition. He studied economics in Vienna, Berlin, and Mannheim, where he defended his PhD thesis at the University of Mannheim.
Articles by Thomas Schwab
Alex Scott
Alex Scott
Alex Scott is E3G’s Climate Diplomacy and Geopolitics Programme Lead. Her work focusses on devising strategies to foster greater global cooperation on climate action and mobilising governments and NGOs to deliver them. Alex leads E3G teams to map the geopolitical landscape and coordinate diplomatic strategy across sectoral issues and between governments and NGO networks. Her areas of expertise include global governance, UNFCCC politics, and vertical policy integration.
Terry Scuoler
Terry Scuoler
Terry Scuoler became CEO of the Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) in March 2010 with a vision and commitment to take part in a renewed interest and resurgence in the UK’s manufacturing and engineering sectors. He also sits on the Boards of SEMTA, the Sector Skills Council for Manufacturing, the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AMI) and is a member of the Apprentice Ambassador Network and a number of other high level Industry Advisory Boards and Committees.
Articles by Terry Scuoler
Michael Shank
Michael Shank
Dr. Michael Shank is the director of engagement for the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance.
Articles by Michael Shank
Jeremy Shapiro
Jeremy Shapiro
Jeremy Shapiro is the research director of the European Council on Foreign Relations. His areas of focus include US foreign policy and transatlantic relations. He was previously a fellow with the Project on International Order and Strategy and the Center on the United States and Europe at Brookings, where he edited the Foreign Policy program's blog Order from Chaos. Prior to Brookings, he was a member of the U.S. State Department’s policy planning staff, where he advised the secretary of state on U.S. policy in North Africa and the Levant. He was also the senior advisor to Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon, providing strategic guidance on a wide variety of U.S.-European foreign policy issues.
Articles by Jeremy Shapiro
Vanika Sharma
Vanika Sharma
Vanika Sharma is a Researcher at ECIPE. She is a Master’s graduate from Sciences Po, Paris in International Economic Policy with concentrations in Global Risks and East Asia. Vanika also holds an undergraduate degree in Economics (Honors) from the University of Delhi. She has previously worked on research projects with UNDP China, Rhodium Group, and UNESCAP, and currently is a professor of Statistics at Sciences Po – Le Havre. Her research interests lie in international trade for development, with a focus on trade dependencies.
Articles by Vanika Sharma
- ► Navigating Europe’s digital challenge: what the Competitiveness Compass overlooks / February 2025
- ► Two birds, one stone: The transatlantic market for green goods and technologies / March 2024
- ► From market access to defensive trade: the changing shape of EU trade policy / June 2022
- ► Trade dependency and geopolitics / April 2022
Darren Sharpe
Darren Sharpe
Dr Darren Sharpe is a Senior Research Fellow with the NIHR CLAHRC North Thames based within the Institute of Health and Human Development, University of East London. His interests include participatory research with children, young people and vulnerable adults in health, social care, education and citizenship.
Articles by Darren Sharpe
Jim Shaughnessy
Jim Shaughnessy
Jim Shaughnessy is executive vice president for corporate affairs at Workday, responsible for the company’s work across policy and public affairs and its corporate tech-for-good initiatives. He has more than 25 years of experience as a strategic legal and business executive for leading technology companies. He served as Workday’s General Counsel from 2011 to 2019, and previously was general counsel at PeopleSoft, Lenovo Group, and Orbitz Worldwide. Jim has also held senior legal positions at Hewlett-Packard, Compaq Computer, and Digital Equipment. Over his career, Jim has had responsibility for public policy, government affairs, and other business functions in addition to his legal roles.
Alexander Shea
Alexander Shea
Alexander is a recent graduate with an MPhil in International Relations from St. Antony's College, Oxford. He is currently pursuing opportunities as a journalist and political commentator. Twitter @alexander_shea
Articles by Alexander Shea
Marcus Shepheard
Marcus Shepheard
Marcus Shepheard joined the Institute for Government in April 2017 from the Royal Society where he worked on a range of projects covering cybersecurity, computing education and foresight. He has also worked for the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.
Articles by Marcus Shepheard
Michelle Shevin-Coetzee
Michelle Shevin-Coetzee
Michelle Shevin-Coetzee is a Research Assistant at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA). Prior to joining CSBA, she was a researcher with the Center for a New American Security where she focused on the transatlantic relationship. Michelle also serves as the vice president of the Women in International Security DC chapter.
Articles by Michelle Shevin-Coetzee
Jonny Shipp
Jonny Shipp
Jonny Shipp is a Brussels-based advisor on strategy, leadership, and digital policy. He founded the Internet Commission in 2017 and was its Executive Chair until it joined the Trust Alliance Group in 2022. Partnership builder, strategist, and cross-disciplinary thinker, Jonny is known for building international teams and delivering influential public policy initiatives. He is a Visiting Fellow in Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and served six years as Vice-Chair of the Internet Watch Foundation.
Dorota Sienkiewicz
Dorota Sienkiewicz
Dorota Sienkiewicz joined the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) in May 2009 where currently she works as Health Equity and Policy Coherence Coordinator, contributing to its overall activities by providing policy and advocacy work in the field of health challenges from a social and economic perspective and impact of EU policies on health equity in Europe and beyond.
Articles by Dorota Sienkiewicz
Anthony Silberfeld
Anthony Silberfeld
Tony Silberfeld joined the Bertelsmann Foundation in April 2014 after seven years at the British Embassy's Northern Ireland Bureau in Washington, DC. As head of political and public affairs at the Bureau, Tony was responsible for representing Northern Ireland before city, state/provincial and federal bodies in the Americas. He also served as Northern Ireland government spokesman in the Americas and advised Northern Ireland's ministers on political developments in the US, Canada and Brazil. Prior to his tenure at the embassy, Tony spent several years in the US Senate and the House of Representatives. He worked on foreign-policy and trade issues, with a particular focus on trans-Atlantic relations. He began his career in the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), then moved across Capitol Hill to advise Congressman Joseph Crowley (D-NY) in his position on the House Subcommittee on Europe.
Articles by Anthony Silberfeld
Simon Skillings
Simon Skillings
Simon Skillings has 25 years experience working in the energy industry. Much of this time has been spent in a variety of strategic, regulatory and policy roles for Powergen and E.ON UK, culminating in a 5 year period spent as Director of Strategy and Energy Policy.
In 2007, he established his own energy consulting company, Trilemma UK Ltd., and has subsequently provided advice on investment and policy issues for a range of private companies, UK Government and the regulator OFGEM. He is an Honorary Fellow, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Exeter, and was formerly a member of the Boards of the Association of Electricity Producers and the UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy.
Articles by Simon Skillings
Linda Slapakova
Linda Slapakova
Linda Slapakova is an analyst with RAND Europe and its Centre for Futures and Foresight Studies which explores potential futures of impacts of emerging technologies, among other activities. Prior to joining RAND Europe, Slapakova conducted research on peacekeeping, conflict resolution and counter-terrorism with organisations in Brussels and the UK including the Crime Terror Nexus Project, the Institute for Economics and Peace, and the Centre for European Policy Studies.
Articles by Linda Slapakova
Andrew Small
Andrew Small
Andrew Small is a senior transatlantic fellow with the Asia program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and an associate senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. He previously worked as the director of the Foreign Policy Centre's Beijing office; as a visiting fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and was an ESU scholar in the office of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. He is the author of the ECFR paper The Meaning of Systemic Rivalry: Europe and China beyond the pandemic.
Articles by Andrew Small
Tony Smith
Tony Smith
Tony Smith CBE is a former Director General of the UK Border Force, Managing Director of Fortinus Global Ltd, and Chairman of the International Border Management and Technologies Association (IBMATA).
Elta Smith
Elta Smith
Elta Smith is a research leader at RAND Europe. She has 12 years of experience in policy evaluation in the areas of science and food policy. Prior to joining RAND, Elta worked with a number UK, EU and international bodies and holds a Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard University.
Articles by Elta Smith
Sarah Snelson
Sarah Snelson
Sarah Snelson is a Director in Frontier Economics’ public policy practice, where she advises clients across the private and public sectors on policy design, policy influence, policy impact and value for money. Her particular passions are disentangling the effect of policy in cases where the counterfactual is far from obvious and analysing the impact of competition within public sector markets or of public policy on private markets. She has led projects for major government departments in the UK and for clients abroad with a particular emphasis on issues related to digital technology, innovation and skills.
Articles by Sarah Snelson
Giuseppe Spatafora
Giuseppe Spatafora
Giuseppe Spatafora is an Associate Analyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), where he leads the portfolio on transatlantic and EU-NATO relations. In this capacity, he monitors trends and policy developments related to EU-US and NATO-EU relations, as well as the broader transatlantic relationship, covering the full range of security challenges. Before joining the EUISS, Giuseppe worked at NATO’s Policy Planning Unit, in the Office of the Secretary General. Giuseppe is completing a PhD at the University of Oxford. His dissertation focuses on external support and foreign intervention. He has authored articles and book chapters on proxy wars, NATO and European security.
Articles by Giuseppe Spatafora
Anton Spisak
Anton Spisak
Anton Spisak is a policy lead at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, where he is leading the Institute’s work on Brexit and trade policy. He was previously a UK civil servant working on the Brexit negotiations, in the Cabinet Office and Department for Exiting the EU.
Articles by Anton Spisak
John Springford
John Springford
John Springford is Associate Fellow at the Centre for European Reform. He works on primarily on Brexit, trade and the single market.
Articles by John Springford
- ► Is the UK-EU reset worth pursuing? / December 2024
- ► Why do Britain’s goods and services exports appear to be holding up? / March 2024
- ► Brexit isn’t going away / January 2023
- ► Can UK science and technology recover from Brexit? / January 2023
- ► Britain needs to face up to the cost of Brexit / June 2022
- ► The EU needs a permanent recovery fund / December 2021
- ► Brexit has already been a disaster for British trade / March 2021
- ► The US and Europe in the aftermath of COVID-19 / August 2020
- ► What’s the cost of Brexit so far? / June 2018
- ► Follow Jersey, not Norway or Canada / February 2018
- ► Theresa May needs to compromise with the technocrats / February 2017
- ► The British economy and Europe / June 2014
- ► Britain’s Conservatives must choose between sovereignty and free trade / February 2014
Sanj Srikanthan
Sanj Srikanthan
Sanj Srikanthan is Senior Vice President Europe, and Executive Director UK, at the International Rescue Committee. He leads the IRC’s work in Europe to drive for durable solutions to the crisis of global displacement, including the resettlement of refugees, and addressing root causes of conflict, fragility and poverty. Sanj has worked in over 8 countries in response to both natural disasters, like the Haiti earthquake and Ebola outbreak, as well as complex conflict related emergencies in northern Syria, Mali and South Sudan. As the former Emergency Field Director, he has been at the forefront of some of the most challenging responses that IRC has mounted, and supports initiatives to reform humanitarian response, in order to improve impact and effectiveness of the aid sector. Prior to joining the IRC, Sanj served as a British Army Officer for 7 years.
Articles by Sanj Srikanthan
Jeffrey Stacey
Jeffrey Stacey
Dr Jeffrey Stacey is a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Johns Hopkins University's Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, DC
Articles by Jeffrey Stacey
Henry Stanek
Henry Stanek
Henry Stanek is an independent consultant based in Paris, having worked extensively with EU institutions throughout his career. His thematic and geographical interests include transatlantic relations and Eastern Europe, where he was born and raised.
Joshua Stanton
Joshua Stanton
Joshua Stanton has served as project manager for the trans-Atlantic relations team since joining the Bertelsmann Foundation in 2012. He has contributed to numerous Foundation publications, including Field Manual to Europe: Ten Memos for the New US Administration and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): On Track, But Off Message? . Josh's writings have also appeared in the Journal of International Service, Fletcher Forum of World Affairs , and Policy Review. He is the lead project manager for the TTIP Town Hall program, an information and awareness-raising program that highlights the local and regional impact of a potential trans-Atlantic free-trade agreement while expanding beyond Washington, DC the debate and discussion on TTIP.
Articles by Joshua Stanton
Stefano Stefanini
Stefano Stefanini
Stefano Stefanini is Senior Advisor to the Podesta Group, Washington and Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Brent Scowcroft Center for International Security, Atlantic Council, Washington. He has been Diplomatic Advisor to the President of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, Italian Permanent Representative at NATO and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Italian Embassy in Washington. He had served in New York, United Nations; Moscow; Washington; Perth, Western Australia.
Articles by Stefano Stefanini
Philip Stephens
Philip Stephens
Philip Stephens is a writer and contributing editor at the FT. His Inside-Out column can be found at
Articles by Philip Stephens
- ► Europe is menaced by Putin. And Ireland has outlived its neutrality / June 2023
- ► The meaning of Rishi Sunak’s Northern Ireland deal / March 2023
- ► After Truss, there is no way back for the Conservatives / October 2022
- ► The last throw of the Brexiters / September 2022
- ► Johnson runs into Brexit's hard choices / May 2021
Ernst Stetter
Ernst Stetter
Ernst Stetter is an economist by profession and was the founding secretary-general of the Brussels based European Foundation for Progressive Studies (FEPS) (2008–2019). Ernst Stetter is the editor of several books on progressive social and economic policies and regularly analyses European issues in the media. He was also director of the Paris and Brussels offices, the Africa and Central Europe departments at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Germany.
Rosalind Stevens
Rosalind Stevens
Rosalind Stevens is the Project Manager responsible for establishing a new Civil Society Alliance. Rosalind has substantial expertise in developing and implementing regulation and policy in a domestic and EU context, specialising in consumer/citizen rights and access to justice
Philip Stevens
Philip Stevens
Philip is executive director of Geneva Network, which he founded in 2015. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, Malaysia. His main research interests are the intersection of intellectual property, trade and health policy. He has worked for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, where he worked in its Global Challenges Division on a range of IP and health issues.
Katherine Stewart
Katherine Stewart
Katherine Stewart is a policy analyst at RAND Europe, working primarily in the areas of social policy and technology. At RAND Europe she has contributed to projects for a range of European clients, including the European Commission and OECD. Her research interests include public administration and governance, and the impact of emerging technologies on the labour market.
Articles by Katherine Stewart
Catherine Stihler
Catherine Stihler
Catherine Stihler OBE has been an international champion for openness as a
legislator and practitioner for over 20 years. She stood for election as a Member of the European Parliament for Scotland in
1999, representing the Labour Party. At the European Parliament she became
one of Scotland’s longest-serving and most respected legislators.
Catherine was elected Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, founded the Campaign for Parliamentary Reform and the parliament’s All-Party Library Group, and was instrumental in securing graphic health warnings on cigarette packets across the EU. In 2019, Catherine was awarded an OBE by Her Majesty the Queen in recognition of her services to politics. That same year, she stood down from the European Parliament to become the chief executive officer of the Open Knowledge Foundation. During her 18-month tenure at the Foundation Catherine redefined its vision and mission to produce a new strategic direction, reengage its global chapters and increase the worldwide profile of the organisation. In August 2020, Catherine was appointed chief executive officer of Creative Commons, a non-profit organisation that helps overcome legal obstacles to the sharing of knowledge and creativity to address the world’s pressing challenges. She was selected to the Fellowship of Scotland’s national academy, the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) in 2022.
Articles by Catherine Stihler
Sam Stockwell
Sam Stockwell
Sam Stockwell is a research assistant at RAND Europe working in defence, security and infrastructure. His research interests include terrorism and counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, emerging technologies in conflict environments and space security. Prior to RAND, Stockwell worked at The Henry Jackson Society, a security think tank, where he studied the impact of coronavirus on online extremist content.
Articles by Sam Stockwell
Lara Stoimenova
Lara Stoimenova
Dr Lara Stoimenova is a competition and regulatory policy expert with significant experience in public and private sectors. She has experience in a wide range of industry sectors (including telecoms and digital) and an in-depth understanding of the political and strategic context of each. She is the founder and managing director of Sigma Economics, providing advice to firms wishing to influence the competition and regulatory environment they operate in. She is also an independent member on the board of the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority and chair of its Audit and Risk Committee. She was an inquiry director in the Markets and Mergers Directorate of the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), leading various market investigations and internal strategic projects. She was also a member of the CMA’s Senior Leadership Team and Operations Board. Before joining the CMA, she worked for the UK's communications regulator, Ofcom, where she was a programme director with expertise in European and UK telecommunications policy and chair of the BEREC expert working group on Remedies. Currently she also works in collaboration with DT Economics as associate partner and is a trustee at Reform, a think tank dedicated to making public services in the UK better and smarter.
Bruce Stokes
Bruce Stokes
Bruce Stokes is a visiting senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund.
Paula Surridge
Paula Surridge
Paula Surridge is Deputy Director at UK in a Changing Europe and Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol. She works on social and political values, public opinion, education and social inequalities. She has written extensively on the role of political values in recent elections.
Articles by Paula Surridge
Ulf Sverdrup
Ulf Sverdrup
Ulf Sverdrup, is the Director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). He was a professor at the Norwegian Business School BI, and a research professor at ARENA, Centre for European Studies, at the University of Oslo. Sverdrup was also the Head of the Secretariat for the Official Norwegian Europe Review (NOU 2012:2) which assessed the impacts and implications of Norway’s agreements with the EU.
Articles by Ulf Sverdrup
Graeme Sweeney
Graeme Sweeney
Dr. Graeme Sweeney is a leading authority on energy, fuels and climate change, drawing on his extensive international experience across all aspects of the oil, gas and renewable industries.
He is currently Chairman of the Advisory Council of the European Technology Platform of Zero Emission Fossil Fuels Power Plants (ZEP). ZEP's unique coalition of stakeholders (utilities, petroleum companies, equipment suppliers, scientists, academics and environmental NGOs) have been instrumental in the development of the EU Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Demonstration programme, providing expert advice to the European Commission on all technical, technology, policy, commercial and other related issues.
Dr. Sweeney’s is the co-chair of the European Union’s CCS Project Network Advisory Forum and a founding member of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute. He also serves on the advisory board of the University of California (Davis) Institute of Transportation Studies; is a member of the Prince of Wales' Corporate Leaders Group and chairs the Advisory Board of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC).
Articles by Graeme Sweeney
Pawel Świeboda
Pawel Świeboda
Paweł Świeboda is Senior Visiting Fellow at the European Policy Centre where he co-leads Strategic Project on Europe’s Economic Security. He is also Founder of NeuroCentury, Practice Lead Neurotechnology at the International Centre for Future Generations, and Senior Advisor at FIPRA. In his previous roles, he had worked in the Polish government, at the European Commission and in science management.
Articles by Pawel Świeboda
Nicole Sykes
Nicole Sykes
Nicole Sykes is CBI Head of EU Negotiations where she has responsibility for the CBI’s work on Brexit and the negotiation of the future trading relationship between the UK and EU. Her team works with businesses of all sizes to develop post-Brexit policy on customs, regulation and services trade, as well to support companies to understand how negotiations are progressing. She works closely with the governments in the UK and the EU. She has worked at the CBI since 2015. Prior to this, Nicole worked on political campaigns, while outside the CBI she has worked for Microsoft UK and is a trustee of a development charity working across Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Articles by Nicole Sykes
István Szent-Iványi
István Szent-Iványi
István Szent-Iványi is a Hungarian politician, Hungarian Ambassador to Slovenia, founding member of the Alliance of Free Democrats political party, and former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the Alliance of Free Democrats, part of the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party. He was chief foreign policy advisor to the Hungarian Liberal Party between October 2015 and April 2018. Previously, he served four terms as MP in the Hungarian National Assembly (1990-2004) being chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (1997-2002) and the Committee on European Integration (2002-04). He is a founding member of the Alliance of Free Democrats (1988), was twice its Group leader in the National Assembly (1997-1998, 2000-2002), and he has been a member of its executive board for several years. He was Secretary of State (deputy minister) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1994-97.
Articles by István Szent-Iványi
Paolo Tancredi
Paolo Tancredi
Paolo Tancredi is a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies and Vice Chairman of the Committee overseeing all the European Union Policies within the Chamber. In addition, he is also a member of the Italian Commission “Internet Bill of Rights”. An electronic engineer by training, he is also member of the Presidency’s office of NCD (Centre-right party currently in Government).
Thierry Tardy
Thierry Tardy
Thierry Tardy is the Director of the Research Division at the NATO Defense College. He is also Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. His research and teaching areas cover NATO’s policy and adaptation, European security, the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), NATO-EU relations, the politics of crisis management, and UN peace operations. He has recently published French Interventions in Africa. Reluctant multilateralism (ed. with S. Recchia, London, Routledge, 2021). He tweets @thierrytardy.
Articles by Thierry Tardy
Andy Tarrant
Andy Tarrant
Dr Andy Tarrant is Director of EU Affairs and Public Policy at Whitehouse Communications Ltd. He has previously worked for B&CE Ltd, Herbert Smith solicitors, the UK telecommunications regulator, British Telecommunications Plc, the European Competitive Telecommunications Association and as an adviser to Labour’s shadow Europe and Pensions ministers.
Articles by Andy Tarrant
Jirka Taylor
Jirka Taylor
Jirka Taylor is an analyst at RAND Europe working primarily in the area of communities, safety and justice. Prior to joining RAND, Taylor was an analyst for the Association for International Affairs, a Prague-based organisation. He earned his M.A. in American studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague and his M.Phil. in international relations at the University of Cambridge. He has been a visiting student at Georgetown University and the University of Washington in Seattle and worked for the Office of the President at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Articles by Jirka Taylor
Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor is a senior fellow at the Friends of Europe think-tank and writes the “Europe at Large” column for POLITICO. He was previously a correspondent for Reuters, the international news agency, for 39 years. He has published a series of reports on European defence and security issues for Friends of Europe since 2017, most recently Crossing the Wilderness - Europe and the Sahel (May 2021). He is now working on a study on the Black Sea and European security to be published in January 2022. Paul studied History and Modern Languages at Balliol College, Oxford, before joining Reuters as a graduate trainee in 1977. Over nearly four decades, he specialized in European politics and economics, defence and diplomacy, and the Middle East. He has worked in London, Paris, Tehran, Bonn, Brussels, Jerusalem, Berlin and Cairo. From 2008-16 he also wrote the “Inside Europe” column for the International New York Times.
Articles by Paul Taylor
Simon Taylor
Simon Taylor
Articles by Simon Taylor
Julie Linn Teigland
Julie Linn Teigland
Julie Linn Teigland is a member of the EY Global Executive and Area Managing Partner for Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA). As EY EMEIA Area Managing Partner, Julie leads a geographic area comprising member firms with more than 150,000 people across 90 countries and representing combined revenues of over US$20b.
In this role she is responsible for all four business units, including assurance, tax, consulting, as well as strategy and transactions. Julie joined EY in 2001, has served as lead partner for several Fortune 500 clients and previously held a number of leadership roles within the international practice. Julie continues to serve clients as a senior advisor, contributing to large-scale transformation and change programs. Julie was recently named one of Fortune magazine’s Most Powerful Women International.
A member of the UN EQUALS Advisory Board, which is focused on connecting public and private sector to advance digital equality, Julie believes that technology represents a huge opportunity to accelerate the inclusion of females in the economy. She also serves on several boards across Europe and the US, such as JA Europe, the largest non-profit in Europe dedicated to preparing young people for employment and entrepreneurship, Atlantik Brücke and the American Council on Germany, both committed to building relationships between Germany, Europe and the US.
Articles by Julie Linn Teigland
Feodora Teti
Feodora Teti
Feodora Teti is a trade economist at the ifo Center for International Economics in Munich. Her research focuses on trade policy, particularly tariffs and rules of origin, and she has contributed to policy consultancy projects for organisations including the German Ministry of Economics and Energy and the World Bank.
Articles by Feodora Teti
Renaud Thillaye
Renaud Thillaye
Renaud Thillaye is Manager at Flint Global and Research Associate at Policy Network.
Apostolos Thomadakis
Apostolos Thomadakis
Dr. Apostolos Thomadakis is Head of Research at the European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI), an independent research institute run by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). His work focuses on issues related to capital markets, financial markets and services, financial and securities regulation. He has completed many research projects on derivatives, access to capital, SMEs financing, CMU, financial instruments, financial services and regulation for European institutions and associations. Prior to joining ECMI, he was a Visiting Scholar at the Bank of Lithuania (BoL) and the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), while he worked for the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Central Bank (ECB). Apostolos has held academic positions at the University of Warwick, London School of Economics, University of Bath, and the University of Surrey. He holds a PhD from the University of Surrey.
Articles by Apostolos Thomadakis
- ► The EU’s sustainability rollback is a retreat disguised as simplification / March 2025
- ► Derivatives clearing – when the national interest prevails over the European interest / April 2024
- ► Sustainability reporting – try not to overkill it / December 2022
- ► Setting a global minimum corporate tax rate: to begin simple but to become complex / March 2022
- ► Post-Brexit derivatives clearing – haste makes waste / December 2021
David Thomas
David Thomas
David Thomas is MNI euro zone correspondent, based in Brussels. He formerly worked for Deutsche Boerse in a communications role and was also head of communications for WFE, the global exchange industry association.
He was previously Brussels bureau chief for Knight-Ridder Financial and later for BridgeNews, covering the run-up to and launch of the single currency in 1999 and the euro’s challenging early years.
Articles by David Thomas
Aaron Tielemans
Aaron Tielemans
Aaron Tielemans is a senior project coordinator and research assistant in the Global Economy and Development program at Brookings. He oversees operations and research projects for the Forum for Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). He conducts additional research on critical and emerging technologies, AI policy and digital trade policy. He previously worked at the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) where he supported multistakeholder collaboration and knowledge-sharing to prevent the exploitation of digital platforms by terrorists and violent extremists.
Articles by Aaron Tielemans
Brooks Tigner
Brooks Tigner
Brooks Tigner is EU/NATO Affairs correspondent in Brussels for Jane’s Defence Weekly. He has reported on foreign, security, defence and military issues across Europe for nearly three decades – from the post-Cold War’s impact on NATO and its subsequent expansion, to the EU’s growing role in security and defence. Brooks regularly covers cyber-security, , defence research, dual-use technologies, and policy implications that cut across all these domains. He has moderated many international security and defence-oriented conferences. Author of Pick-up Sticks, a social crime novel set in 1960s small-town Texas, Brooks is working on a new social comedy novel set in New York during the Reagan years.
Articles by Brooks Tigner
Simon Tilford
Simon Tilford
Simon Tilford works on the political economy of the eurozone, the economics of populism, financial reform, corporate governance and taxation. He is currently chief economist at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change but will be joining Chatham House’s Global Economy and Finance Department in December 2018.
Paul Timmers
Paul Timmers
Prof Dr Paul Timmers is research associate at the University of Oxford (Oxford Internet Institute), adjunct professor at the European University Cyprus, visiting professor at Rijeka University, and CEO of iivii BV. He is a former Director at the European Commission Directorate for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity. Contact: paul.timmers(at)
Brendan Tobin
Brendan Tobin
Brendan Tobin is Head of Growth at Ecanvasser. He has worked on over 2000 political campaigns across 70 countries promoting technology in politics to increase voter contact and representation.
Articles by Brendan Tobin
Jennifer Tollmann
Jennifer Tollmann
Jennifer Tollmann is a Policy Advisor in E3G’s Climate Diplomacy team based in Berlin. E3G’s Climate Diplomacy programme focuses on how to construct high leverage political interventions which can shape transformational international outcomes.
Articles by Jennifer Tollmann
Baudilio Tomé Muguruza
Baudilio Tomé Muguruza
Baudilio Tomé Muguruza has been a member of the European Court of Auditors since 2012. He led the audit on disinformation, whose findings are described in the report “Disinformation affecting the EU: tackled but not tamed”. An economist and a jurist by academic background, he has covered various positions in the Spanish civil service since 1986, and has served as Member of the Spanish Parliament from 2004 to 2012.
Articles by Baudilio Tomé Muguruza
Phil Tomlinson
Phil Tomlinson
Phil Tomlinson is Professor of Industrial Strategy and Deputy Director of the Centre for Governance, Regulation & Industrial Strategy (CGR&IS) in the School of Management, University of Bath. He is a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association (RSA) and Editor of the RSA Policy Expo Book series. He has published widely on industrial strategy and regional development, and his work has been received by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Department for Transport, NESTA, Innovate UK, The TUC, Industry Trade Associations and other business and regional organisations. He has also addressed All Parliamentary Manufacturing Group of MPs on industrial and innovation policy and given presentations at the UK Houses of Parliament and the EU Commission. He was appointed to the independent review panel for Swindon and Wiltshire LEPs local industrial strategy, and currently sits on the West of England Combined Authority’s Skills Advisory Panel. His recent co-edited policy-facing book ‘Revitalising Lagging Regions: Smart Specialisation and Industry 4.0’ (2019) was published by Taylor and Francis as part of the RSA Policy Expo series.
Articles by Phil Tomlinson
Sander Tordoir
Sander Tordoir
Sander Tordoir is senior economist at the Centre for European Reform. Sander works on eurozone monetary and fiscal policy, the institutional architecture of EMU, European integration as well as Germany’s role in the EU.
Prior to joining the CER, Sander worked as an advisor to the ECB Representative at the International Monetary Fund, covering the IMF’s surveillance of euro area policies and sovereign debt issues. Before his posting in Washington, he was an economist in the ECB’s EU Institutions and Fora Division, where he focused on the EU’s policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic, economic and fiscal governance, Banking Union, ESM reform and the ECB’s relations with other EU institutions. Sander was also a seconded expert to the German Federal Finance Ministry and a consultant at the World Bank. His policy research has been cited in media outlets such as the Financial Times, The Economist, and The New Statesman. Sander studied at Amsterdam University College and Columbia University, where he was a Fulbright scholar.
Marco Torregrossa
Marco Torregrossa
Marco Torregrossa is Secretary General at the European Forum of Independent Professionals, a European association advocating for policy, business and society to become more conducive to the self-employed way of working. Formerly policy officer at the EU Commission and a lawyer by training, Marco is specialised in collaborative self-employment, co-operative entrepreneurship, digital work on platforms and the impacts of flexible labour regulations on the future of work.
Articles by Marco Torregrossa
Lorenzo Torti
Lorenzo Torti
Lorenzo Torti is currently a Manager at Flint, where he advises clients on EU politics and policy. Before joining Flint, Lorenzo was a Senior Policy Analyst at Fiscal Note Europe. He also worked at the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU and the European Climate Foundation and in the Italian and US diplomatic services.
Articles by Lorenzo Torti
Jocelyn Trainer
Jocelyn Trainer
Jocelyn Trainer is a Research Assistant for the Energy, Economics, and Security Program at CNAS. She analyzes developments and trends in sanctions policy and evasion tactics, illicit financial crime, and efforts to combat corruption and human rights abuses
Articles by Jocelyn Trainer
Florian Trauner
Florian Trauner
Florian Trauner teaches EU politics and migration policy-making at the Vrjie Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He also co-directs the VUB's Interdisciplinary Centre of Expertise on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM). His research concerns the European integration process with a focus on EU asylum, migration and return as well as the EU’s relations with third countries. Florian Trauner is a regular Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and has acted as an external expert for different EU institutions and UN bodies.
Articles by Florian Trauner
Ketevan Tsikhelashvili
Ketevan Tsikhelashvili
Ketevan Tsikhelashvili is the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality. Prior to undertaking this position in August 2016, she served as the State Ministry for Reconciliation and Civil Equality’s First Deputy Minister. Before this position, she was the elected chairwoman of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Georgian National Platform, the largest association of the prominent Non Governmental organizations in Georgia. She was the founder and director of the think tank, Liberal Academy Tbilisi that advocates for Georgia's European integration and the representative and consultant to the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Georgia and the South Caucasus for eight years.
Articles by Ketevan Tsikhelashvili
Christian Turner
Christian Turner
Christian Turner
Christian Turner
Articles by Christian Turner
Sinan Ulgen
Sinan Ulgen
Sinan Ulgen is the executive director of the Istanbul based EDAM think tank and a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe. He is the co-editor of the recent Carnegie Europe report on EU Economic Statecraft. Follow him at @sinanulgen1
Simon Usherwood
Simon Usherwood
Simon Usherwood is Professor of Politics and International Studies at the Open University, and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Centre for Britain and Europe. His research on euroscepticism and on EU-UK relations has lead to numerous publications (including the OUP’s Very Short Introduction to the EU) and work with politicians, media outlets and public audiences across Europe. He has been the Chair of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies since September 2021. For more information, visit
Articles by Simon Usherwood
- ► What does ‘cooperation’ actually mean? / June 2023
- ► Local solutions and global problems in EU-UK relations / October 2022
- ► The EU needs more than an external unifier / March 2022
- ► The long way down / October 2021
- ► Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it not important / April 2021
- ► More theatre than substance / June 2020
- ► The UK is already paying the price for not playing a straight bat / February 2020
- ► Yesterday’s battles / September 2018
- ► A “Meaningful vote” might not mean much in a two-level Brexit process / May 2018
- ► Breaking the Brexit log-jam / September 2017
- ► The structure and agency of Brexit / April 2017
- ► We’re on our (Brexit) way! / February 2017
- ► Negotiating Brexit: BATNAs and beyond / September 2016
- ► Is the UK leaving the EU? / June 2016
- ► The long road to a more a stable system of European integration / May 2016
- ► Are equality and non-discrimination still core EU values? / February 2016
- ► Much heat, no light / September 2015
- ► Tongue-tied on Europe? / April 2015
- ► The saga of Brexit / November 2014
Tomáš Valášek
Tomáš Valášek
Tomáš Valášek is a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on security and defense, transatlantic relations, and Central European affairs. Previously, he served as the Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to NATO for nearly four years and, before that, he was president of the Central European Policy Institute in Bratislava (2012–2013), director of foreign policy and defense at the Centre for European Reform in London (2007–2012), and founder and director of the Brussels office of the World Security Institute (2002–2006). In 2006–2007, he served as acting political director and head of the security and defense policy division at the Slovak Ministry of Defense.
João Vale de Almeida
João Vale de Almeida
João Vale de Almeida is a diplomat at the European External Action Service. He was the EU Ambassador to the US until 2014 and will take his new function as Ambassador to the UN in New York in October. This article contains personal opinions and does not necessarily reflect the positions of the European Union.
Articles by João Vale de Almeida
Erik van der Marel
Erik van der Marel
Erik van der Marel is a Senior Economist at ECIPE, lecturer at the ULB Solvay Brussels School and consultant economist for the World Bank. His areas of expertise are in international trade, trade in services and services regulations, digital trade, and productivity. Prior to his appointment at ECIPE, Erik was a lecturer at the London School of Economics and in the past gained various experiences as a consultant for the European Commission, OECD, APEC and as a visiting researcher at the World Bank’s trade research department.
John Van Reenen
John Van Reenen
John Van Reenen has been the Director of the Centre of Economic Performance and a Professor of Economics at LSE since 2003. He is now moving to be a tenured Professor at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) jointly in the Department of Economics and the Sloan School of Management. His most recent publications are a book on the long-term economic effects of Brexit, on innovation and climate change and on productivity and trade.
Articles by John Van Reenen
Rodrigo Vaz
Rodrigo Vaz
Rodrigo Vaz is an EU policy analyst and consultant, currently based in Lisbon. He has served as Deputy Attaché in the Portuguese Permanent Representation to the EU. He has degrees from both College of Europe and SOAS University of London. He focuses on foreign policy, mobility and digital affairs.
Articles by Rodrigo Vaz
Tony Venables
Tony Venables
Tony Venables is the Founder of ECIT — a foundation working on European Citizenship. He started his career as a European civil servant, before heading up the consumer group BEUC (European Bureau of Consumer Unions) and setting up ECAS (European Citizen Action Service). He is the author of the book Piecing Together Europe’s Citizenship.
Stijn Verhelst
Stijn Verhelst
Stijn Verhelst is Senior Research Fellow at Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations. He joined the European Affairs Program of Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations in November 2009. He became Senior Research Fellow in January 2012. He has published extensively on the eurozone sovereign crisis and the Banking Union project. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Political Science (2007) and a Master’s Degree in Business Economics (2008), both from Ghent University and a Master’s Degree in European Law from Université Paris-Sud (2009).
Articles by Stijn Verhelst
Miguel Verzbolovskis
Miguel Verzbolovskis
Miguel Verzbolovskis has served in different capacities in the Panamanian government, including at the Finance Ministry, the Canal Authority, and the Foreign Service. He was part of the team that helped create the nation’s sovereign wealth fund and, more recently, was posted in Brussels as Ambassador to Belgium and to the EU.
Articles by Miguel Verzbolovskis
Reinhilde Veugelers
Reinhilde Veugelers
Prof Dr. Reinhilde Veugelers is a Senior fellow at Bruegel whose activities include coordinating research in the area of competition, innovation and sustainable growth. She is a professor at KULeuven (BE) at the Faculty of Economics and Business, where she teaches international business economics and game theory. From 2004-2008, she was on academic leave, as advisor at the European Commission (BEPA). She is currently a CEPR Research Fellow and a member of Commissioner Potocnik‘s Knowledge for Growth expert group.
Articles by Reinhilde Veugelers
Daniela Vidaicu
Daniela Vidaicu
Daniela Vidaicu is the new Moldova Soros Foundation Executive Director. Daniela previously served as the Foundation’s Director of Programs and Advocacy, where she focused on recalibrating programmatic and advocacy efforts through key partnerships. In her new role, she will continue to lead the Foundation’s advocacy in support of Moldova’s reform agenda and its larger European integration, as well as strengthening the Foundation’s dialogue with civil society leaders, government agencies, international actors, and development partners.
Before joining the Soros Foundation, Daniela spent eight years as a National Program Officer at the Embassy of Sweden in Moldova, where she developed a comprehensive portfolio and created strong partnerships with the UN, civil society organizations, national Moldovan stakeholders, and other development partners, with the aim of advancing democratic initiatives to expedite Moldova's integration into the EU. Prior to that she was Chief of Staff at Moldova’s Ministry of Justice. She holds a degree from the Law Faculty at Moldova State University and a master’s degree in business law from Montesquieu IV University in France.
Articles by Daniela Vidaicu
Pierre Vimont
Pierre Vimont
Pierre Vimont is a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe and former executive Secretary General of the EEAS.
Articles by Pierre Vimont
- ► The EU needs an interagency process for foreign policy / October 2024
- ► The EPC: Let it grow, let it flow / May 2023
- ► The European Political Community: Moving ahead but to where? / September 2022
- ► A geopolitical Europe: where to go from here? / April 2021
- ► Making Europe’s voice heard in the world / December 2011
Berk Vindevogel
Berk Vindevogel
Berk Vindevogel is a Ph.D. Researcher at the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies, where he focuses on Great Power Competition in the Arctic. He holds a Master's in International Politics from Ghent University.
Articles by Berk Vindevogel
Peter Vis
Peter Vis
Peter Vis is the Head of Cabinet of Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action. Prior to that he worked in the Cabinet of Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for Energy. He joined the European Commission in 1990, and since 1997 has been more specialised in environmental and energy issues, in particular climate change. He is a British national, married with 2 children.
Articles by Peter Vis
Jannike Wachowiak
Jannike Wachowiak
Jannike Wachowiak is a researcher at the UK in a Changing Europe, with a focus on UK-EU relations and European politics. She previously worked on European Relations for the Government of Jersey and as a Policy Analyst for the European Policy Centre (EPC) in Brussels.
Alan Wager
Alan Wager
Alan Wager is a Research Associate at The UK in a Changing Europe, and teaches on Brexit and British Politics at King's College London and the LSE.
Hans Wallmark
Hans Wallmark
Hans Wallmark has been a member of the Swedish parliament since 2006, representing the Swedish moderate party. He is Chair of the Committee on European Union Affairs, Chair of the Riksdag delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and Chair of the Hanaholmen-initiative.
Articles by Hans Wallmark
Garvan Walshe
Garvan Walshe
Garvan Walshe is a former national and international security policy adviser to the British Conservative Party and CEO of Brexit Analytics. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Open Political Economy Network (
Marcus Walsh-Führing
Marcus Walsh-Führing
Marcus Walsh-Führing is a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Europe. Marcus' research interests focus on revenue collection, corporate governance, and regulatory autonomy. He has published numerous articles and reviews in: The Journal of Common Market Studies, Capital & Class, International Affairs, and International Studies Review.
Articles by Marcus Walsh-Führing
- ► Will Germany be able to hold the Eurozone together? / May 2020
- ► Coronavirus recession and the political conflict in Europe / April 2020
- ► Protectionist policies from the Trump administration place the EU under attack / January 2020
- ► Environmental policy developments in the EU-Mercosur trade deal are in jeopardy / November 2019
Nick Watts
Nick Watts
Nick Watts is a policy adviser and consultant on Defence and Security policy; he is Convener of the British Influence Security Forum and Rapporteur on the EuroDefense Working Group on European cyber security policy. He was previously Policy Director at First Defence, and was Director of the Future of Europe Trust.
Articles by Nick Watts
Gesine Weber
Gesine Weber
Articles by Gesine Weber
John Weeks
John Weeks
John Weeks is professor emeritus of economics, SOAS, University of London, and founding member of Economists for Rational Economic Policies. His most recent book is Economics of the 1%: how mainstream economics serves the rich, obscures reality and distorts policy. He is based in London where he has a weekly radio programme of economic commentary.
Articles by John Weeks
Stefani Weiss
Stefani Weiss
Stefani Weiss is Director of the European Programme at the Brussels Office of Bertelsmann Stiftung and an expert in EU foreign and security policy.
Articles by Stefani Weiss
Fredrik Wesslau
Fredrik Wesslau
Fredrik Wesslau is Director of the Wider Europe Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations. His areas of Expertise: European foreign policy, conflict and crisis management, state-building, counter-piracy, South Caucasus, and Western Balkans.
Articles by Fredrik Wesslau
Tom West
Tom West
Tom West joined the Hansard Society in July 2021 and is focussed on its programme of work on how Parliament legislates, in particular being responsible for the coordination of its Delegated Legislation Review. Tom conducts research for the Society on legislative processes and procedures and supports its collaboration and partnership with other stakeholders and networks active in the field.
Articles by Tom West
Richard Westaway
Richard Westaway
Dr Richard Westaway is a Sustainability Specialist at IMS Consulting. His work in the construction sector includes the development of client submissions for the Carbon Disclosure Project. Prior to joining IMS he worked for the UK Climate Impact Programme.
Articles by Richard Westaway
Nick Westcott
Nick Westcott
Nicholas Westcott is Professor of Practice in Diplomacy in the Department of Politics and International Studies at SOAS University of London, and formerly Director of the Royal African Society. From 2011-17 he was Managing Director in the EU’s External Action Service in Brussels, firstly for Africa and then for the Middle East and North Africa. After completing a PhD in African history at Cambridge University, he worked from 1982-2011 for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in a number of posts in London, Brussels, Washington DC and in Africa, including as British High Commissioner to Ghana from 2008. He is the author of Imperialism and Development (James Currey, 2020) and articles on African history and British and European foreign policy. He tweets @NickWestcott4.
Articles by Nick Westcott
- ► Trump, the EU and the UK: reasons for hope / February 2025
- ► Three lessons from the US elections / November 2024
- ► Re-thinking British foreign policy / May 2024
- ► Gaza: What role can Europe play? / November 2023
- ► Time for serious UK-EU foreign policy cooperation / March 2023
- ► Ukraine and Ireland: Whose sovereignty? Whose unity? / May 2022
- ► 'Global Britain', Africa and Europe / November 2021
- ► Sovereignty and power after Brexit / July 2021
- ► What should a British post-Brexit foreign policy look like? / January 2021
Martin Westlake
Martin Westlake
Martin Westlake is a Visiting Professor in Practice at the LSE’s European Institute and a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges. During a thirty-year European career, he worked in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the EU’s Council of Ministers and the European Commission, with the European Parliament, and in the European Economic and Social Committee, where he served as Secretary-General, 2008-2013. He has published widely on the European institutions and on European and UK politics.
Hannah White
Hannah White
Hannah White is a Programme Director at the Institute for Government, where she leads the Institute’s work on Parliament and the relationship between scrutiny and effective government, and Brexit. She has more than 10 years' experience in Parliament and the Civil Service, most recently running the Committee on Standards on Public Life in the Cabinet Office, and the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee in the House of Commons.
Articles by Hannah White
Dalena White
Dalena White
Dalena White has more than 20 years’ experience in clothing design, textile manufacturing, merchandising and product sourcing for fashion retail. She served as a board member of a clothing factory for 6 years, before joining the wool industry in 2008. She managed brand developments for South African Merino wool products, including styling, wool textile innovation and marketing projects with retail partners. Dalena was appointed as the Secretary General of the International Wool Textile Organisation, based in Brussels, Belgium, in June 2016. IWTO is the recognized global authority for standards in the wool industry and has been representing the interests of the wool textile trade since 1930. IWTO Members represent 23 countries and all stages of the wool pipeline. IWTO is a registered AISBL (non-profit).
Articles by Dalena White
Richard Whitman
Richard Whitman
Professor Richard G. Whitman is Senior Fellow on the UK in a Changing Europe and professor of politics and international relations at the University of Kent. He is also an associate fellow and former head of the Europe Programme at Chatham House. His current research interests include Brexit and especially the future foreign, security and defence policies of the UK and the EU.
Articles by Richard Whitman
- ► What can the new UK government’s proposed UK–EU Security Pact achieve? / July 2024
- ► Post-Global Britain: a new normal in UK foreign policy / May 2023
- ► Taking a bearing of the UK with the EU’s Strategic Compass / June 2022
- ► How to get to a new normal in EU-UK relations / March 2021
- ► The EU’s strategic autonomy matters for the UK / February 2021
- ► E3 cooperation beyond Brexit: challenging but necessary / September 2020
Xenia Wickett
Xenia Wickett
Xenia Wickett is the head of the US and the Americas Programme at Chatham House and the Dean of the Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs, Chatham House’s leadership training initiative. Prior to this she was the Executive Director of the PeaceNexus Foundation, based just outside Geneva, which she launched in 2009. From 2005 to 2009, Xenia was at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center where she was the Director of the Project on India and the Subcontinent and the Executive Director for Research at the Belfer Center, as well as being a member of the Center’s board. From early 2004 to August 2005, Xenia served as Director for South Asia at the USG's National Security Council (NSC). Prior to her NSC post, Xenia served as a Foreign Affairs Specialist in the Bureau of South Asia at the Department of State. During her tenure at the Department of State, Xenia was also a Special Advisor at the Homeland Security Group, and an officer in the Bureau of Nonproliferation. Shortly after September 11, 2001, she was detailed from the Department of State to the Office of the Vice President (OVP) to help launch the Office of Homeland Security Affairs.
Articles by Xenia Wickett
Peter Wilding
Peter Wilding
Peter Wilding is the founder and director of British Influence. In 20 years of working in European affairs he has practised and lectured as a solicitor in EU law, been head of media for the Conservative party in the European parliament, and European director of BSkyB, He has made regular appearances in the media and has authored Influencing the European Union. He is the author of 'What Next? Britain's Future in Europe'.
Ivo-Meinert Willrodt
Ivo-Meinert Willrodt
Ivo-Meinert Willrodt, who is a lawyer specializing in insolvency law, is the current President of the European Insolvency Practitioners Association (EIP), whose mission is to reaffirm the importance of the role of the insolvency practitioners within insolvency proceedings across Europe, improving its efficiency. Among others, Ivo-Meinert is a member of INSOL International, INSOL Europe and the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI). He is an often-requested speaker, who discusses topics such as European insolvency law, management liability, and the effects of Brexit.
Articles by Ivo-Meinert Willrodt
Jason Wiseman
Jason Wiseman
Secretary General of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Jason Wiseman has been with the ATA Headquarters since 2012 and worked as a National Security Analyst with the NATO Association of Canada from 2011. He holds an MA in Government with a Specialization in Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security and a BAH in Political Science. His areas of expertise include Counter-Terrorism, State Failure and Transnational Organized Crime.
Articles by Jason Wiseman
Andrew Woodcock
Andrew Woodcock
Andrew Woodcock is Director of Stabilitas Associates, an international relations consultancy. He was a UK diplomat for 25 years and is particularly focused on civilian military issues and on Britain having effective relations with the rest of the EU.
Articles by Andrew Woodcock
- ► Is Brexit the settled will of the people? / January 2017
- ► Influencing the parts other diplomatic actors cannot reach / May 2016
- ► The EU is no chimera - it does things for member states and citizens alike / May 2016
- ► The power of alliance / September 2015
- ► British influence on the EU trade and competitiveness agenda / April 2015
Jon Worth
Jon Worth
Jon Worth is a Berlin based political blogger and communications consultant. His blog – – has been one of the most read and referenced blogs about the EU over the past decade. He also teaches about politics and communication at the College of Europe in Bruges. You can follow him on Twitter @jonworth.
Articles by Jon Worth
Nicholas Wright
Nicholas Wright
Nicholas Wright holds a PhD from the University of East Anglia and is a Visiting Researcher at the University of Surrey’s Centre for Britain in Europe. His research focuses on foreign policy-making and how states cooperate at the multilateral level. He has written and commentated extensively on UK, German and EU foreign policy, including a 2019 book comparing UK and German engagement with the EU’s CFSP. His recent work focuses on the EU’s post-Lisbon foreign policy system (in collaboration with Dr Heidi Maurer); and on the impact of Brexit on UK and EU foreign policy. Between 2015 and 2021 he was a Lecturer in EU Politics at University College London.
Georgina Wright
Georgina Wright
Georgina Wrightis a senior researcher on the Brexit team where she focuses on UK engagement and influence in the EU after Brexit. Her research interests include the EU27’s views of Brexit, Franco-British relations and the future of the EU. Prior to joining the Institute, she was a research associate at Chatham House and has worked for the European Commission and NATO in Brussels. She frequently gives evidence to select committees in the House of Commons and House of Lords.
Guillaume Xavier-Bender
Guillaume Xavier-Bender
Guillaume Xavier-Bender is a transatlantic fellow at GMF based out of Brussels, where he works on political economy, economic security and the transatlantic economy. His expertise includes issues related to geoeconomics, the digital economy, innovation, trade and investment policy, global and national security.
Articles by Guillaume Xavier-Bender
Alasdair Young
Alasdair Young
Alasdair Young is Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is co-director of the School’s Center for European and Transatlantic Studies. His most recent book, with John Peterson, is Parochial Global Europe: 21st Century Trade Politics (Oxford University Press, 2014).
Articles by Alasdair Young
Kevin Young
Kevin Young
Kevin Young is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics. His research focuses on international political economy, the politics of financial regulation and transnational policy networks.
Articles by Kevin Young
Richard Youngs
Richard Youngs
Durwood Zaelke
Durwood Zaelke
Durwood Zaelke is founder and President of the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) in Washington, DC and Geneva; Director of the Secretariat for the International Network for Environmental Compliance & Enforcement (INECE) in Washington, DC and Geneva; and the co-Director and co-founder (with Dr. Oran Young and Matthew Stilwell) of the Program on Governance for Sustainable Development at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Articles by Durwood Zaelke
Eirini Zafeiratou
Eirini Zafeiratou
Eirini Zafeiratou is head of EU affairs at the Vodafone Group (
Articles by Eirini Zafeiratou
Ewa Zelazna
Ewa Zelazna
Ewa Zelazna is a lecturer at the University of Leicester’s Law School. She joined the Department in September 2017. Her main research interests are in the fields of EU constitutional law, EU external relations and international investment law. She is completing a PhD entitled ‘The EU Investment Policy after the Treaty Lisbon 2009: an Institutional Perspective’ in which she examines role of the EU institutions in the development of the EU’s new international investment policy.
Articles by Ewa Zelazna
Dimitri Zenghelis
Dimitri Zenghelis
Dimitri Zenghelis is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute at the LSE and an Associate Fellow at Chatham House. He is also a Senior Economic Advisor to Cisco's long term innovation group. Previously, he headed the Stern Review Team at the Office of Climate Change, London, and was one of the authors of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, commissioned by the then Chancellor Gordon Brown. Before working on climate change, Dimitri was Head of Economic Forecasting at HM Treasury.
Articles by Dimitri Zenghelis
Pawel Zerka
Pawel Zerka
Pawel Zerka is a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations where he is a lead ECFR analyst on European public opinion. He contributes to ECFR’s Re:shape Global Europe project, which seeks to develop new strategies for Europeans to understand and engage with the changing international order. Pawel is also engaged in discussions about Europe’s economic statecraft, and he works on Polish and European foreign policy. Based at ECFR’s Paris office, he has been part of the team since August 2017.
Previously, Zerka worked as expert and head of programmes at two leading Polish think tanks, demosEUROPA-Centre for European Strategy and WiseEuropa. Zerka holds a PhD in economics and a master’s degree in international relations from the Warsaw School of Economics, having also studied at SciencesPo Bordeaux and Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Articles by Pawel Zerka
Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Jeromin Zettelmeyer is Director of Bruegel. Born in Madrid in 1964, Jeromin was previously a Deputy Director of the Strategy and Policy Review Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Prior to that, he was Dennis Weatherstone Senior Fellow (2019) and Senior Fellow (2016-19) at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Director-General for Economic Policy at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (2014-16); Director of Research and Deputy Chief Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (2008-2014), and an IMF staff member, where he worked in the Research, Western Hemisphere, and European II Departments (1994-2008).
Jeromin holds a Ph.D. in economics from MIT (1995) and an economics degree from the University of Bonn (1990). He is a Research Fellow in the International Macroeconomics Programme of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), and a member of the CEPR’s Research and Policy Network on European economic architecture, which he helped found. He is also a member of CESIfo. He has published widely on topics including financial crises, sovereign debt, economic growth, transition to market, and Europe’s monetary union. His recent research interests include EMU economic architecture, sovereign debt, debt and climate, and the return of economic nationalism in advanced and emerging market countries.
Articles by Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Renata Zilli
Renata Zilli
Renata Zilli is a Research Assistant at ECIPE. She is a master’s graduate from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) with concentrations in International Economics and Latin American Studies. Renata also holds a master’s degree in International Relations and International Trade Law from Macquarie University in Australia. She has previously worked in research projects at the UKTI in Sydney, the USMCA office at the Mexican Embassy in Washington D.C., and at the Elcano Royal Institute in Madrid. She is the co-founder of TradeTankMx a think tank of young professional experts in trade in Mexico.
Articles by Renata Zilli
Fabian Zuleeg
Fabian Zuleeg
Since October 2013, Dr. Fabian Zuleeg is Chief Executive of the European Policy Centre, with overall responsibility, including providing strategic direction, managing its staff and resources and representing the EPC. He remains Chief Economist at the same time (a post he has held since January 2010). Fabian holds a PhD on the political economy of EU accession from Edinburgh University. Before coming to the EPC he has worked as an economic analyst in academia, the public and the private sector. He is currently Honorary Fellow at the Europa Institute of the University of Edinburgh and Honorary Professor at Heriot Watt University.
His research focuses on the economic and Euro crises, including the reform of the new economic governance at Eurozone level. He also works on the Single Market, Digitalisation, European labour markets and the EU budget. He has a long standing interest in the political economy of European integration, with a particular focus on the UK-EU relationship, analysing the impact of Brexit on the UK and the rest of the EU, as well as the process of separation. He was appointed to the Standing Council on Europe, established by Scotland’s First Minister after the Brexit vote in June 2016.
Fabian works closely with decision makers in the European institutions, the EPC members and partners and the wider Brussels stakeholder community. Fabian regularly comments on current political and economic issues in the EU in the media. He also chairs and contributes to a wide range of debates, conferences and seminars and has researched and published widely on European integration and on European economic and social policies.
Wim Zwijnenburg
Wim Zwijnenburg
Wim Zwijnenburg is a Humanitarian Disarmament Project Leader for PAX, a Dutch peace organization, in which he currently works on the use and proliferation of armed drones and on the impact of conflicts on environment and health. He previously worked on arms trade and wider issues around emerging military technology.
Articles by Wim Zwijnenburg
Tea Zyberaj
Tea Zyberaj
Tea Zyberaj is a BSc (Hons) International Relations graduate from the Department of Politics, University of Surrey, and current Postgraduate Studentship Holder for the Centre for Britain and Europe.