Lara Stoimenova
Dr Lara Stoimenova is a competition and regulatory policy expert with significant experience in public and private sectors. She has experience in a wide range of industry sectors (including telecoms and digital) and an in-depth understanding of the political and strategic context of each. She is the founder and managing director of Sigma Economics, providing advice to firms wishing to influence the competition and regulatory environment they operate in. She is also an independent member on the board of the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority and chair of its Audit and Risk Committee. She was an inquiry director in the Markets and Mergers Directorate of the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), leading various market investigations and internal strategic projects. She was also a member of the CMA’s Senior Leadership Team and Operations Board. Before joining the CMA, she worked for the UK's communications regulator, Ofcom, where she was a programme director with expertise in European and UK telecommunications policy and chair of the BEREC expert working group on Remedies. Currently she also works in collaboration with DT Economics as associate partner and is a trustee at Reform, a think tank dedicated to making public services in the UK better and smarter.