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Paul Adamson talks to
Emily Thornberry MP
Labour MP and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee
Repairing Britain's International Reputation
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Paul Adamson talks to
Mujtaba Rahman
Managing Director, Europe and co-head of the London Office, Eurasia Group
New challenges and new leadership in the EU
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Paul Adamson talks to
Marietje Schaake
Fellow at Stanford University's Institute for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence and the Cyber Policy Center
'The Tech Coup - How To Save Democracy From Silicon Valley'
People | Power | Process | Europe
Encompass, v. To include a wide range of ideas and subjects comprehensively.
Encompass is an online magazine delivering comment, opinion and analysis on the affairs of the European Union and Europe’s place in the world. We aim to demystify the complexity of the EU and to be lively and provocative. Encompass is also a space with podcast interviews and, through Encompass Live, political and cultural events. As our name indicates we will strive to be open and accessible.
You can write to the founder and editor, Paul Adamson, at: ►
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