Podcasts: Paul Adamson in conversation


Paul Adamson talks to David Wasserman

House Editor of The Cool Political Report / December 2018

Lessons from the US mid-terms for the 2020 presidential election

Paul Adamson talks to Deepak Khanna

Senior VP and Regional President for Oncology at MSD / December 2018

Advances in tackling cancer

Paul Adamson talks to Giovanni Buttarelli

European Data Protection Supervisor / November 2018

GDPR compliance and digital ethics

Paul Adamson talks to Stephen Fidler

UK and Brexit editor of the Wall Street Journal / November 2018

The beginning of the Brexit endgame

Paul Adamson talks to Bruce Stokes

Director, Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center / October 2018

Latest European attitudes to Donald Trump and the United States

Paul Adamson talks to Peter Foster

Europe editor of The Daily Telegraph / September 2018

The danger of a No Deal Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to George Parker

Political Editor of the Financial Times / July 2018

The current state of Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Carlos Moedas

European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation / July 2018

Europe's research, science and innovation potential

Paul Adamson talks to Eirik Wærness

Senior Vice President and Chief Economist at Equinor / June 2018

Changes in the energy sector 2018-2050

Paul Adamson talks to Paul Tucker

Chair of the Systemic Risk Council and former Deputy Governor of the Bank of England / June 2018

The quest for legitimacy in central banking and the regulatory state

Paul Adamson talks to Michael Rich

President and CEO of RAND / May 2018

The spread of 'truth decay' in the United States and Europe

Paul Adamson talks to David Ignatius

Associate editor and columnist at the Washington Post / May 2018

Trump, transatlantic and 'The Quantum Spy'

Paul Adamson talks to Phil Hogan

European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development / April 2018

The future of European agriculture, Brexit and the Good Friday Agreement

Paul Adamson talks to Femi Oluwole

Co-founder of 'Our Future Our Choice' (OFOC) / April 2018

Britain's young generation against Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Karen Donfried

President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States / March 2018

Stress testing the transatlantic relationship

Paul Adamson talks to Mario Monti

Former prime minister of Italy and European Commissioner / March 2018

Italy's new political landscape

Paul Adamson talks to Michelle Thew

CEO of Cruelty Free International / March 2018

A global ban on animal testing

Paul Adamson talks to Ryan Heath

Political editor of Politico Europe / February 2018

Communicating and reporting 'Europe'

Paul Adamson talks to Robert Peston

ITV's political editor and host of 'Peston on Sunday' / February 2018

Inequality, social mobility and Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Andrew Adonis

Labour peer and leading Remain campaigner / February 2018

A second Brexit referendum

Paul Adamson talks to Sir Ciarán Devane

Chief Executive of the British Council / January 2018

Defending and promoting values

Paul Adamson talks to David Rennie

Washington bureau chief of 'The Economist' / January 2018

Understanding Donald Trump

Paul Adamson talks to Charles Ries

Vice-President, International, RAND Corporation / December 2017

The transatlantic dimension of Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Mujtaba Rahman

Managing Director and Practice Head, Europe at the Eurasia Group / December 2017

The new challenges as the Brexit talks move to Phase 2

Paul Adamson talks to Peter Mandelson

Former First Secretary of State of the UK and European Commissioner for Trade / November 2017

Brexit, Ireland and renewing the remain campaign

Paul Adamson talks to Jason Descamps

Founder of the headhunting firm European Affairs Recruitment Specialists / November 2017

The new world of EU public affairs

Paul Adamson talks to Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff

V-P and director of the Europe program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States / November 2017

Germany's re-assessment of Europe and transatlantic relations

Paul Adamson talks to Bill Drozdiak

Author of 'Fractured Continent' / October 2017

Europe's crises and the fate of the west

Paul Adamson talks to Nick Clegg

Former deputy prime minister of the UK / October 2017

How to stop Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Tony Connelly

Europe editor, RTE, and author of 'Brexit and Ireland' / October 2017

Brexit and Ireland

Paul Adamson talks to Kaja Tael

Permanent Representative of Estonia to the European Union / September 2017

Challenges and opportunities of the Estonian presidency of the EU

Paul Adamson talks to Will Hutton

Columnist, principal of Hertford College and chair of the Big Innovation Centre / September 2017

The UK economy, the eurozone and Labour's new stance on Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Alberto Alemanno

Author of "Lobbying for Change" / September 2017

Lobbying for change

Paul Adamson talks to Stephen Fidler

UK and Brexit editor of The Wall Street Journal / August 2017

Taking the pulse of the Brexit negotiations

Paul Adamson talks to Jean-Claude Piris

Former head of the Legal Service of the EU Council of Ministers / August 2017

The EU27's growing impatience with the UK over Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Pierre Vimont

Former French senior diplomat and senior fellow at Carnegie Europe / July 2017

Macron and the Future of Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Bruce Stokes

Director of Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center / July 2017

Post-Brexit public opinion in Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Jonathan Powell

Chief of staff to Tony Blair and Chief British government negotiator on Northern Ireland 1997-2007 / July 2017

Borders, Brexit and the new UK government/DUP agreement

Paul Adamson talks to Carl Bildt

Former prime minister of Sweden / June 2017

The future of the EU without the UK

Paul Adamson talks to George Parker

Political editor of the Financial Times / June 2017

The new politics of Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Geoff Meade

Humourist and writer, and former Europe editor of the Press Association / June 2017

Humour and EU politics

Paul Adamson talks to Professor Jonathan Portes

Senior fellow at 'UK in a Changing Europe' / June 2017

The contribution of EU immigration to the UK economy

Paul Adamson talks to (Lord) John Kerr

One of the architects of Article 50 / May 2017

The conduct of the Article 50 negotiations

Paul Adamson talks to Alex Barker

Brussels bureau chief of the Financial Times / April 2017

Paying the UK's EU divorce bill

Paul Adamson talks to Peter Mandelson

Former First Secretary of State of the UK and former European Commissioner for Trade / March 2017

The Remain campaign's errors, the Labour Party and immigration, and Theresa May's hardening stance on Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Alexandra Hall

Director, Defence and Security research, RAND Europe / March 2017

Defence and Security after Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Craig Oliver

Former head of communications for David Cameron. Senior Managing Director, Teneo Blue Rubicon / March 2017

Fighting the UK-EU referendum campaign

Paul Adamson talks to Anthony Gardner

Former ambassador of the United States to the European Union / March 2017

Trump, trade and a new transatlantic agenda

Paul Adamson talks to Markus Beyrer

Director General of BusinessEurope / March 2017

Growth, Brexit, trade and inequality

Paul Adamson talks to Emily O'Reilly

European Ombudsman / February 2017

Transparency and the Brexit negotiations

Paul Adamson talks to Jonathan Faull

Former head of the European Commission's "UK referendum task force" / January 2017

The UK's pre Brexit negotiation with the EU

Paul Adamson talks to Jean-Claude Piris

Former head of the Legal Service of the Council of Ministers and expert on Brexit / January 2017

In search of a Brexit transitional deal

Paul Adamson talks to Giovanni Buttarelli

The European Data Protection Supervisor / December 2016

Preparing for the new data protection regime

Paul Adamson talks to Julian Priestley

Writer/commentator and former Secretary General of the European Parliament / November 2016

The inherent inconsistencies of Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Monique Goyens

Director General of the European Consumers Organisation, BEUC / October 2016

The future of EU trade deals

Paul Adamson talks to Fredrik Erixon

Director of the European Centre for International Political Economy / October 2016

The innovation illusion

Paul Adamson talks to Archana Vemulapalli

Chief Technology Officer, Washington DC / October 2016

The future of smart cities

Paul Adamson talks to Mark Leonard

Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations / September 2016

The fragmentation of Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Norbert Röttgen

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag / September 2016

A new continental partnership for the UK and EU

Paul Adamson talks to Stephen Castle

London correspondent of The New York Times / September 2016

Theresa May, the Brexiteers and looking for a strategy

Paul Adamson talks to Jonathan Grant

Director of the Policy Institute at King's College London / July 2016

Defending the role of experts in society

Paul Adamson talks to Karen Donfried

President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States / July 2016

Transatlantic relations and the future of NATO post Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Jean-Claude Piris

Former head of the EU Council Legal Service / July 2016

Brexit, Article 50 and beyond

Paul Adamson talks to Anand Menon

Director of the UK in a Changing Europe project / July 2016

Why the UK voted the way it did

Paul Adamson talks to Carlos Moedas

The European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation / June 2016

Science in policy making and spurring disruptive innovation

Paul Adamson talks to Peter Foster

Europe editor of The Daily Telegraph / June 2016

Media coverage of the UK referendum

Paul Adamson talks to Martin Selmayr

Chief of staff of Jean-Claude Juncker / June 2016

Juncker's political European Commission

Paul Adamson talks to Rob Wainwright

Director of Europol / May 2016

Security, terrorism, technology ... and Brexit

Paul Adamson talks to Claude Moraes

Labour MEP and chair of the Civil Liberties Committee / May 2016

The evolving role of the European Parliament

Paul Adamson talks to Peter Spiegel

FT Brussels bureau chief / April 2016

The EU and the media

Paul Adamson talks to Carl Dolan

Head of Transparency International's Brussels office / April 2016

Transparency and anti-corruption

Paul Adamson talks to Sara Tesorieri

Oxfam International's Migration Policy lead / March 2016

Migration in Europe: not new, not temporary

Paul Adamson talks to Fran Burwell

Head of the Europe programme at the Atlantic Council / March 2016

EU-US challenges and tensions

Paul Adamson talks to Nick Clegg

UK MP and former Deputy Prime Minister / February 2016

Changes, referendum, drugs

Paul Adamson talks to Sunder Katwala

Head of the think tank British Future / January 2016

How (not) to talk about Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Jan Techau

Director of Carnegie Europe / January 2016

Merkel's power in Germany and Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Stephen Fidler

Brussels bureau chief of the Wall Street Journal / December 2015

Europe's current challenges

Paul Adamson talks to Peter Kellner

President of YouGov / December 2015

UK-EU polling update

Paul Adamson talks to Elizabeth Collett

Founding director of the Migration Policy Institute Europe / November 2015

Migrants, Refugees, Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Jyrki Katainen

Vice-president at the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness / November 2015

Investing in Europe

Paul Adamson talks to John Peet

UK political editor of The Economist / November 2015

David Cameron and the EU

Paul Adamson talks to Robert Madelin

/ October 2015

Innovation in Europe

Paul Adamson talks to Emma Reynolds

MP and former Labour shadow spokesperson on Europe / October 2015

Labour and the referendum campaign

Paul Adamson talks to John Higgins

Director General of Digital Europe / September 2015

The digital single market

Paul Adamson talks to Bill Kennard

Former US ambassador to the EU / September 2015

Transatlantic relations

Paul Adamson talks to Peter Kellner

President of YouGov / September 2015

UK public opinion on the EU

Paul Adamson talks to Jean-Claude Piris

Former head of the EU Council's legal service / September 2015

The UK referendum on the EU

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